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Everything posted by Dutchy

  1. Hello Eiger & others , Great work on this thread. Is there a summary list of VSA signals & properties available?. Such a list would enable anyone to build the indicators in his (hers) preferred language (I use Easylanguage) Below a list of what I have already found, maybe al it takes is confirmation of the properties. Anyone? List could ideally look like UpThrust (SOW 58) : BAR down, Close low, Volume avg, Spread vwide, Change wide. Trend ? etc for other know bartypes Help is greatly appreciated Cheers, Dutchy -------------------------- Below a list of the pros already found: Please confirm Ok's or report errors.. NAME # NAME # BAR # CLOSE # VOLUME # SPREAD # CHANGE UP-THRUST # (SOW-58)- Trap up move # down # low # avg # vwide # wide UP-THRUST # (SOW-2) -Basic Up-Thrust # up # low # vhigh # vwide # avg UP-THRUST # (SOW-2)- Basic Up-Thrust # up # low # high # avg # narrow UP-THRUST # (SOW-2)- Basic Up-Thrust # up # low # low # avg # narrow UP-THRUST # (SOW-2)- Trap up move # down # low # vhigh # uwide # wide UP-THRUST # (SOW-29)- Up thrust after weakness # down # low # avg # wide # narrow REVERSE UP-THRUST # nop # up # high # high # wide # nop Shake out # (SOS-125)-Shake out # up # high # high # wide # vwide LIKELY MARKET TOP # nop # up # high # high # narrow # narrow ABSORPTION VOLUME # nop # down # high # uhigh # uwide # unarrow STOPPING VOLUME # (SOS-3)-Stopping volume # Gap down/down # high # high # narrow # narrow FALLING PRESSURE # nop # down # low # low # wide # wide BUYING CLIMAX # nop # up # high # vhigh # vwide # nop EFFORT TO RISE # nop # up # high # high # wide # nop EFFORT TO FALL # nop # down # low # high # wide # nop SELLING PRESSURE # (SOS-131)- Selling Pressure # up # high # high # vwide # uwide SUPPLY COMING IN # (SOW-26)- Supply coming in # down # low # high # vwide # wide END OF A RISING MARKET # (SOW-22)- End of rising market # Gap up/up # middle/high # high # narrow # vwide NO DEMAND # (SOW-55)- No demand # up # middle # low # narrow # vnarrow NO DEMAND # (SOW-55)- No demand # up # high # vlow # narrow # vnarrow NO DEMAND # (SOW-37)- No demand # up # high # low # average # average No progress on up volume (this is not a tradeguider indicator) # nop # Gap up/up # middle # high # average/wide # vwide INCREASE SELLING- SUPPLY PRESENT # (SOW-92) # down # low # uhigh # uwide # uwide SELLING CLIMAX # nop # down/up?(doubts) # high # high/vhigh # wide/vwide # nop NARROW SPREADS AND HIGH VOLUME (SQUAT BARS) # nop # up # high?(doubts) # high # narrow # nop BAG HOLDING (not sure if this is a TG indicator. I´ve seen it in a forum) # nop # down # low # high/vhigh # narrow # nop
  2. Hy hummie Great idea, VSA is mindboggling. Any help welcome. Do you have a link to the info metioned ? Cheers Dutchy
  3. Hello all Great discussion I am keen to know what these following signals consist of in terms of Spread and Volume, the formula so to speak. 1. tests (successful and unsuccessful) 2. shakeouts 3. no demand 4. stopping volume 5. pushing through supply 6. upthrust 7. selling/buying climax 8. climactic action 9. support/weakness coming in 10. trap up/down move 11. no result after strong effort 12. selling/buying pressure 13. bottom reversal 14. end of a rising market VSA character of each signal above would be defined by A) Bar up or down B) Close position on the bar C) Vol compared to Average D) Spread H-L E) Diff/Change on Close Can anyone help me connect the dots between the signals and its characteristics ?? Cheers, Dutchy 1)Bar 2)Close 3)Vol 4)Spread 5)Diff/Change UpDown HML HML Narrow-Wide Narrow-Wide Signal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Up High High Narrow Narrow Likely Market Top Down Low UHigh UWide Wide UpThrust etc
  4. I am trying to program the VSA for ProRealTime, but if its already done, I would like to have a look at it before I continue.. (for the purpose of investigating the results of a new indicator I need google to OCR the attachment ) So, would the VSA indicator be available in NT or ProRealTime code? I ve seen bits and pieces al over the Internet, but since there is a firm discussion going on over here I was hoping to find some latest developments. Cheers, Dutchy Googleconverttotext.pdf
  5. Hi Guys Great post Would anyone care to post the latest NT or ProRealTime code, or return the page where it can be found ? Cheers, Dutchy
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