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Posts posted by allforex1

  1. i see that many people use ts and other mc, why don't we post the code for both platform each times?


    why don't move the put the last version of the code at the beginning of the thread?


    i see that the guys of this thread are doing a great job.




    the indicator of these 2 threat could be joint and be a very good tecnique to make money...

  2. Hier is market delta for Multichart with backfeel with few errors.

    errLine 2, errColumn 9, errLineEnd 2, errColumnEnd 20

    Somebody can repair?


    is it still not working?


    Bump: if the guys of this thread speak with the guys the thrad below





    many many many things could be done....



    constant bars volume chart.....



    is it possible to draw the md next to the candle, and on the other side the market profile, more important information in this way in the same charts?

  3. This indicator could be extended at all book?


    the reason is that indicator with the extension of all book can very easily see the urgency that traders have to buy or sell: the indicator is moving upward if they are the dominant buyers who apply letters, and moves downward instead if the book is more 'aggressive Sellers.

    Compared to the mere observation of the book, showing historical DB lets you make comparisons with previous periods, and pinpoint specific trends, compared with the movement of prices. In a normal market, the DB rather faithfully follows the trend of price: when the trend is upward, the indicator has a trend which often overlaps perfectly with price action, and vice versa when the trend is downward. A quick glance at DB replaces minutes and minutes to watch the evolution of the fixed book and accurately summarizes the "haste" of actors is difficult to see immediately whether, after a violent drop, the traders are covering shorts quickly (PB in steep rise ), Or whether, on top of a rally, quickly download books.

    Without being able to indicate the trend, provides a number of very interesting ideas in the short term. Comparing the trend of PB with the trend of price, There are three major cases:


    1. confirmation of the trend underway

    2. divergence between price trends and developments in PBA

    3. strong tendency within a trading range


    Confirmation of the trend underway


    When the PB follows the price (salt while the price rises and falls while the price drops), this means that the trend is real and there are no tricks. If I had then some doubt that a trend being hidden pitfalls of the confirmation of PB should calm the market is normal, the trend may continue.

    PBA divergence between price and


    However, there are cases in which the price rises making new highs while the DB instead of rise, fall and indicates a considerable divergence, making up less: These differences suggest that the second climb the traders have taken advantage of prices climb to apply the low bids and then quickly acquired the position previously! In a market drop, however, a new low with PBA uphill signal the existence of strong coating of bearish, with a likely rebound quickly.

    Strong tendency of the PBA in a range




    If in a trading range DB does not follow the movements of the trend zigzag up and down but on the contrary has a strong trend established (uphill or downhill), which has a precise meaning: in this range you are creating a strong imbalance: sellers (or buyers) is substantially in prevalence and this imbalance is like a spring ready to explode in one direction or another. We think a trading range: we do not have the perception of what forces are being built inside but if the PB no longer follows the price and take a directional decision, then sounds an alarm bell. It 's like a volcano that gives us no indication of the next eruption, but a series of earthquakes around us indicate that the short burst finimondo. Here's what does the PB: that soon this trading range will be broken and will follow a sharp acceleration in prices. It is not an unimportant information ..



    what kind of other indicator could i add to it for a better analisys that i could find on this site?



    market profile

    what is the better that i could find on this site?



    the charts sould be more right plotted by Constant volume bars for a better relation between price and volume?


    Compared with tick-volume bars (or bars with the same number of trades), the CVB are much more precise because not all price providers transmit the same number of trades (several trades at the same price are compacted and sent as a single trade ). However, the volume gradually used to build the CVB, is a target and allows you to build the CVB in a way quite simple: lots traded each x (instead of every y minutes) is built a new bar. This correlation to the volume treated that time, more than a simple alternative methodology to create the bars, is a different philosophy to read the charts. Chaotic markets such as financial beds have been arranged in time series. However breaks ranges trigger the sudden volatility of prices and volumes that are not for nothing seized from a purely scanning time of occurrence: How to compare a bar in the first half hour of a given key, where the market is absolutely firm and not no exchanges, with the bar at 30 'next, where the market exchange huge volumes and prices spouting? because an indicator / oscillator must weigh in the same way the two bars, while extremely important at all? use time-bar includes a strong pollution data for this reason that equal weight is given to price actions totally different. Not being tied to variable time, the CVB filters periods with low volume, capacitors in a few bars, while giving much importance to the periods with high volume, paying them a high number of bars. Look for example is represented as a graph on dax 5 'and as the chart is displayed through a CVB having the same number of bars. I have been a day of BUND futures and DAX future with bars to five minutes (top chart) and with a CVB so constructed that has the same number of bar graph 5 minutes (see graph below). To facilitate the comparison you have highlighted the significant stages of trading with horizontal bars of the same color: there are now so visually differences in length. Known as the CVB are in significantly shortened, to be halved periods of range trading , while trends are highlighted with a number of bars much higher.




    Is there a acceleration of volumes? This indicator is like a speedometer: indicates how many volumes were traded in a limited period of time. Just watch to see that the market is exchanging low volumes, or suddenly is reawakening and new, intense negotiations are taking place. To sound an alert threshold of significant acceleration immediately arouses the attention of traders.




    Istogrami Price Volume

    The control area (PoC) and the reaction


    The volume histograms show the volume is treated at every price level. At the beginning of the session bag, this chart always begins with a series of volumes with prices more or less similar, then gradually the market began to station more frequently at certain prices, and then the line volume increases at these prices.

    This line of books tends to become a landmark within a few tens of minutes. The online price with the highest volume is called Control Point (Point of Control, PoC, terminology borrowed from the Market Profile) and represents a fundamental level: the PoC shows, so very simple, intuitive and absolutely incontrovertible, the level that the market considers "fair" to work: the level of balance.

    This point is so important paradoxically remains hidden in ordinary bar chart: in a bar chart is rather difficult, if not a very observant eye, find this level, while still very clearly visible maximum and minimum.

    L 'IPV (price volume histogram) is an indicator, because immediately indicate what price level is likely to mute the market trend. Looking at a IPV, you notice immediately the level of PoC and there are also areas with very few volumes. Even these areas, these zones Minimum Volume (ZMV) are very important and learn to exploit them later.

    The price PoC acts as a magnet: it is the central range of range trading, prices feel its pull and gravitate around. The ZMV instead represent areas where the market has not stopped but was quickly propelled to new levels are quite clearly on the bar charts because they are the maximum and minimum, touched a few times.

    Putting together the analysis on prices and sull'IPV you can give a double reading of the market situation: a dynamic reading of prices and volumes on another static. The reading dynamic pricing can be interpreted with TdLine, the static volumes through the IPV: knowing how many volumes were treated to what the price is hard to understand if dealt with both (the stops) or if handled niente (zones initiating trading)

    Structure of the Bar graphs


    The IPV normally tends to assume a bell, this means that the market has been distributed around an area of high volume in a symmetrical manner: the market is clearly in a trading range.

    If the IPV has a point of maximum volume that stands out in particular in relation to others, it means that the price has dealt with for a long time in a very narrow range, and thus the strength of that level becomes remarkable.

    If the PoC is not well defined, and the zone of maximum volume presents a beveled pattern, then we must consider a whole as significant but obviously with an attractive lower power compared to the previous case.

    During a day you can define different areas of high volume. For example, after the formation of a PoC, the traders, for a story or simply for operational flows, consider that that price is no longer a fair level: in this case, prices quickly away from the previous PoC and seek a new level balance.

    When prices start to move away from previous PoC, begins a phase where the volumes are distributed so that every price has a similar volume and low means the market is looking for a new price level "correct" around which to begin gravitate. Once this equilibrium price has been found, the market begins to swing upward and downward, and establishes a new distribution of prices that has within it the PoC (often at the center, but sometimes the greatest coincidence or Minimal range).

    The IPV also indicates the points as they start the new trend: these are the areas where there are few volumes (ZMV): these points in the range gives way to sudden acceleration: the areas of minimum volume represent the start and the end of a distribution of volume.

    Form of the distribution of volume: a bell or a right triangle


    In a normal distribution of volumes, the profile that is created is a kind of bell. In these cases there was no known specific, except to identify the central point that can return very useful in cases of rupture and subsequent pullback.

    There are some times when you create a distribution to right triangle, that figure or a mirror with the highest volumes moved at the top of the range. In these cases, the types of trading are changing radically.




    Value area: how to calculate, that has value


    The value area is the area where around PoC which are concentrated 70% of volumes traded. Harvesting a trade volume so significant, it becomes a very important reference.

    The value area of a day is a very important to identify the trend that the market will have on the following day in the opening function and development of the first hour of trading.





    this is what isti...... traders have on their charts....

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