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  1. Hi again Thanks again and great forum you have here lots of reading and open and diverse people with their own opinions on trading from all over the world. Volume/price movement/support resistance/trade frequency/market depth. Once these line up it can't get any better than this. IMO cheers Ubetido :did I say that?:
  2. Hi all Thanks for your replies greatly appreciated. I guess i am looking to validate this as an accurate measure of entry for the way i trade and exit. The reason i say this is that i looked at some video here whereby it was live and the person called it wrong more time than correct which raised alarm bells to me. ? Called professional money entering when it closed on the downside of the bar etc. When he mentioned it weak it went up and vice versa. This then registered to me that perhaps and only perhaps live is alot more difficult than looking at a EOD chart and saying yes weak here bar up here etc etc. The way i trade is that i only look and focus on one or two stocks and wait till i reckon its entry time. I buy many many shares in only one of them then wait and take my profit. So it is important to myself to get it reasonably correct I did try to apply some of the material i read but based on some past charts and time i still couldn't say yes buy here or exit there I only use one or two indicators in my trading and was looking if this would assist it. It is probably that i can't see what you experienced folk can see. Cheers U
  3. Hi Thanks Mister Ed much appreciated your reply. cheers U
  4. Hi all I am in Australia and mainly trade the ASX. I have been reading with interest the VSA thread. Just a few questions if someone would respond please: Can VSA be used on a Daily chart or is it predominantly for Intraday like 5 min or 1 min charts. Is it a good tool for entry and exit points by this i mean are there certain signal that confirm a change in direction. I don't short mainly look for stocks that go north. I tend to stick to stocks between .01c to $3 These question may have already been answered i may have missed them (alot to read)..lol a link would be good. Cheers Ubetido
  5. Hi all I have recently come across this VSA analysis of the market and have found it interesting. I am having difficulty working out when the entry and exit points would apply. i generally look at daily charts but still not clear to me. Whilst i understand that one bar doesn't give you the clue how many bars back does one need to go to establish some significance in what they are looking at. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers U
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