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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. So a chemical specific change which may be due to the amount of exercise we take is the level/function of seratonin(this is also associated with diet). Seratonin is a neurotransmitter. It (among other chemicals) helps to balance mood by supporting sleep, easing anxiety and relieving depression. Hmm. Pretty good for traders if you ask me...
  2. Here's another benefit of why considering what you eat is important, not only for energy and concentration levels. As traders, it's not like we ever want to pull a "sicky" or what ever you might call it. Take the day off work under the pretence of being ill. If you actually WANT to do this, may I recommend having a look at the stuff over in our Psychology forum!! Anyway, inevitably people do get sick and this can along with medicines, inhibit the speed and overall effectiveness of your decision making. So that is not helpful for pretty much any trader. However, with a considered dietary or supplemental intake of certain vitamins and minerals(I think vit C and zinc are commonly mentioned), studies have shown that people may tend to get ill fewer times over the course of a year than those who have less intake of said vit/mins. So for me (if I am good at what I do!!) fewer times of being ill = fewer days off = more profit.
  3. It's amazing though how people eat. Traders and non-traders alike. There was a point when I first started where on my way to work I'd pick up a bacon butty or a sausage sandwich at least every other day. Then probably have a sandwich at lunch from a big chain shop and maybe a ready meal at dinner. All of which tend to use low grade high margin ingredients which just don't help your body out too much in the long run. I didn't want to have to be bothered with food too much and what/how I was going to eat. Once I realised I just didn't have the mental stamina to sit in front of a screen concentrating for any length of time, the question became one of could I afford to not be bothered...
  4. Sounds like a nice balance. How do you eat though? 3 meals a day or take a little food here a little food there?
  5. Do you think that in long endurance type games of poker, these guys would have a better or a worse chance of success if they lost a little weight, got a little fitter and became less "grotesque"? I think trading does have similarities to poker. Some ways in which the games are played are technically very different in delivery though.
  6. I think I'd like to elaborate my opinion on this. I often hear of traders who have a strategy and have a tough run. They abandon their strategy and look for something 'more' effective. So I would say that it is really important to identify what is going wrong, whether you are doing it wrong or it is just wrong, or whether the fact is the failure of what you are doing to make money is a symptom of something else you are doing wrong or a real change in market conditions. Hope that makes sense. Lol.
  7. If you take a look on amazon, there are some decent books on mindfulness. I would suggest reading at least a couple before even considering paying someone a chunk of money. That way, firstly you will know whether it is a fit with you and whether you are committed. Secondly you will be in a better position to benefit from what you are being told. IMO.
  8. Exactly. I think you are right about the names in t/s but I never saw that when I first started. I was told it was separated into different groups though rather than specific names.
  9. Nice to meet you! We have loads of great threads here and we try to add to our resources all the time. If you can't find anything on what you're looking for, just ask. We have some really great members who are knowledgeable and always will to help or at least point you in the right direction!
  10. That is correct if you place it on a live account, but have a delayed data feed. So if there are issues with your internet or pc for example, what you see may be behind latest prices. But that was not what I was actually getting at. I was saying if you have a platform with a simulated account attached, it is possible to have the platform delay the data by a few seconds or more or even change it to no delay at all. So the user has the choice. On Ninjatrader I believe there is a delay on the sim by default.
  11. No, absolutely it's relevant. It's important to see how those who start see things and how people who have been trading for a while might change in their perception of things.
  12. iznogoud, Is this you speaking in the past or present? I see a few things which may be problems if it's the present to which you are referring. On the other hand some of these things could for the right person, be seen as strengths.
  13. There is much that is really bad with eating refined sugar full stop, not just putting on weight and risking diabetes. So if you have a sugar rush, the affect is amplified. Not conducive for good trading!! Just google "refined sugar health effects" for some of the effects on your body. Don't even get me started on HFCS which is in pretty much anything you can think of!
  14. I think Ninjatrader has an option of how much to delay the sim by compared with the live market. I'm guessing other platforms will too.
  15. I want to say a little in my next few posts about the chemical changes that happen to your body and brain when you exercise. But just a quick post right now. So many of us in all walks of life get stuck behind a desk all day. At some point we are all likely to want to lose a few pounds here and there (substitute the word "few" for whatever number you like!). Because of the nature of trading, it is never the best idea to go on some instant results type of diet. You feel drained and often the built up toxins in your body all coming out at once do not do much good for your mind. However, exercise with a considered diet - I mean no junk food and lots of beer, can sort you out without interfering with your trading too much. This is my opinion anyway!
  16. So this thread is all about maintaining a good balanced diet to ensure your mind has the correct nutrition and energy levels to function at the highest level while you trade. Think of it this way- would you buy a Ferrari then fill it up with heating oil? If you were Usain Bolt's trainer, would you feed him a juicy beefburger before a race? Well, I hope most people realise the correct answer to these questions!! So, if there is sense in the above, why shouldn't traders, especially day traders, ensure they are at their peak mentally and physically when they make critical decisions sometimes in split seconds?? I believe we all know that they should.
  17. Hi, This is a new forum and so needs some threads! I feel one of the important aspects of being motivated to do exercise is understanding the benefits it can bring in helping you to achieve your goals, not least in trading. Of course health is something that will really improve with considered exercise, yet to operate when trading, at the highest level of performance, having a decent and relative level of fitness could help. In this thread I hope you guys may share some of your insights and experiences into all the benefits of exercise you may have seen or heard of in relation to trading!
  18. Okay. Thanks zdo and I appreciate your input. However, what I am suggesting is something that will suit certain traders very well and hopefully give them some kind of saving too. By no means is anyone obliged to take this potential opportunity and I would strongly suggest to an individual that they do their homework thoroughly before committing to any trading pc- be it an off-the-shelf, bespoke or professionally built and maintained computer.
  19. It depends on your needs. If you are a intense gamer then maybe a super overclocked water cooled rig is for you. However, a well thought out well built and well maintained high end system should be top of the list for a trader imho!! Remember that overclocking also will shorten the life of your components. The systems could be top end or a little bit lower to suit all needs, but I am not sure yet so don't quote me on this!
  20. If I could direct you tothe indicator and coding forum maybe someone can help:- http://traderslaboratory.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=46 http://traderslaboratory.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=56
  21. emg, would you consider adding your thoughts say pre-session or how you felt you traded and why?
  22. Hi Chad, If I already have a datafeed that isn't compatible with investor/rt, but I can export the database into a text file, is it possible to use this data? I think the backfill service is great, but it just seems a bit needless if I already have the data...
  23. Also, has anyone looked at failblog?
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