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Posts posted by VTK

  1. Sam is great guy,simple and without any crap in his thought flow when it comes to trading.He is also a very profitable trader.After couple of years spend in XLT with Sam and Steve i can tell that for me there is no better strategy out there.Simple,straightforward,can be used in any and all markets,any timeframe.I was lucky to stumble upon Sam in beginning of mine education.

    When i see on chart indicators,oscillators,eliot this and fibo that...i just get dizzy,like motion sickness.I feel more than comfortable putting limit orders placed on key levels of supply and demand,just naked charts.

    Someone said those videos are great for beginners.I would strongly suggest to anyone to watch his videos on FXStreet.Having eye on those levels while using any other strategy can save some money.

  2. Here is a video that changed mine whole view on trading.It made a one trick pony out of me when it comes to trading:)

    Sam is tha man when it comes to simplicity and reality of markets and i am lucky that i had chance to learn from him and other instructors.

    Hope it will help some one as it have helped me!





  3. Anyone can answer this if you are an IB client:

    If this is not shown on the chart for 60 seconds (maybe I misunderstood) then traders are not to know if their stop -loss / take-profit has been hit or not.


    Their charts are horrible so you wouldn't use them anyway...

  4. ....it will also be cheaper to use esignal. for tradestation you have to pay $250 a month for the software plus all exchange fees. esignal will prob save you at least $100 - $150 a month.


    Have seen that esignal is cheaper about 100$ if compared to tradestation..That is reason why i have started this thread.

    Basically i need just MAs and horizontal lines and that is what every charting software have.

    So really it is just about data quality and maybe few little things like overlaying charts and continuous contract charts which can be done in TS.

    johnjamesjude,have you been pleased with quality of data with both of them?



    Tams,mon..no need to get philosofical on such simple matter

    Think you would agree that when it comes to charting software we all wanna 2 basic things;good TA tools and quality of data feed.

    What i have exactly meant to ask,is there any significant difference between esignal and TS when it comes to TA tools and quality of data;)

    Anyway guys,thanx for reply!



  5. Hi peeps...


    Soon i will need to get rid of mine Sierra charts and choose between Tradestation and Esignal as charting solutions.

    Is there anyone who has used both charting packages and can tell me is there any significant difference between those two softwares?




  6. Hello!


    I am with Interactive Brokers for last 3 months and they are excellent for now.Fills are great,commission is low...

    But it really depends on your needs....



  7. Hi there...


    For just 23$ you can get pretty decent Sierra charts-service package 2.You would have live and historical data.You can choose between Gain and FXCM as live data providers.Barchart is providing historical data(monthly,weekly,daily)



  8. (If you use MBT or IB or one of the few 'real' retail brokers to actually trade currency then ignore my first sentence). :)


    BlowFish,have just started doing mine business with IB.For now,can say they are top notch.Anyway,that is one of the reasons i wanna trade e-minis.Can do it from same acc as Spot FX.

    Have read bunch of infos about futures in past few days and now when it have settled down in mine head....it is getting clearer and clearer...

    Basically knowing what is tick worth,when to rollover,what is day/overnight margin,when is expiration date of contract,when are most liquid times to trade it and maybe few other little things are what one should know so that he/she does not loose money out of ignorance.:crap::doh:

    Guess you got me what i am up to..not worried about stuff like strategy,risk management or similar...that is what i got..

    It is more like after driving car that have automatic gear shift,learning how to drive one with manual gear shift.It is same cr*p,just in another package:D


    Then I reccommend doing Sim trading for as long as it takes.


    Sure i will do some demo,no worries JBWT..


    Thanx guys!



  9. Thanx for reply Runner..


    I am trading Spot FX but would also like to trade e-minis.


    ....means that i know how to trade,have mine edge and so on..but i am just unsure of all little "technical" differences between Spot FX and futures markets.I have learned about,rollover,tick worth,contract worth,contract symbol,expiration months and their symbols,margin rates for different contracts and so on..

    What i have written above are those "little "technical" differences between Spot FX and futures markets"

    So i just would like to know am i missing some of those little "technical" stuff..??

    I know that core of mine strategy is going to be same.



  10. Hey peeps....!



    I am trading Spot FX but would also like to trade e-minis.

    I have basic understanding of what futures are,but i am not sure what is a MUST know before you start trading them in terms of contract and market which are bit different than Spot FX.

    For example understanding rollover,expiration and what contract month to trade seems quite important.Margins also..

    Any other stuff that i should know similar to those above??

    Also if anyone could post a helpful link,it would be just great...


    Thanx in advance!


  11. Hello VTK, the only broker coming to mine, which is mine since 2 years, is Oanda.


    Thanx Shreem...Yeah,Oanda looks pretty decent.Only think that i dislike is web based platform.Have asked them do they have desktop version.They do not.



    I have not had the problems many other traders claim to have had with them because I have read the terms of use and disclaimers attached to their accounts and worked my way around them.


    Sure,one should do his/her extensive homework on particular broker before opening an account.Reading customer agreement is one of homework tasks.

    To certain degree there are people who have problems whit brokers because of their ignorance.But lets face it,MM type of FX spot brokers are just in conflict of interest.For me way that they do business is not fair one,and as soon as i have chance to trade on some kind of ECN i will do so.That is way to go IMHO because it is fair and transparent as much as FX Spot can be.


    Thanx for replies,guys!



  12. LOL!:rofl:


    30 people have checked this thread and i have just one answer!:o


    Can anyone point me on decent broker?

    One without often requotes,often slippage,slow order filling,weird spikes and all other bad stuff which i do not like..


    That just fortifies mine attitude that great majority of spot fx brokers are just a bunch of bandits!

    Wild west baby!:shrug:


    Anyway zdo,thanx for reply!



  13. Hey folks!


    I am about to go live and mine two favorite spot FX brokers are MB Trading and Interactive brokers.Whit MBT i can not open account because i am citizen of Rebublic of Croatia:crap:

    IB have minimum deposit of 10K,but i want to start small like 500$.

    So the deal is,for now,i have to open account with MM type of broker.


    Can anyone point me on decent broker?


    One without often requotes,often slippage,slow order filling,weird spikes and all other bad stuff which i do not like..




  14. If he's blessed with common sense, a finely-tuned bullshit detector, and a basic understanding of what an auction is, shouldn't take more than a couple of months.


    Could not agree more,Db..If you can understand how market is functioning and have a common sens and logical approach to life i think that you will be fine.From mine experience having a mentor have helped me dramatically.

    Thing whit mentor is that i have understand that method which he is using IS how i want to trade because it is logical,simple and based on stuff which have stood test of time.If you just wonder around and take every course that you can find,good look whit that.You got to know what you want!

    This trader on clip is right when he talks about plan,demo,when to go live and so on.

    But i would not agree with him that ALL people will need few years to get on track..If you work smart,not hard and have what is quoted above,i think it can be done in one year.



  15. Just mine two cents...

    This fact that Spot FX is so unregulated is big problem IMHO.

    I have found that there are just two brokers of whole bunch whit which i am comfortable to open an account.Both claim that they have kind of ECN technology to process orders.(IB and MBT)

    For now i will trade Spot but have started to learn basics about FX futures and e-minis.Hope that this switch will not be too hard...I am aware that mine strategy is going to be same,but i will have to understand product and market that i am trading very well before i put mine money on line.



  16. Hello!


    I have been studying/trading spot FX for some time.As i like much more transparency of currency futures ones when mine capital grows enough i will probably trade them.


    So here we go whit rookie question regarding currency futures.:)

    What is minimum deal size of currency futures?

    Other words,can one buy 0,5 or 22,6 contracts?

    Thanx in advance!


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