Hello all.
Just found this forum a couple days ago. I've been reading so much my eyes are "buggin". I have only recently ( 4 months) been demo trading e-minis so that is pretty new to me. But I have been in the option market for some time. Like all new endeavors there was a very steep learning curve for me with options. Timing wasn't right for me on so many things. However, persistence has paid off and I can say that I am fairly comfortable with the strategy that I finally locked onto.
I now usually only sell credit spreads on the indexes with an occasional spread on really strong trending stocks. My experience has been since most options expire worthless for the one who owns them, the logical side to be on is the opposite one. And with credit spreads I only have to monitor my positions. The reasoning for positions on indexes is primarily less risk. Most indexes spend most of their time in trading ranges which work perfectly for credit spreads. When they are in these ranges, many months I am able to open spread positions on both sides of the index and capture two premiums. With the right broker only one maintenance will have to be provided. For a conservative trader credit spreads offer a fairly decent return monthly. They aren't the most exciting plays in the book, but they are very consistent.
Anyway, I would be glad to engage in this conversation as I believe it would be as stimulating as the rest of this forum seems to be.