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  1. Swiss Trader, Tippet has made you the offer of proving your statement. The question is will you you take him up on it? Hawk
  2. MMS, While I agree with your room posting strategy, opinion and slander are two different things. It's one thing to voice an opinion and an entirely different thing to post statements such as "he lost 50,000 dollars" without providing proof of such a statement. I'm sure most people can handle a bad opinion but to provide a defense against malicious statements such as above, is impossible. My feeling is that another trading room is simply posting such statements to ruin another trading room's business. Let the opinions and feelings fly but please try to keep this room free from falsehoods. Hawk
  3. To Swiss Trader: I'm sure I speak for all of the traders who trade with Kevin Huddy because we're collectively scratching our heads trying to figure out why you posted such incorrect information if not outright slander. For those readers who have not traded with Kevin Huddy, please allow me to provide some basic information. Kevin calls the trades with specific entries such as short at 1178.25 with a stop of X. The stop is never more than 6 ticks. If most traders are filled, he then posts the trade on Twitter. Often times the post goes up on Twitter before the trade is completed. His trading record is available for all the world to see. Show me another trading room who does this with a success record to match. What I like best about the room is that it is not filled with political junk, jokes, and other trader talk. It's all about reading price action. I have seen Kevin go above and beyond the call of duty to help other traders. The last two weeks he's had the flu and has worked when he should have spent time in bed trying to recover. In my mind's eye that really shows dedication and commitment to the trading room. The post from Swiss Trader should be removed and Swiss Trader banned from this room for posting slanderous statements and outright lies.
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