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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. This thread isn't about the scammers at all. It's about the personalities of people who are searching for an education and why they do it.
  2. Didn't Gann used to sell trading courses for 5 figures? Not saying that made it good though. Two points I thought of. I think that it's possible that often there are too many assumptions in trading. A teacher may want to teach but actually misses out a bunch of stuff which could be really important to a specific individual. Plus there's a chance if the teacher has been successful, they don't know why. They might be able to list different things they do, but might not properly rank them. Plus they might also teach what they want to be useful rather than what is. I can't remember who it was, but there a trader psychologist who was talking about the common factors of successful traders, taking out all the nuances of their methods. The other point is about finances. A guy who wants to pay someone to teach them does not have the same finances in general as the teacher. Money management is one of the biggest aspects to success in trading and so pairing strategy with capital is obviously important. This is why if a firm(like with Dennis and the Turtles) teaches a method and backs you, there is a far better chance of success. However, the two are rarely seen together. Teachers teach, and prop shops back traders. Duh.
  3. So true Tom. "We know we don't know". Gotta remember that after the event. I don't know honestly what is best to use. I often use combo of microswing structure, volume profile levels, trend and activity(inc delta). I think overall though it's just important to not take a hit(or a big hit) when you're wrong. Good trades generally look after themselves. I would add though that a good trade isn't defined by one which gets onside. Hell, I've taken plenty on crap trades and lost a bundle on trades which initially go onside in the past.
  4. Here's something to do for anyone who fancies it(now or another time). What is the average max move away from the VPOC the following day when a more than say 100,000 contracts are traded at the VPOC?
  5. First off I'd say accept how you are then deal with it. You are human just like the rest of us. Everyone gets tired, bored etc and ends up making mistakes. As much as missing out is not great, what matters is what happens in the trade not what happens after. Example. Say today you are long around 96, you want a run on 1400's and it stops there. You might then have got out lower when it didn't break above. You might also be kicking yourself thinking that you could have got the nearer 1400's if you'd just held on to it for the move back up. But what if it broke down? What if when it got to 1400's you were greedy then it didn't break? It makes no difference what happens after. Trade your plan. That's the important thing. Maybe here you didn't execute well, but no matter what anyone says you can't always trade perfectly. It's done, move on. Next trade please
  6. Yeah definitely. Though I'd point out that when the market trades like this, it kind of hynotically induces Mr Hyde if you're not careful!
  7. I have 1403.50 on my 03/14/07 profile. That high looks pretty poor and looks like it could be set up to blast through at some point. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow etc. etc.
  8. Thanks Josh. Was just something I had unchecked like a dumbass. Looked at another one I had saved and it displayed fine. I have the chart set up to show the MP and VP side by side as in your screenshot, but I have the VP showing VA too. As below.
  9. I was looking at a market profile chart not a volume profile and RTH- if you have one. I think this thing is wasting my time so I'm off to do a few other things!
  10. Ironically, at least it looks like it to me, it's the NQ which feels more up for the rally.
  11. Yeah definitely. I think given the fact it's opex, I wouldn't say either way for definite. I'm not an options guy, but my thinking would be that short calls would be in trouble much above 1400. Although there might also be some delta hedging of long calls near to 1400. Would be useful if there's any options expert around to pitch in
  12. Definitely a school boy error I'm afraid Siuya! A lawyer only tells you the truth on the current exact situation. Sort of like a statistician I suppose.
  13. So question now is are we going to bring in some more sellers or has that just flushed out some weaker longs? OTF not active by the looks of things.
  14. Yeah I agree Josh. Considering that the day's range is only 4.75pts so far, we just got that bigger rotation down(not say I believe it will stop and reverse or even continue here tho).
  15. Right this needs to test highs very soon or a bigger rotation down is likely
  16. I am biased but I think North. Context = tested last volume development from yesterday and moved back up and out of range on strong delta. Of course it needs to follow through though.
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