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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. Are you sure you are saving the "layout" specifically? I always save all AND save layout before exiting.
  2. I think you need to find the hidden ones, close them, then save the layout.
  3. Started that longer term picture thread I was talking about before:- Bigger Picture in E-minis Discussion
  4. Does anything I have noted mean much though? Yes, but anything can happen within the context of the observations. 1- Last year's back-adjusted high and important low volume area near each other at 1344.50 & 1348.00 respectively. Well this is a psychological one I guess but then what's not when you really get down to it? But anyway, the area is important in how the market has traded near it already. Maybe Josh could pull up a cash chart for comparison. 2- Last year had in my mind 3 broad areas of balance. No clear direction. This year so far it has been a different story and we have been very much in "vertical price discovery" mode. 3- So far, we have seen 2 phases of subsequently higher and expanding balance areas. These two phases are separated where there is an RTH volume void between 1324.00-1326.00. As important as this price might end up being, a test of it would be a test of the whole of the second expansionary phase. 4- In the just 'completed' second phase, each retrace has been very close to the prior balance VPOC. 5- The topmost balance VPOC is @1392.50 and the SOC (Scene Of Crime) from 4/6 NFP is @1392.25. If RTH we get above 1371.50 (2nd to top balance high) and back above the 1380.50 (top balance low), this could well prove to be a key test as to whether we are likely to continue into a new expansionary phase, or develop a new broader balance area. (you might notice how the current year has the potential to become an expanding balance building on the last two from 2011). 6- I just don't know, so I'll try to not second guess the market too much 7- Anyone else got anything to add?
  5. Here is what I posted in the Day Trading the E-mini Futures thread.
  6. I wanted to start a thread to discuss longer term technical picture of the E-minis and thought it could be useful to not only e-mini day traders, but those looking to swing trade too.
  7. I don't believe so but could be very wrong! ES/ES or NQ/NQ are calendar spreads and are exchange quoted I think. If you were just spreading though, you should be able to negotiate a much better rate. But I don't know. I have never traded spreads in these products, but I like to be aware of them.
  8. People trade the spread between them. So you buy one and sell the other. The leader is the one you want to be on the right side of. So if NQ is moving up more quickly relative to the ES (and the "normal" relationship) then you'd buy NQ and sell ES. You have to trade different amounts though to normalise for volatility and contract differences.
  9. Not really. I tend to find NQ as a better "driver" if anything, but hey I could be wrong
  10. The SPUN is just NQ/ES. I don't know what spread ratio people use to trade it right now. 6:5? 3:2? Not sure. Tom could probably find out from someone I am sure
  11. Yeah that was one of the reasons I was paying attention to the 70.75's too. I didn't short there though because of how it was holding open just prior and then extending. But it was involved in my 68 short.
  12. Well it depends. If you look at indices for example and OTF enters in one of them (e.g. ES) all of them will probably go.
  13. Just my but if I were scalping for a tick or two (or 6) my focus would be on my screen and nothing else. ES as we know, can be a bit of a mule at times but turn and bolt with no warning. My view is always to keep a scalp a scalp. When I lose it tends to be the case of holding a scalp as a position trade and thus no plan and poor location cause big issues.
  14. Looking at the chart I just posted, it looks to me like the VA/VPOC lines on the profile are messed up again. Anyone else getting this?
  15. Well I didn't post this before because it's just one of those that you need to watch. Given the vicinity to the 70.75 I am watching for, the occurence of this "setup" meant I had it on a "tight leash". So my stop was activity based and so any move higher would've got me out. There's always the chance to re-enter. The reason I am posting this now is because I used my discretion to take the position out ahead of the 65's. My initial entry location wasn't as I'd hoped and the move into the singles from yesterday(63.25-67.25) wasn't as I'd hoped it would be. But it's better than a kick in the head(even if the open is holding)!
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