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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. Sounds like a good nutritious combo FXGirl! May I ask though, are you an advocate of 3 meals a day or do you prefer many light mini-meals? I don't really like that term but didn't want to put snacks as I think it engenders the wrong ideas about what to eat for many. I personally prefer eating less but more frequently if I can. I am definitely not great at doing this though as it really goes against a lifetime of habit!!!
  2. I personally think if there is much in the way of demand if we open above mon low 1317.00 then those trapped shorts could be in trouble(for now). Shame about the trade though as it seemed like it could be good but probably a little too early for it. With earnings just around the corner, traders are likely to want to hold off if they can for a little more time. I guess though if we fail to get back into that 1317-36 bracket and sellers start coming in, there's no reason to not expect a challenge of the 1300 area, probably before the week is out.
  3. Hi minoo, It's definitely a possibility. I can't say that I am especially bullish right now but perhaps there is something bigger underlying the markets right now that is brewing. Dip buying does seem to still be present although we will have to monitor the reaction of price to that demand. Also, global events/earnings/central bank policy are going to be important. I could see us going either way at this juncture honestly but clearly markets are due to move. I remember last high, people started talking as if we were way too high and were due for a major correction. Imo, it's when most stop calling tops/bottoms that they actually form. But we shall watch and wait....
  4. Nice story Mystic! You got away nicely though in the end with only losing the 'house's money'. I think it is an important lesson in paying yourself when you are making money. I'm not suggesting that everyone goes out and buys something expensive when they take money out of their accounts, or even anything at all for that matter. But the very act of taking money out of the account does help you realise the money is real and keeps your risk profile consistent. It's all too easy to be a little bit maverick in your attitude towards risk if it's risking profits you have already made. I know it sounds obvious, but most of trading is.
  5. Just a quick question MM. It is after the fact though now but it shouldn't matter too much. Why would you place your stop exactly on yesterday's high? Just seems to me that the o/n trade if anything would likely target that price and probably push through a little to probe for stops. Just curious.
  6. Nice exercise BlowFish. I wonder how many traders really grasp these kinds of concepts. Not many I would guess.
  7. Hi walkert001. Welcome to TL! By the way, this is a new thread so you achieved what you set out to do!! I hope you find some really useful stuff on TL and most importantly, get involved!! Good luck!
  8. Hi guys, Good to see you signed up!! There are many, many things to learn in trading and so many things to consider. We have so much on the site that really if you think of something, take a look around or search on the main page for whatever you are looking for. Of course if there is anything specific I'd be glad to help! Maybe start off by taking a look at:- http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f30/considerations-wannabe-trader-9328.html We have an options section here Pippovic so take a look and by all means contribute. There is much more to trading though than product specifics. Good luck guys!
  9. Thanks to all who came along to the Expo to say hello! It was great seeing so many traders there and we had some really interesting discussions. If you didn't come this time around, then we'll see you next time!
  10. Nice quote! I can see the retail lemmings now. J/K (kind of)
  11. John, I understand what MM is trying to get at in that fear is probably made more important than it needs to be in trading. It's just that fear is naturally a difficult emotion to overcome because it is so strong. I think people need to understand the nature of trading a little better before they enter into it headlong, then it'd be less of an issue. TWinds I think fear is real however you look at it. You can think of it in terms of an individual trading-wise or a fear of being mortally wounded or even a fear of heights/spiders/confined spaces or even many other phobias which are seriously questionable to anyone BUT the person who feels them. You can also combine the general behaviour of traders and perceived uncertainty and fear in the markets. You see the market behaving erratically pretty frequently because of this. I would very much disagree with anyone that in market volatility where traders are uncertain, those with positions feel no fear at all.
  12. Refine it or ditch it perhaps? Or did I miss your point? I think for me there is an added level here if you are self execution your system and not just running an algorithm. If you understand the system implicitly and why it makes money, there is fair reason to veto the entries and stand back. Of course there will be times that when you judge that risk has significantly elevated and in spite of an entry signal you don't trade, the market then proceeds to show you a big fat theoretical winner. But hey, who cares. Because honestly, the next time that situation comes around you'll take the trade and you'll have your arse handed to you.
  13. I'm with Ingot54 on this one Mystic! Come on, spill the beans...
  14. I'd agree with you there Tams and add one rather obvious caveat. It's only important if you can learn AND stay solvent long enough benefit from those experiences.
  15. I think there is merit in both methods of exiting. Scaling out and/or trailers can be helpful in uncertain and volatile markets. Trending markets are possibly better suited to using fixed profit targets. What I have always noted in my own personal trading is that if I had taken something off the table in every trade I have ever placed which had shown a profitable phase, I would have considerably more money now. So I have tried to factor it in to my plan to do this even though often my full target does get hit. I know that for me it makes my plan more robust. Don't think as I am saying this that you should do this too. I personally trade in such a way that most of my trades do show some profitability at some point(MFE). But it depends what your strategy is, what your selected market is, what the market you trade is doing, your risk profile etc.
  16. Tradewinds, I do agree with what you're saying. I just think there are way more of these little tests of levels throughout the day when conditions are more volatile. I know from my experience, when the markets are really slow and I am trying to scalp, I normally end up taking suboptimal trades with tighter targets and have the possibility of getting done on a single move with high volume. I just prefer not to scalp in low volatility. I know I'm not alone in this feeling.
  17. Where's your algo run from though? If it's London, there's still going to be lag. Fair enough if it's right next to the CME.
  18. Hi Chippy, Welcome to TL! Thanks for introducing yourself and I hope you find some useful threads and meet some of our knowledgeable members. It's always useful imo however experienced you are, to share thoughts and experiences with others, as sometimes it's the experiences we have already had, viewed from a different perspective which end up the most enlightening.
  19. Isn't this really just another question about leverage?
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