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Posts posted by insideday

  1. cunparis, i only watched it the last minutes on ES,

    but couldnt it be easy something like this on a 1 minute chart


    input : ESsize (20);

    if high >= highest (high,3) and tradesize at ask>=ESsize then beep/alert

    if low<= lowest(low,3) and tradesize at bid>=ESsize then beep/alert



    i am sure that htey dont use a complicated tick/volume chart.

  2. Szymon,


    this gives you the angle

    Input: Price(Close), NumBars(1), MA_length(20); 
    variable: MA(0), slope(0); 
    MA = average(price, MA_length); 
    slope = arctangent((MA - MA[NumBars])/NumBars); 
    plot1(slope, "slope"); 
    If you need the the degrees instead of the radians change 
    slope = arctangent((MA - MA[NumBars])/NumBars); 
    slope = arctangent((MA - MA[NumBars])/NumBars)*180/3.141592654; 

  3. This is the function i programmed for one code, maybe it fits your needs.


    inputs: _Color	(NumericSimple),
    _DateStart	(NumericSimple),
    _TimeStart	(NumericSimple),
          _DateEnd	(NumericSimple),
     	_TimeEnd	(NumericSimple),
          _PriceHi	(NumericSimple),
          _PriceLo	(NumericSimple),
          _Size		(NumericSimple),
          _Style		(NumericSimple);
    Vars:	Top (0), Bottom(0), BarrierLeft(0), BarrierRight(0);
    Bottom	= tl_new_s(_DateStart, _TimeStart, _PriceLo,_DateEnd,  _TimeEnd, _PriceLo);
    tl_setcolor (Bottom,_Color);
    TL_SetSize (Bottom, _Size);
    TL_SetStyle(Bottom, _Style);
    Top 	= tl_new_s(_DateStart, _TimeStart,  _PriceHi,_DateEnd,  _TimeEnd,_PriceHi);
    tl_setcolor (Top ,_Color);
    TL_SetSize (Top , _Size);
    TL_SetStyle(Top , _Style);
    BarrierLeft	= tl_new_s(_DateStart, _TimeStart, _PriceLo, _DateStart, _TimeStart, _PriceHi);
    tl_setcolor (BarrierLeft,_Color);
    TL_SetSize (BarrierLeft, _Size);
    TL_SetStyle(BarrierLeft, _Style);
    BarrierRight	= tl_new_s(_DateEnd, _TimeEnd,  _PriceLo, _DateEnd, _TimeEnd, _PriceHi);
    tl_setcolor (BarrierRight,_Color);
    TL_SetSize (BarrierRight, _Size);
    TL_SetStyle(BarrierRight, _Style);

  4. This one worked for me in MC


    HOffset        (2), 
    VOffset        (2), 
    AlertLevel    (50), 
    TextColor  (White), 
    txt       (0), 
    str     (" "), 
    Count     (0), 
    price     (0);	 
    price = close;	// price at which the text will be printed	 
    if BarStatus(1) = 0 then //opening tick of each new bar ...so reset params to Zero 
    count      =   0; 
    CountTotal =   0; 
    str        = " "; 
    count      = upticks   +  downticks;  // total the volume during the bar 
    CountTotal = BarInterval  -   count;  // Subtract the volume from the Bar Interval Total 
    str        = "    "+numtostr(CountTotal,0);  // Convert the remaining count to text 
    if Barnumber = 1 then  // First bar print the number text 
    	txt = text_new(date,Calctime( Time, HOffset),close ,str); 
    end else begin // 'move' the number to the right, update it, instead of delete and redraw.  Mo' efficient. 
    	text_SetLocation_s(txt,date,time_s,	(h+l)/2);		 
    {//see if time for alert 
    if CountTotal <= AlertLevel then 
    alert("Less than " + numtostr(AlertLevel,0)+" Shares Remaining !"); 
    end; }


    comparing the closes to each other works relatively well; but one needs to make assumptions/avg through the up/down pressure (ie order book) based on relative closes and closes that don't move. That's where i magic will be, in my humble opinion




    I dont know if this is what you search, but for Ninjatrader the jtRealStats indicator shows on the right side, tick by tick, how much volume is occurring above, at and below the previous bar's closing price. I am sure thsi could be also plotted as histogramm changing some lines.


    Level II/Tick Volume Indicator for NinjaTrader

  6. Hi PivotProfile,


    interesting read. I am not familiar with metastock, so i have a question. Does C>ref(C,+1) look one bar in the future?


    If yes then your


    NoDemand:=If(H>ref(H,-1) and L>=ref(L,-1) and (H-L)<=ref((H-L),-1) and V<ref(V,-1) and V<ref(V,-2) and C>ref(C,+1) and H>=ref(H,+1),1,0);


    should look in tradestation like


    condition1= H[1]>H[2] and L[1]>=L[2] and Range[1]<= Range[2] and V[1]<V[2] and V[2]<V[3] and C[1]>C and H[1]>=H;

    if condition1 then


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