I'm glad i found this thread regarding Al Brooks book - "Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar"
I received the book a few days a go and i'm trying to read it.
Upon reading the first few pages of the book i got the impression that the book is too advanced for my current stage but decided to go on anyway as i have a feeling that i can gain a lot of insight from the observations in this book.
My first question is about the definition of high1,high2. i'll be gratefull if you could clarify the following point for me:
The definition of the high1, high2 as written in the book is:
"High 1 is a bar with a high above the prior bar in a correction in an up or sideways market. If there is then a bar with a lower High (it can occur one or several bars later) the next bar in this correction whose high is above the prior bar's high is a high 2. Third and fourth occurrences are a high 3 and 4. there are other variantions as well"
Ok. i think i understand, but then on page 31 at the beginning of the page he writes (figure 1.18): "Bar 2 was a good reversal bar...... It was a high 2 long opening reversal ...."
Can anyone explain why bar 2 is a high 2 ? According to my understanding, this description doesn't go well with the definition...
It is really important for me to understand what the autor means by high 1,2 because he uses this term in almost every page...
Also do you think these methods can be used for an hourly and daily charts ? The author mainly refer to a 5 min chart.