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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. Looked that way after it failed to take the 1300's really. My feeling from yesterday was that old value is still in control. I think it's the 8.50's from the last balance vpoc, but also longer term there is the 1298.25. That's the level I would like to see trade a bit for a couple of days to see if we get a vpoc shift from 3/6/9. However, that doesn't mean we have to trade it today either (or even at all).
  2. There are lots of brokers about. Optimus, Mirus, Amp, Infinity, Velocity, OpenECry, Daniels, Dorman etc., etc.. But if I were opening an account today, I'd probably have to go with Vankar for their all round service. Any should allow you to withdraw funds to a non-us account, but you'll probably have to pay a wire fee. On your question about margin. Margin is effectively collateral in order to make sure you have enough money to pay for any losses. If you have say $500 per ES contract and you only have $750 in your account, then if you lose over 5 points ($50*5=$250) then you wouldn't be able to trade and yes you could close the account, withdraw remaining funds and not have any more debt. If in the same situation you held a loser for -20 points ($50*20=$1000) then you would still need to cover the additional $250 over the $750 which was left in your account.
  3. You can test it if you keep good stats. I think you're right about it being down to experience to some extent. But also, if you're simply looking at the open then there are questions you can ask. In the case I posted, the first thing is that we are out of balance, then it does test that balance again before taking off strongly. Anyone can ask the same questions if that is what they are looking for. Auctions are basically about balance, imbalance and testing. So that could be applied to various different trading scenarios.
  4. So, I'll begin. One specific edge I use is auction context. Simply taking trades because they are at a level is nuts imho. Let's look at yesterday for example. (btw I've rolled my charts to september contract, but the theory is the same). Shortly after open, the market was sitting just above the prior 3-day balance having gapped up. It tested that balance to see if it was acceptable or not still. The price it tested happened to be the high of that balance but that's not always the case. The market then resolved itself and drove up, having already tested that balance. My edge was that I knew there was a high probabilty we would continue higher. This knowledge kept me from shorting 1304.75 (now 1298.25) for example. That trade just didn't fit with what had happened. The important thing with any edge imho, is that you recognise it as an edge and therefore make sure you use it.
  5. Over in the Trading Tip #8: Avoiding Mental Sabotage thread, Josh wanted to talk about specific trading edges. I thought it'd be much more beneficial to discuss these things specifically pertaining to the E-minis. If the topic gets going, we could start a separate thread.
  6. Really? Okay. Anything which gives rise to the opportunity to take more money out of the market than it takes from you.
  7. You have to have a strategy which resonates with your personality. Does it feel right? Then it has to resonate with your account size. You must have a comprehensive trading plan which covers as much as possible so you can properly implement your strategy. The bottom line is, if you don't believe in what you're doing it'll probably end in one way.
  8. More than 70% of how many? 1? 10? 632? Or are you talking about your trading capital?
  9. It's all too easy for those winners in that you never took to stick out in your mind. The losers are forgotten and the picture is distorted. If you note down every single trade you might take then come back and say the same thing, I doubt you'll still not take those trades in the future. Also, the other point is you don't know for certain whether or not you'd have held those trades which turn out to be 'winners' all the way to any target you have.
  10. Hmm. As much as we want to avoid losses or avoid missed opportunities, if either is your mindset when you're in a trade then I think you'll have issues. The way I see it is kinda like what was said in the op. You research your edge and you formulate a plan to take advantage of this edge. You watch an opportunity develop and decide to trade it. Once you are commited to a trade (and this can be before you pull the trigger), your job is not to make money or avoid losses. It is to trade your plan. You can lose money and have performed superbly or you can make money but have acted recklessly and stupidly. But if your mind is always drawn to the $, you'll not develop the ability to perform consistently.
  11. Fair enough. I just wait until it's tradable and then try to trade more selectively.
  12. Okay so yesterday ended up a trend day after early attempt lower failed. Market isn't very forgiving in this mode if you don't align yourself with it or step aside. Anyway, we've had a jump higher overnight mainly on the pboc rate cut. Today, we're going to be rolling into the sep '12 contract. I've rolled my charts so that anyone can take a look at the new levels. I'm never too keen on the new contract until the levels have 'worn in' a little. However, we're near the upper end of the 5/17-5/31 balance and that means there is potential opportunity. Are we going to break out or are we going to get some responsive selling soon? Was the move up over the last couple of days purely short-covering or will it turn out to be the start of the next major leg up? Who knows. But monitoring activity from RTH open can often provide a good indication of the level of confidence seen in any particular direction. That and of course the reaction to any news items.
  13. Did you take it or are you looking to see if there's any more in it?
  14. There's certainly sellers here, just not getting that "kick" for a reversal. Not saying it won't either, but a swift rejection usually is a better indication of a near term extreme.
  15. There's the test of 1304.75 - not exactly rejected it yet! Btw, I think if we do move higher, 07.50 might be useful to watch aswell.
  16. Pretty conclusive open in that no sellers through 92.75 level. However, despite an initial attempt at driving up, we had to reverse then retest before really moving. That's something to note as if this action were due to a truly confident OTF, it would've just gone. That being said, we are reasonably strong right now and I would think we'd at least test the gap to 1306.00. If we don't, that kinda says something.
  17. Okay so draghi is currently chatting and it seems like his comments are moving the market, so anything could happen I guess. Overnight we've been strong and tested 1300, but now we're retracing. Dollar is showing a little strength right now aswell. Either way, if it opens here or nearer highs, I'd be looking at what it does on a retest lower before deciding whether or not to buy and go with it. The key for me is probably yesterday's high although the VPOC at 80.75 could also end up a springboard too. However, if we got all the way there (and even to 86.75), that would represent a pretty big counter move. Coupled with all of this, the market seems to have an itchy trigger finger and remains highly reactive to news. So even more so than usual, don't piss about. Identify your trades and let them play out. Take your losses and don't be nervous about letting a winner run- just make sure you stick to your plan for an early exit if it reverses hard and fast. Anyway, you never know. We'll probably have a really quiet day now!! lol :crap: :doh: :missy:
  18. Before I post about yesterday's trade and what I'm looking at for today, I want to point out that I switched my chart start date to 3/6/9 for reasons explained in the Bigger Picture in E-minis Discussion thread. Take a look if you're interested.
  19. Some people try to post during market hours which is a good thing, others don't so much. There's no skype (or any other) live chat going on that I'm aware of.
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