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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. I think patience is often the key in this type of market. Often, you'll get a late break to jump on. Watch your delta/other markets for signs.
  2. 82.75 is the 50% gap retracement. So if it breaks the up trend it could flush further from here.
  3. I am thinking now that considering the vicinity of the 80.50/82.50 area and the fact we had a look at selling strength with new lows after intial 77.50 high had been put in, there's a chance it could power through. Not saying it will, but wary. I don't think longs would be too happy below open here. Although so far it is a 2-way auction and the profile is balanced.
  4. 77's could also be the upper test point. Just would prefer to see the 80.50 tested given it's prior importance.
  5. 195k sounds pretty low Tom-nice! After that shock NFP, we have a few scenarios even with Europe closed. Attempt to continue down, attempt to get back into upper balance, not do too much. In each case, clearly it's important to monitor for "trade facilitation". i.e. are we going to like the attempted direction or reject it? Is a swoop lower on open going to find aggressive buyers? Is an attempt to close gap from Thursday going to find more sellers? These are important questions we have to try to answer as best we can each and every day. Here's a couple of scenarios:-
  6. I agreed in that I have heard about OCZ's reliability issues, but not so much sandforce- although I'm not saying this is untrue. But if it were so unreliable, it would have been dropped by manufacturer's pretty quickly rather than used more. The comment about running the same OS drive for 10years was based on :- It sounded like you were saying that these drives really don't last any time at all and that's just not true. I have been running a sandforce based drive for well over a year now and expect it to be a good performer for a good while yet. Admittedly it isnt an OCZ but it is sandforce and it has a three year warranty- just as OCZ. As you mentioned the OCZ Vertex 4 has 5yrs although that doesnt automatically make it better. However, I think that I will be looking more at drives with other controllers in future as I believe that there are some key areas where the sandforce controllers fall down as I have already mentioned. I don't know about the intel drives you mention from personal experience although I know some really hold them in high esteem. I don't think that's automatically going to be the case with the new 330 though looking at the price point. Who knows.
  7. Well, I have heard this about OCZ too. I also have run an original vertex turbo and although it is an indilinx based drive not sandforce, it has never been unreliable at all. As far as avoiding Sandforce goes, I disagree. Some of the fastest and more reliable drives use sandforce controllers. In any case you should be backing up mission critical data. I think you also need to qualify your statement that they fail very quickly. Maybe compared with a mechanical drive, but then if you run the same OS drive for 10 years without reinstalling you won't have a fast system anyway. Re-installing gives you the chance to put in a more up-to-date drive. Loading lots of data into memory is what an SSD is good for. So loading lots of locally stored chart data for example will be much quicker than a standard mechanical drive. If it's latency you have a problem with, big factors include the amount of charts and studies you have open, your cpu, your OS settings, your ISP, the time of day.
  8. Btw, 11:15 ET close in treasuries and good liquidity. cme group holiday calendar Note: this is not a trading suggestion!!!!!!!
  9. How true Tom! Here's a quick chart for reference down here:- The low put in there was the 27.2% extension of the first move from the release.
  10. What a figure huh? Think about what we'd might have done had today been a standard trading session. It'll be interesting to see close into 9:15am(I think, right?) and overnight pre-mon rth open.
  11. Change in Non-farm Payrolls (MAR) = 120K 240Krev////205K(exp)/227K(prev) Unemployment Rate (MAR) = 8.2% ////8.3%(exp)/8.3%(prev)
  12. Thanks for sharing Kiwi. I am currently looking at Sierra more thoroughly than I have before. I use IRT for the most part and the data files for my extended volume profiles(back from early 2007 right now) can be cumbersome. The space issue isn't such a big thing considering most SSD's(or even RAM) sizes. I hadn't considered the possibility of a RAM disk so perhaps need to look into it. I do think that the current SSD's are getting better and better though. One thing is that the provising is growing for the shrinking and more cost efficient manufacture. So you won't get as much "real" storage space per disk. I hope that while other companies are driving down the cost per gig, there will be a few companies driving quality innovation. That's why I will be on the lookout for offerings from plextor for example. Their last drives tested very well according to multiple sources. Not totally sure which way to go yet so maybe when I have a better idea I will post again.
  13. Well it didn't close above 91 but not too far away. Will probably do the same as you Tom tomorrow. See you then and if not have a great long weekend everyone!
  14. We're right in the middle of "value" so "price action"() may well not be clean. What's the betting we close somewhere between 91-95.50? I think if volume dwindles that is more likely. If there's a surge to close out positions ahead of the holiday it could break higher imho due to location within broader balance.
  15. True. But you have to consider whether you have a position already or are looking for a bigger move later on. Here's a 2 day profile anyway:-
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