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Posts posted by Art

  1. Hi Kansas,


    I really appreciate your reply. I am sorry it took me so long to respond, but I have been

    away from trading & just getting back into it.


    I am sorry to hear how things turned out for you on your purchase of Kenison Counting

    Numbers. As I said earlier I had several conversations with Bruce about his Timing Course, but I never was able to purchase a copy as he passed away shortly after our

    last conversation. I would still like to purchase a copy if I could located someone who

    wanted to sell their copy. If you know of someone that would like to sell their copy

    please let me know.


    Just out of curiosity would someone be able to discover his counting numbers own

    their own? Also based on the material in the timing course did you feel his counting

    method had any merit to it, but it was just not for you.


    You are one of only two people that

    I have found who purchased this material. The other person was unable to locate his copy. I would be most interested in any info you would be able to share with me in

    reference to this method.


    Thank you for your time.





  2. Hello Everyone,


    I hope this is the correct forum to discuss this, but if not please excuse the thread & I am sure the moderators will relocate it.


    Several years back I was in contact with a man name Bruce Kenison who was selling a product called Kenison Counting Numbers which from what I learned from swapping emails with him several times was a course on how to project market turning points into the future. The name was actually Bruce Kenison's Market Timing Home Study Course 5th Edition. If anyone has any knowledge about Bruce & his course I would be most interest to hear from you.


    I was never able to purchase the course as I had a computer crash & when I was finally up & running again he had stopped answering his email. I cannot even find any customer feedback, but only numerous articles about Bruce & his market calls using his counting method.


    Thank you for any information you might have.


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