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Everything posted by subterfuge

  1. -$300 was out for a good part of the day and that had me missing good trades and taking bad trades when i got home, lol. I imagine that if it was a normal day and i were at the screen it would have been a slight up day, nothing great.
  2. Earliest ive finished in a while i think! Been trading 45 minutes. 3 trade, 3 wins. 39 pips, although I was late seeing one of my setups which if i had have been more alert would have neted me another 10 pips. Still, likely im done for the day.
  3. quite a tough one yet again. Happy to be up. Had to rely on my ES system to bail me out of a losing day once again. It cant keep it up forever (I attched the little excel graph. approaching 50 ES points now)... hope that my other trading picks up again soon.
  4. you lot did well! Not good here again. No blotter today, but Im up 6 pips - basically breakeven day. Very tough. Was down lots again at one point. not sure what's changed. Cant complain yet as its been a great few weeks but, as im sure you are all aware, it plays with your mind. Have a good weekend.
  5. Im not quite 'there' yet, but I know exactly what you mean! Been at it 4 years, I used to be all over threads like this one, or threads with 'realtime calls' or threads giving away a new 'system' for free etc. Now im indifferent to them. I like threads that look into psychology. I like PNL threads to show what can be achieved. My needs have changed over teh years....
  6. And tehe streaketh endeth! Couldn't make it to 10 winning days in a row. After 9 winning days and around 300 pips profit, today was red. Not bothered at all. Just because of my pescimistic/supersticious nature, im hoping that it doesn't mark the start of a similar run, but this time losing days! lol. Also, after a good run and because my method is most priceaction/discressionary, you start to ask yourself whether you are trading slightly different to how you usually do without realising it. Pretty sure im being quite consistent and you obviously cant win em all. 2 other things to mention. 1, that it could have been alot worse. I was down over double that amout at one point, but then a trade from my ES system (remember the little equity curve thing i posted a few days ago?) gave me a nice 30 pip(3 ES points) winner, making the red day less painful. Other thing to mention is that it could have also easliy been another good day. I missed one of my bread and butter setups in the pre-market. I only have one pair of eyes, and dont know a thing about programming/alerts, and my method is slightly disressionary so its inevitable that i miss trades from time to time. Would have been a very good one too! Still. Lets see what the next few trading sessions bring....
  7. found it tough today, but the winning streak continues(just)! Almost looking forward to the losing day now! lol
  8. Well, took a few more trades and my pnl is now more than double what i posted a few minutes ago! another day ill probably carry on trading after a good day and lose it all! Ill post blotter if anyone partucularly wants to see it.... Brownsfan, im slightly confused, mate. You appear to be doing well to me, making money most days. Is the problem just that you feel that you should be doing better? Doing something 'radically different' sounds a bit gung-ho..?... Are you missing out of extra profits by not following your plan?? cheers.
  9. boat load of trades again. Not really the plan. First 3 trades of the day were all losers(-7, -16, -13). Like yesterday was either B/E or down mist of the day, but i found a good ES trade near the open that put me at +20 pips or so for the day. enough.
  10. up 47pips. I thought today was gonna start the losing streak earlier as I kept going from breakeven to minus 15pips, to near B/E, then to minus 19 etc. Things picked up in the last hour tho and I managed a few decent trades. I spent some time like I planned too, this weekend, just going over random days action from various years, and It did seem that my 'system' would have generally been doing OK on the random days though 2007-2008 that i chose .(Obviously I was just 'backtesting' using my eyes wirthout any fancy software so its hard to be exact) Gave me some confidence tho, combined with my current run. I know that a few weeks is not a long time as far as consistency goes, although I do trade fairly small timeframes and thus can place 20+ trades in a day, so thats roughly 200+ trades to go by so far. It is one of my best runs, considering, as ive said before, I consider myself a Breakeven trader. Where do people stand on the 'market is always changing and so you must keep changing/adapting your method' debate? Doesn't sit right with me, personally. I mean, they say that one must spend months and months developing and testing a method and then taking it live with small stakes and then gradually increasing stakes. However, if they method only 'works' for a few months, is one then expected to not earn any money for the next 6 months whilst they develop and test a whole new method? There surely cant even be that many methods!!? I hope im misunderstanding the concept of the argument, otherwise, trading goes from being hard, to near enough impossible. Have any of you successfully traded the same method for a long time now and dont expect to change anything in the future? Anyway, long post. Would appreciate any answers to my ramblings. I think its good to occasionally break up the blotters with our thoughts along the way. cheers.
  11. 45 pips profit yet again! Best week in a while. Gonna be sad when this roll ends, but as long as it doesn't 'dissapear' for good, i'll be happy, lol. Gonna go over lots of days price action over the last few years and see how my 'system' would have held up. Gonna be brutal doing that with ninjatrader i feel...Getting curious about the statistical side of trading at the moment/backtesting etc. I dont really know much about it tho, but I think ill have more confidence in my ability if i can get some figures to shout back at me. Hope everyones done OK today anyway.
  12. Couldn't put it better, and that's definitely how i feel. As for your suggetions, that's pretty much the route i've already been taking for a while now. Ive been tracking every trade in an excel spreadsheet. Also, on only ONE of my setups i've also started doing as you suggested about 1 month ago, and put the results into a graph in excel to give me basically an equity curve. I chose that particular setup because its my most 'mechanical' setup. In fact, here is that one setups data so far. Since the 22nd of September its made 23 trades and has made 42 ES points. Im gonna try and get much more past info on it as I doubt 1month of data is partucularly statistically relevant..?.... Anyone, thanks for your input.
  13. No blotter today but im up around 40 pips again and probably done for the day. Mainly traded cable. it would have been a very small up day (+9 pips or so), but I managed to cathc a piece of the ES move just after the news release. Its strange but i find winning streaks like im on almost as frustrating as losing streaks! It just kind of reminds me that its upto the market as to whether i make money or not. My setups are obviously working at the moment, but will the market dynamics change soon, rendering my 'system' useless? I imagine some of my doubts/questions could be answered by backtesting my methods more, but because they are mainly price action based with some discretion, I imagine you'd need to be an absolute computer programming genius to do it (that's if its even possible). Have you guys all managed to succesfully backtest your methods? Id like to think that im worrying about nothing and im simply getting better, but as a generally 'breakeven' trader after putting in YEARS of 12 hour days watching price/charts, you'll understand why I am pessimistic when it comes to my own trading! have a good days trading.
  14. Stopping early again as have done well. I appear to be on a roll recently, averaging about 45 pips per day. Dont konw if it means im getting better or the market just happens to be suiting my style, but I expect to get a beating soon enough! Still, cross that bridge when i come to it I guess:
  15. Well...made hard work of it today. Made loads of trades which certainly isn't part of the plan. All that being said, i'd be a very happy guy if all of my 'hard' days were still winners like today, lol.
  16. Stopping before the US session even kicks of for once. I know from my stats that if im up by this much in only a few trades that its better that i quit for the day rather than risk giving it back.
  17. Really strange day. Despite catching 5 points on that drop near the end of day,I still finished WAY down on the ES. Just couldn't trade it today. 5 losers in a row. Didn't feel nice! Would have been a bloodbath if It hadn't have been for the 5points I caught at the EOD. Inversely, however, my trading on the 6b and Zn went well. Still, a bad day overall for me: hope you lot did better.
  18. Does anyone know how i can have different audio's for different instruments but with effectively using the same indicator? Basically I have an indicator, and ive finally ben able to add an audio alert, and then 'customized' that audio alert to say 'buy' or 'sel' (rather than the standard ninjatrdxer audios) However, What i want is for it to be able to specify what instrument it is referring to. Knowing nothing about programming etc, I went into the code, copied it, built a new indicator(by pasting in the code) and then changed the audio alert from 'buy' to 'buy cable'(already copied to my ninjatrader sound files), but got an error, I guess something to do with using the same code?? How do I get around it? I basically want 6 of the same indicators, but each one with a different audio alarm>>??
  19. Anyone able to help me with how to use custom aleart sounds in ninjatrader? I dont know a thing about coding but it 'seemed' obvious, although isn't working. I saved a wav file with a sound i want to use. I saved it in c: ninjatrader/sounds as suggested by ninjatrader, and called it 'customesound1' I then went into the code of the indicator and replaced 'alert1' that was already there with 'customsound1' However, nothing has actually happened. It still plays the old sound/??? thanks EDIT: Turned ninja off and then on again, and its working now
  20. branched out on things alongside my usual ES today....
  21. .........................................................
  22. Not to feel left out with the negative blotter!! Lets see what tomorrow brings, boys.
  23. yesterday's trading: ........... :
  24. Do not worry. Its my own fault. I haven't upgraded in a long time. Will do it at the weekend i think, but until I do my performance tab isn't updating properly, hence no blotters at the mo.
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