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About Reaver

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    United States
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  1. You helped me out a lot, you're a pretty good guy after all. I'd like to see some more of your posts. They've led to some major discoveries! Reaver the Enlightened
  2. I'll definitely support you on that! Dog owners need more stuff like that out there! Looking forward to hearing more. Take care.
  3. Won $54 last night in two sit n go's. $8 buy ins. Small stuff...but I got 2nd in one and 1st in the other. Pretty psyched, since its my 3rd day playing. I play as scarecrow999 over there if anybody wants to come get some. lol
  4. Yeah not aware of anything like that so far, but things change so fast here in the States, who knows what'll happen in the near future.... Glad to hear about your new puppy on the way Nick! Dogs are awesome! I've always liked Dobermanns.
  5. Hey man that sounds good, I'd like to hear more about it. If it's going to be internet based or anything like that, I'd be happy with doing some grassroots advertising for you man. I'd post up some ads here and there and tell people I know about it. Just something to help out. Not to mention, I'd place a few orders myself. Yeah if that guy leaves the dog out in the winter, you may have to take steps....we should hog tie him and stick him a meatlocker for a few days with some kibbles to eat. That'll make him do some more in depth contemplation next time. LOL Good luck with the business, get back to me about it!
  6. Yeah I am pretty psyched. Poor thing was out on its own for who knows how long. Skinny as a rail. But he's living the good life now! Hope to be able to do more one of these days.
  7. It's a Pit/Boston Terrier mix. It was a stray...the shelter said they were going to put it to sleep since it was part Pit Bull, according to the woman that found it and nursed it back to health. Still missing a bunch of its coat, and it was horribly malnourished...even after the woman fed him for two weeks, you can still see his ribs, it's pitiful...but man the dog stole my heart. He's about 2-3 years old according to the vets estimates. I named him Bogey. So that makes dog #3. I am going to start a rescue shelter for dogs, especially pits (since they get put to sleep almost automatically) once I get the money coming in. I don't care how much it costs. I am doing what I can now, but it's tough fitting three dogs into one house especially when one's a GSD. haha Just brought him home a couple hours ago, so I am pretty excited.
  8. You're not getting an apology. Deal with it. I don't say things I don't mean. We'll see how it all pans out.
  9. Tread lightly. Your threads keep making waves and are borderline inappropriate manner-wise. You show up out of the blue and want to get combative. Seek life elsewhere if that is what you're here for. It doesn't fly around here.
  10. Hey watch it clown. You're a guest here. Don't forget that.
  11. I see your point in that respect. They basically think that just because they are good at what they do, then they are on fire no matter what they do...Kind of like me saying that just because I'm a good trader, then I could also just take couple piano lessons, grab a book or two, and then drop by Carnegie Hall to make a few performances while sitting back waiting for the fame and recording contracts to roll in? Am I tracking here? I agree with you there, I was viewing it only from the perspective of someone who is making this their prime focus in life.....
  12. The way I see it....since we are on the subject of gambling and playing probailities..why the hell would you bother trading against 90-95% odds? I agree with you Brownsfan....if I believed that 95% of traders failed....that would be some horrble odds to be playing...not a good start for a trader;) I think that 95% of people who don't treat it as a business fail...that is to be expected...just like any other punter....but out of those that are intelligent and genuinely have discipline and a drive for excellence...no, I believe that many more than 5-10% of those individuals succeed.
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