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  1. hi, i have this EL code for tradestation BUT DON'T WORK..anyone have a good code? help me. thanks // This will simulate "Point & Figure" levels on a bar chart {Written by Adam Hefner version 01-07-02} Var: dbh(0), dbl(0), {Daily block high/low} abh(0), abl(0), {actual block high/low} dir(0), {direction} sv(0); {stop value} Inputs: BlockSize(1), {Block Size} ReverseSize(3), {Reverse Size} lookBack(-1); {look back period} Var: bs(BlockSize), rs(ReverseSize), lb(LookBack); {daily block high/low calculations} If Round(high/bs,0)*bs > High then dbh = (Round(high/bs,0)*bs)-bs else dbh = Round(high/bs,0)*bs; If Round(Low/bs,0)*bs < Low then dbl = (Round(Low/bs,0)*bs)+bs else dbl = Round(Low/bs,0)*bs; If currentbar <= 1 {check for first 2 bars of the chart} then begin dir = 1; abh = dbh; abl = dbl; end else begin If dir[1] = 1 {direction up calculations} then begin if dbh > abh[1] then abh = dbh {new high} else begin If dbl <= abh-(bs*rs) {reverse} then begin dir = -1; abh = abh[1]; abl = dbl; end else abh = abh[1]; end; end else begin {direction down calculations} If dbl < abl[1] then abl = dbl {new low} else if dbh >= abl+(bs*rs) {reverse} then begin dir = 1; abl = abl[1]; abh = dbh; end else abl = abl[1]; end; end; If dir = 1 {reversal stop} then sv = abh-(bs*rs) else sv = abl+(bs*rs); plot1(abh); plot2(abl); plot3[lb](sv);
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