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Everything posted by zapisy

  1. Have you ever seen Tradestation and RadarScreen - it is much easier to scan and buid that kind of scanner
  2. Definitely! Always wait with the order at least 5 minutes, so all the crazy orders will go through, and market gets more stable. BTW, never rely only on MACD. This is not enough for the entry signal. I created a pool about that question - check it out here: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f208/do-you-use-extended-chart-premarket-8576.html
  3. You can use Highest or HighD(0), but bot will return the high that we have at the current time, and in few minutes the highest will change. So in the automatic strategy (if any) you have to be careful.
  4. Do You Use Extended Charts - PreMarket - PostMarket? - Voting 1 - Yes - I use chart with Pre and Post Market data - with indicators on the chart 2 - No - I do not use chart with Pre and Post Market data - with indicators on the chart 3 - I use only to see what are the highs and lows in the Pre and Post Market data - no indicators on that chart at all.
  5. I would say that if you use volume indicators, then there is difference, since sometimes there are "swaps" of huge order before the market opens, and this is not important for day trader and may influence the volume indicators. In terms of price? Probably most people do not use the extended chart, so I think, that it may be better for indicators to start with normal chart, also because there are orders before the market with huge spread, so the price mostly is jumpy and will destroy the calculations. But it is important to know the lowest and highest price of premarket.
  6. Indicator: Inputs: Length(20), Offset(0); vars: avg1(0), color1(black); avg1 = jthma(Close, Length); Plot1 (avg1, "JT Hull"); color1 = green; if avg1 < avg1[1] then color1 = red; SetPlotColor[Offset](1, color1); Function {jtHMA - Hull Moving Average Function} {Author: Atavachron} {May 2005} Inputs: price(NumericSeries), length(NumericSimple); Vars: halvedLength(0), sqLength(0), sqrRootLength(0); { Original equation is: --------------------- waverage(2*waverage(close,period/2)-waverage(close ,period), SquareRoot(Period) Implementation below is more efficient with lengthy Weighted Moving Averages. In addition, the length needs to be converted to an integer value after it is halved and its square root is obtained in order for this to work with Weighted Moving Averaging } if ((ceiling(length / 2) - (length / 2)) <= 0.5) then halvedLength = ceiling(length / 2) else halvedLength = floor(length / 2); sqLength = SquareRoot(length); if ((ceiling(sqLength) - sqLength) <= 0.5) then sqrRootLength = ceiling(sqLength) else sqrRootLength = floor(sqLength); Value1 = 2 * WAverage(price, halvedLength); Value2 = WAverage(price, length); Value3 = WAverage((Value1 - Value2), sqrRootLength); jtHMA = Value3;
  7. The only problem with futures, is that you can not bid 100 shares... So for someone new, even RIMM is too risky, sice the volume is low, and the slippage is way too high. Would be better to trade SPY or QQQQ for someone new. It is like trading index, but you can size the position.
  8. Hi, It all depends on how you trade and what you are looking for. There may be just one stock that you can trade regularly... All the best, Lukas
  9. Too much of noise and bad or too early signals.
  10. Google it... But there is nothing more to learn besides that text below... "What Does Price By Volume Chart - PBV Mean? A horizontal histogram plotted on the chart of a security, which corresponds to the volume of shares traded at a specific price level. Price by volume histograms are found on the Y-axis and are used by technical traders to predict areas of support and resistance. Investopedia explains Price By Volume Chart - PBV Large price by volume bars are used to illustrate high buying and selling interest, and they are often regarded as a sign that the given price level will act as a strong area of support or resistance. It is common to see the price of an asset face little resistance when traveling between levels that have small PBV bars, but pushing the price past areas with large PBV bars is substantially more difficult."
  11. maybe this will help a little: XOM: Components for Exxon Mobil Corporation Common - Yahoo! Finance
  12. Check this post: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/46/volume-bias-6519-4.html#post102237
  13. Check this ELD for Tradestation. All the best, Lukas LiD - VOLUME BIAS.zip LID - VOLUME BIAS.ELD
  14. Files attached. Lukas Forum.ELD Forum.zip
  15. var: UVol (0); var: DVol (0); var: TheVol (0); UVol = Close data1; DVol = Close data2; TheVol = UVol - DVol; if TheVol>0 then plot1(TheVol, "Vol", Green, 0,0); if TheVol<0 then plot1(TheVol, "Vol", Red, 0,0); plot2(0, "0", White, 0,0)
  16. {simple entry} If marketposition=0 and C>O then buy this bar on close; If marketposition=0 and C<O then sellshort this bar on close; {exit} var: NumDays( 0 ), NumHours( 0 ), NumMinutes( 15 ) ; variables: RawDays( 0 ), RawMinutes( 0 ), ExtraDays( 0 ), TotalMinutes( NumHours * 60 + NumMinutes ) ; if MarketPosition = 1 then begin RawDays = DateToJulian( Date ) - DateToJulian( EntryDate ) ; RawMinutes = TimeToMinutes( Time ) - TimeToMinutes( EntryTime ) ; ExtraDays = RawDays - NumDays ; if ExtraDays >= 0 and RawMinutes + ExtraDays * 1440 >= TotalMinutes then Sell ( "Time Exit LX" ) next bar at market ; end ; if MarketPosition = -1 then begin RawDays = DateToJulian( Date ) - DateToJulian( EntryDate ) ; RawMinutes = TimeToMinutes( Time ) - TimeToMinutes( EntryTime ) ; ExtraDays = RawDays - NumDays ; if ExtraDays >= 0 and RawMinutes + ExtraDays * 1440 >= TotalMinutes then Buy To Cover ( "Time Exit SX" ) next bar at market ; end ;
  17. All possible Need more specifics. Lukas
  18. I think that the more you drink, the more careless you become - happy-go-lucky. So I presume, that your stop loss, will probably disappear, or will be moved to a dangerous point If you drink, don't drive.
  19. Hi, Is that what you looking for? File attached. KST.ELD
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