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Posts posted by subterfuge

  1. Done for today. Happy with + 2.75


    I will start posting blotters again soon, but having issues with a ninjatrader upgrade. Dont want to lose all my chart settings. Trades were:









    Would have been a very very good day if it wasn't for those 2 losers before the market opened, trading the globex session. Thinking about not trading globex and only trading RTH. Maybe not enought volume on globex making trading too choppy?


    As always, 1 contract, so +$110 or so after commissions.

  2. Tough day. Well, I say tough day, I've had ALOT worse days, lol, but today I fought and fought, felt as though i done everything right in terms of discipline with setups etc, and am about BE for the day.

    See what tomorrow brings...


  3. Just to be clear, are you asking for 'real time' trading calls to verify ones claims of success?

    PS .- Im also pretty much a B/E trader aswell (after MORE than 2 years im sad to say!!)

  4. Im gonna join this thread, starting with Fridays results as it was a rare winning day!

    8 points on the ES (im concentrating soley on the ES at the moment)

    We can expect lots of losses next week to slap me back to realilty!!


  5. Interesting Thales. I pretty much soley trade the ES and so take special notice of your ES posts as i check this thread throughout the day.


    When you posted your long I even thought "this doesn't seem like a 'thales' type trade" lol. I was actually short at the time aswell, so I was hoping for a rare loser from you!!

    However, I was nearly tempted to take some off the table. Not just because of your post, but statistically Thursdays have the best probability of a gap fill, and a gap of less than 3 handles (like today) fills the gap a very large percentage of the time, so the gap fill had a lot going for it today. As it turned out it was a rare failure for both the gap statistic play and your trade!


    Having said that, I made some losing trades in the evning session and ended about BE for the day. Found myself getting chopped up again as seems to be the case for me recently. Generally up about 4 points from globex trades and maybe a trade after teh open, and then tend to give most of them back later. Im looking at moving to a slightly larger timeframe possible. Too many trades and too many false breaks.


    Anyway, thanks for your updates.

  6. you're annoyingly good thales.

    Maybe I can come to where you live and teach your daughter to play the piano or the guitar, and you can teach me how to trade better!?


    p.s - Did you see my last post with the chart? Would that constitute a 'thales' trade? It worked out nicely anaway.


    pps - would your ES trade just a break out of the triangle trade. A pattern you've not yet mentioned before? thanks

  7. I think maybe he's confused because the 2b long trades are sort of in contradiction with most of the trade setups you post where you are generally shorting on a break of a previous low, whereas this setup almost 'fades' the break.


    However, in the chart he posted I also noticed what you noticed in terms of the overall trend direction

  8. yeah...but seriously...where can i find the darvas box indicator??

    i kid! i kid!


    Here's an ES long i took today (at the green square)

    Would that be a trade you'd take out of interest Thales?


    .I am a consistently breakeven type trader (im ashamed to say after years of screentime)

    However, a very good trader that I recently met tells me that if someone can be breakeven consistently for a decent amount of time, then they are potentially not far away from finally becoming profitable.

    Ill let you know!


    PS - dont feel you can only post ES trades here Thales. Even tho I dont have the money to trade stocks (which id love to do as i seem to be better at them than anything else, but the damn 25k PDT stops me), i like to see your stock trades aswell.




  9. you're one of my trading idols, thalestrader.

    I've been concentrating pretty much soley on the ES for quite a long time now, and like many others, find it terribly hard. Unfotunattely its my only option as i dont have the money required to trade stocks due to the PDT rule.


    I love your ES trades. Thanks for posting them.

  10. Chart?


    From the prices you state I assume you are still trading Sept?


    Sorry. Here's chart. Thought we were making a little Inverted h&s. Not looking great now tho.

    Still trading sept. When should one change?



    anyone in cable? (6B) broken thourgh resistance on its way further up?


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