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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. if you are on irt/md it should be a toolbar button which looks a little like a profile
  2. Take move from the 2nd point right? That was a Gann teaching if I'm not mistaken(I could be though lol). Shows 23.25 nicely which other profiles are not doing.
  3. Tom, without knowing which short term swing you are basing your microprofile on, we can't really comment
  4. Tom are you refering to a minor low vol price on a long term profile or have you got a balance profile showing low vol there?
  5. Especially considering it's meant to have 4gb. My guess is a loose memory module. Download cpu-z (actual latest download link btw). Look at the memory tab. If it's ddr(/2) memory and it says single in "channels#" then you know either one module(if it's a 2x2gb config) is either incorrectly seated or is faulty. If you re-insert it you'll get your full 4gb and it will run in dual mode giving you extra memory bandwidth.
  6. The question I'd always ask is if you got it for 150 and yet they are going for over 1000, why is that? I know there's a chance the 1000+ systems are being unscrupulously overpriced, however, the discrepency seems to be inordinate.
  7. It shows 2gb physical memory.(in both screenshots) I know it's 4gb so when I said "address" my wording was off. I didn't realise it was a maximum of 2gb per application Yes I realise this, I was speculating that it was an old xeon pre-ht and this is confirmed now by lylec305. hence the problems with drivers.
  8. Yesterday, after the move lower we stayed in a 3pt range for around an hour before moving on.
  9. Sorry, I noticed you said 2gb 32-bit application limitation. Don't know about that, but the physical memory pictured is definitely 2gb.
  10. on the other hand, it's possible we are building before another push higher. (although what ever does happen, we're not showing strong conviction right now)
  11. Despite the fact that 19.50(-20.25) was taken out, the profile is starting to become a little top heavy(VPOC shifted). Also the first area between 24.25-25.25 I have is very close and yet there's been no real hunger to test it. Not saying it'll will do this or it won't do that, just noting information...
  12. Tams, look at the physical memory total. That is 2gb. Besides, 32-bit OS memory addressing limitations max out at 3.2gb not 2gb as far as I am aware. That's why before win 7/vista(i know there is 64-bit xp but it was never widely available) 32-bit xp systems often were speced with 3gb of memory. The reason I said 8 cores was that he mentions multi cpu xeons and I suspect if it is an old system, it isn't multi threaded(or hyper-) although that was just a guess.
  13. you have eight cores and 2gb of memory? if that's your trading rig, why do you need 8 cores? if it's for charting, why only 2gb of memory? where did it come from? which xeons are they? what is the memory spec? etc etc etc etc......
  14. ISM Man release is at 10am today following ADP(non-farm payrolls proxy-although taken with a pince of salt by most) earlier which disappointed slightly. We have NFP to look forward to for Friday. Although there's a clear possibility for a test to top end of the recent balance, there's also a chance that we continue to balance until either closer to or after NFP. Here's a chart to look at anyway.
  15. Perhaps. It's a minefield though too. Don't just expect because it says xeon on it for example, that you have an awesomely powerful pc. Ebay is just like any other auction and products are priced at what is perceived as fair value.
  16. by my reckoning, those parts(educated guess at specifics) sell retail at about £1175. So they are making at least £600. Seems expensive. A very similarly speced dell will set you back £528.99 inc vat/shipping. Plus your 2x24" and you have a whopping total of let's call it £850. Despite not being "highly configured" for trading, I know which I'd choose. Edit: sorry I didn't point out that the system in question according to the TiG website costs £1750.
  17. Wow. Sorry Marubozu, but even with 2x24" monitors that is very pricey for an i5 pc.
  18. very slow grind so far though. just have to see how it reacts to these areas.
  19. Fair play, just asking Profile looks a bit of a mess above but possibly IBL 07.25, 08.50 balance VPOC/VWAP area or 10.25 could be good areas to test.
  20. Any number can and often does end up a daily extreme. But why do you say 1302.50 is big? On a long term profile, the high volume area isn't well defined(whatever your start date is). 1303.50 is, using a January profile as is 1301.50 which was well confirmed yesterday. Yesterday's profile was hardly "normal" and the VPOC volume at around 70k was below average. Plus, with a 1 tick fail(if 5.25 is taken- which it looks like it might be) we have a pretty poor low. Still, on the lower end of this current development it may end up the price to have gone long at.
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