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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. I believe we have Tapatalk integrated. So you'd have to download the app. I don't have it yet so will check it out in the next few days. Not sure if it's free or not.
  2. Hmm. Interesting. It seems to not be of huge benefit right now. If you were backtesting/optimising, could the time period you were analysing not be broken up into many constituent parts, tested and then reformed to give an output? I am sure there are applications for this, perhaps at a later date as the technology evolves.
  3. A single market in real-time is a sequential event yes. What about if you were interested in processing real-time data of all the stocks in the S&P 500 for example? How much quicker might you be able to run backtesting and optimisations if you are clever about how you use the programming? I know that cuda is used already by various financial companies. Why should it be their edge though when all we have to do is pop a couple of gpu's in sli into our own pc's? Not that you could compete at the same level, just on the same playing field.
  4. Definitely. I also struggle when I eat a big lunch. Used to go out sometimes in the winter months to get a roast lunch. Just way too filling though and far more conducive to having a bit of a kip than actually trading some more.
  5. REMINDER http://traderslaboratory.com/ninjatrader Free day trading webinar today at 3pm EST.
  6. It might be interesting if one of the ninja guys who deal with kinetick could explain it from their side. Will ask someone to post.
  7. I personally have taken a trading qualification in the past and I believe you do still have to trade your own account at many exchanges. However, the custom among retail brokerages is that you trade through them and their account so they in effect take on the risk as far as the exchanges are concerned. As far as I am concerned, this is not a great way of doing business. I don't believe you should have to be licensed as such, but you should have to give evidence to the broker that you have a minimum level of understanding of trading and the markets you wish to participate in.
  8. I think it is important to recognise why the 'fog' is there in the first place. Is it because a trader isn't focused enough? Is it because their understanding of the market is unclear and so they don't actually know what they are looking for? Or is it because of the fundamental emotions that all traders experience in fear and greed? These are some constituent parts that make up a trader's 'fog'. I wonder how many more there are? I also wonder, that as professional traders who look at fundamentals, technicals, strategies, money management, psychology etc., how many actually have a quantitative method for describing their own level and mental(/physical) state at any given time? Surely if they did, they would be better positioned to understand the 'fog' when it comes along.
  9. I know this is a favorite among traders. But in my opinion, it is overated. The concepts are nothing new. Van Tharp simply went into more depth of things that can be explained in a few lines. For a novice trader, this book can be of tremendous help. It goes through money management, trader psych, system designing, efficiency ratio, etc.. I would say Van Tharp does an excellent job explaining the preperation a trader needs to do each day. Trading should be treated like a business. Have a business plan and understand the reasons why you want to trade for a living. Considered a classic among many traders, this book will help many novice traders in developing a professional approach to trading the markets.
  10. You will either love this book or hate it. This book is more of Victor's personal blog writing about his early days as a squash player to his victories as a speculator. One might find his ego a bit annoying. The author jumps from topic to topic, some relavant to speculation and some not. Overall there is alot of good trading wisdom. This book is not meant to be read to learn about trading strategies or market tactics. What you will learn is Victor Niederhoffer's autobiography. However, I have to admit he is one brilliant guy and alot of the tips and advices in the book is priceless. If you are looking to invest in the markets, read this book. If you are looking for a good trading story to read pick this book up as well. I wouldnt quite say this is a modern day Reminiscence of a Stock Operator but it is definitely a book one should read.
  11. Okay, this is not a trading book but an excellent book to get you started in strategical trading. Sun Tzu is a true master of strategy. There is something one can learn from every page in this book. "The battle is won before it is fought." How true can this be when applied to trading. Trading without a plan is a sure way to lose. Trading is not all about being on the offense either. Be defensive (remaining flat or trading small) is also another form of offense. I have personally read this over 10 times and have found it a great help in my trading. I does not have to be applied to trading only either. The wisdom given by Sun Tzu can be applied in all areas of life. A must read!
  12. Done! That sounds like an awesome deal! A pint for a dinner. Unless of course you were planning on taking me to maccie d's or something. Lol.
  13. Well one day I will visit Chicago. After all isn't it the birthplace of futures?
  14. Haha! I'm not so sure that makes me famous! Hopefully I'll meet a few of you guys though.
  15. I suspect your sim is a fill on touch.
  16. Open Market Operations - Federal Reserve Bank of New York POMO Upcoming Auctions Treasury auctions.
  17. I am not certain, but isn't it taken from the beginning of a move and not just based on x bars?
  18. I think 1 - you have to know the audience and 2- you have to know something about electronic trading yourself.
  19. It will be with Ninjatrader. The sign-up link is as follows:- http://traderslaboratory.com/ninjatrader It will be held 3pm EST.
  20. The problem is Tradewinds, when people start out they really are not in the position to make a sensible judgement on whether or not their strategy is effective and viable. You'll get a younger guy maybe being a bit rash or perhaps an older person who's been successful in other pursuits come in thinking they will figure it out. Well that just isn't the way it is generally. Good point about the commitments and responsibilities btw.
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