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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. You're changing the rules! You could use a paint bar study on candlesticks in the same way.
  2. Personally Josh, I'm just not sure I could do the same as it removes a layer of the 'flow'.
  3. I do use bars, but for things like my daily charts. The thing that I like about candles is the wicks emphasise spikes and rejections etc really well. Each to their own I guess though.
  4. Candles/bars whatever. Pfft. :rofl: They both show OHLC. So do you ever use volume based bars then? Edit:maybe bars only show HLC by default? I can't remember my mind is fuzzied up by ES
  5. Do you ever watch volume based candles? Short of the DOM, they do give a feeling of tempo better imho.
  6. On a day like today, it doesn't really matter. Watching VPOC for retest now.
  7. DOM yes, T&S not really. It gives me a 'feel' of the market and it's velocity.
  8. I am none too keen on these days myself Tom. I tend to lose myself in the lack of rhythm and end up being caught out when a ton of interest comes in. That's what I am looking for now. A break in the monotony to give me a chance to roll the dice one last time today. Not been bad to me so I have no need to force it either.
  9. Yeah, it happens sometimes. It shouldn't but it does. You'll look over the market later(if you haven't already) and see all these obvious reasons to have not stayed in. ES in this mode is not especially forgiving. However you look at it, you are generally trading well. So keep that in mind when you trade tomorrow. Not that I need to say any of this of course. Statisically, days like these are inevitable.
  10. My view right now is to be patient - remember opportunity works both ways.
  11. Btw that high was the 38.2% expansion of the IB. Hold the IBH and I'd think another high is more than possible.
  12. I am going to watch the 11.75/12.00 here. If it busts right through, no more shorting for me until at least new 2012 highs have been put in(or delta really starts dropping hard).
  13. I don't know. There are certainly things suggesting a trend day, but then there are things which are not at the same time. Delta is not persistent, as in the first two swings higher. The way price is changing feels a bit like a game of "cat and mouse" in that they make it look weak before pulling offers/stacking bids. Still in the back of my mind something is saying "why the hell would they wanna commit with important nfp on fri and earnings season just starting?" I don't know. This thinking sometimes is a dangerous thing...
  14. Btw I pussied out at 8.25 as it just looked a little too ochestrated. It might roatate then push more as the open was pretty bullish in its rejection below 1400/overnight low.
  15. similar here. was looking at a short between 03-04 but was a little bit lower than that at 2.25
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