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  1. Ok, either this system just doesn't work or we need more details. I read this system last week and tried it this week. Either I'm extremely unlucky or... On Mon-Tues I enter 3 trades, on EUR, GBP, AUD. Each go through and hit their PT but I should note there was quite a bit of struggle for each. For something that is supposed to break through decisively there was a lot of languishing about. Anyway, PTs hit: fine. Last night, Tues-Wed I enter 3 trades, EUR, GBP, AUDs. The GBP, after much struggle and coming and going finally breaks the PT. Problem! : From the AUD daily candle for Dec 11: H - .7888 L - .7837 So, I add 2 pips (spread) + 1 to the entry for AUD: .7891 is entry. This is triggered at 2300 PST. However, AUD has a high of .7894! So the TP is not triggered. And after the news release this morning, BOOM! SL hit for -25 pips plus spread. ??? My charts are clear as day. I can't see doing anything wrong but if so and anyone is running this let me know. This means I lose all the pips gained in the last two days of trading in one night. How can this work with these stops? (Problem #2: I trade OANDA. The spread widens due to the GBP news release last night at around 130am PST. So I'm down 10 pips from the spread. This would add to my loss should the PT not be hit.) I'd appreciate any feedback, especially as this is supposedly so reliable.
  2. I noticed that problem with the SL, too. That's a big hit for five days of work. However, let's check out this program of action: Deal a minimum of 2+ currency pairs. This decreases the likelihood of each and every pair being hit. Eg. Do 3 pairs, one hits SL of -25, 2 hit PT, you're only down -15. If SL only happens once a week and you're running 3 pairs at an average of 3 PT hits per week per pair x 5 pips per week = 3 pairs x 3 PTs x 5 pips = 45 pips/week (it may be slightly higher than that, perhaps 60) and only one SL hit per week gives a total of 45 - 15 = 30 pips. 120/month. All that being speculated I have no idea what to expect of SL/week or PTs per week. I think I'm close but maybe not bang on. Depends a bit on the pair, too. I presume that with GBP you can set a higher TP. This isn't a big money maker but it's steady, I presume. Anyway, here's a more detailed version of the Forex strategy without having to decode it on the chat: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f34/feedback-methodolgy-792.html?highlight=srdc The guy who wrote this on ForexFactory; OrangeRoshan. I'll try this soon.
  3. Rolange, good questions, I was wondering some of the same. I believe from the links (from Soultrader) in the Forex Room to this strategy that it - morning breeze - is meant for Forex. Of course, in the document it states clearly that it is for indices only. So perhaps not, perhaps use it just for the futures markets. Yet then we have the chat indicating it is used for Forex! Oh, the confusion. I'm glad someone is figuring this out, making money. Maybe just not us, haha! The time, again just my belief given it isn't clear in the document, is 930AM. It does not specify AM in the original document. HOwever, it says in "Target acheived. GPB/USD 11-13-2006" from the Forex Room that people meet to chat at 9AM. I'm guessing they don't gather to *only* chat. Also, he says that he is done by 10 AM EST in the original document. Aha! As for the 7PM EST time, well, isn't that just for an "inside day" (not specified) and the S/R lines carry over from 6-5pm EST as a set-up? If he is saying to trade at the Asian open perhaps I missed it. That would be nice if the Asian 7 PM EST was as reliable as the 930 AM EST trade. I'd like to know that one, too. The TP is 5 pips it would seem from the chat transcript, as the chat is for Forex, along with the 20-25 pip stop... But it is " 1 ER2 point" from the strategy. But he says in the strategy: "No bracket orders OCO orders or stop orders allowed." Put the market entry order AT the S/R level, not before or after, seemingly. Re 5, try Oanda. They can do 200k (money, not units or lots) for one order, just put in the units to get the dollar amount you want. Maybe we can get a crystal clear version of the strategy clearly written for Forex?
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