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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. I think the key thing for me is to accept that just because a market moves it doesn't mean I can profit from it. It's very easy to get into that kind of thinking that you can just figure it out and make money. The point is that you make money not only from movement but also conditions. Some people adapt better than others to various conditions, but also I have seen most who don't adapt well are really good at some market types. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend and can come back fresh next week!
  2. Lol. The fractal indicator can be used to automatically mark out swing extremes. So for example, you could play with the setting to get it to show the 1357.25 yesterday and probably the 63's today. This new feature will just extend a line in the same way as the "Extend Naked POC" option does.
  3. New naked fractals option looks interesting. I might have a play around with that. Indeed. You can get rid of it.
  4. If you have the session VPOC using the TPO indicator where it changes it as the VPOC moves, then you can just delete it because it's part of the profile indi now.
  5. Do you know, I haven't really checked too much. I find the wavey profiles not so good and the idea that you can smooth volume out over price kinda defeats the object for me at least. I am using the dev VPOC which is very useful. b12 seems pretty solid right now if you were going to check it out at all. Of course the other option if you are nervous about the upgrade is if you have another/spare pc, release the IRT license on your current one then install it on the spare with the beta and play around. That way you can just release the license again after and revert back to 10.4.16 without changing anything. Just a thought. Seems to be a new features list for 10.5 here
  6. 6E pennant broke btw if anyone is 1- Interested 2- Still here 3- Still awake. :doh:
  7. It looks similar yesterday. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make IRT repeat the line every 30mins but start from 9:30am each day. So at the moment I couldn't realistically do a study on it. But it is interesting and I'll have a look later maybe to see if I can figure it out.
  8. A cursory look at today shows definitly two 'decent' moves up starting around the 30min mark and most others seeming to eminate around the mid of the 30min periods(mid not every)
  9. Oh. Yeah definitely. Either into or just past. I always keep an eye on the 30mins as I find that there are often attempts around them.
  10. Are you talking about the difference between each 30min highs and lows? i.e. if the market is expanding or contracting in terms of momentum?
  11. Sorry, I don't follow. I think ES has jellified my mind, please explain
  12. Btw, did you see the pennant on the 6E? When it's that clinical, I pay attention- I don't go looking for formations basically.
  13. Maybe. I think that either way, later on in the day there will be a directional attempt one way or the other. I think it could end up quite an important day for next week even if it just stays in the current range(or pretty much in the current range).
  14. Post 1807 shows it Tom. 2500v(although anything between1-3k is okay). It just hugs the price for a bit and the VP extends at that price. Of course the change in the VP is going to be more obvious early in the session if you only have a session profile and that's why it can be useful to have maybe 30min profiles or less on a profile to bring up if you want to check what you think you saw. Grinding up now...
  15. My eyes. Lol sorry j/k. Well, I saw it on the DOM and a volume chart. The fact that it was right a primary potential long entry point made it relevant. I have considered MD before, but not too bothered by it for now.
  16. Haha lol! You read it correctly Tom. What I mean is that it's important to trade in places where there are strong supporting reasons for doing so and so allowing the trade some space is a positive thing to do. If you get into more snap decision type trading in not such hot areas, you'll need to scratch more frequently- that's fine if you pay peanuts for your rt's like your buddy, but for many that just isn't the case. Plus I think you need very fast connections ideally near the exchange. You boys in Chicago shouldn't have too much of a problem slipping in and out of the ES(if you excuse the expression).
  17. It's semantics, but I disagree I'm afraid. Nothing is random, but some things will always appear random to us due to contraints of exchange rules, technological ability and human imagination. As good as random but not the same as random. If the insinuation here is that these "noobs" are wrong, isn't that just as bad as condemning one idea or another as wrong? I think it's interesting to view other people's opinions when they are vastly different from my own in order to understand how their perspective was formed.
  18. See how that 63.00 where selling was absorbed before is still playing its part?
  19. Ah, fair play. I always say that scratching is something to avoid at all cost before you take the trade, but if the market then tells you different when you're in it, there's no shame in bailing.
  20. Hmm yeah I don't know. I'm on the sidelines for now as I want to see what happens on these moves lower in 6E and CL. There's some support below, but on a day which has so far shown very little activity, I'd be loathed to get taken for a large stop. Anyway, anything can happen. It's also quite possible given lack of drive, 'locals' could try to take some stops (or weak longs) out on a test lower.
  21. 6E has been propped up twice on exactly the 1st push higher (9:54am @1.3459) - samebut reversed with DX(dollar index)
  22. Crude btw tested and reversed from 108.99 and is testing close to the 108's now which I mentioned earlier. If it does break, it might be useful to see whether ES goes with it or not.
  23. Remember, if it takes the low we have 60.75 and 59.00 as possible strong support. No guarantees but I'd think there might be at least a few buyers around those levels. Also, take a look at how balanced the profile is so far. It's certainly conceivable we get a neutral with extension either side of the IB. Just a thought.
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