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Everything posted by Tradewinds

  1. I did a Google Custom Search, and there were 10 pages of results for "Ego". The Google Custom Search seems to put the hits that have the search word in the title at the top of the list. So that's nice. I like that feature. Of course, the only two threads with Ego in the title where started by ME! What does that tell you? It tells you that I'm "way ahead of the curve", and far superior to other mere mortals. :rofl:
  2. Congratulations on your trading, and your improvements. You seem to be learning very quickly. What do you use for indicators? Do you ever run your trading stats? I'm curious as to how long your average trade is, how many trades you make in a day, week. Do you ever look at your stats for things like how big a draw down you took? The other thing I'm curious about is what your strategy is for getting your orders filled? Do your entry orders ever go unfilled? Do you use market orders or limit orders? Do you scale out?
  3. YRC Worldwide - Quarterly Report UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-Q x QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2011 OR ¨ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from to Commission file number: 0-12255 YRC Worldwide Inc. The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. The uncertainty regarding the Company’s ability to generate sufficient cash flows and liquidity to fund operations raises substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern (which contemplates the realization of assets and discharge of liabilities in the normal course of business for the foreseeable future). Our financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty. If we are unable to fund our operations through operating cash flows, existing credit facilities, We have substantial debt and, as a result, significant debt service obligations. As of March 31, 2011, we had approximately $1.1 billion of secured indebtedness outstanding. We are deferring payment of (i) interest and fees to our lenders under the Credit Agreement,
  4. If you are trying to make an investment decision, even short term, if it's more than day trading, then you need to look at the financial documents of the company. And visit the official company website. YRC Worldwide: News, Investors, Media YRC Worldwide, Inc. - YRCW Earnings Releases & Operating Statistics yrcw stock - Google Search And you need to know what the current overall economic outlook is for the country, and maybe even the world. It all affects the markets. Forex Factory Then there are market cycles that happen during the year. Those can affect the market. You also need to know that speculators can move the price up or down with absolutely no good reason to do so, except speculation. Just because the price is going up or down, doesn't mean there is a good reason for it to be going up or down. It could all be meaningless and empty speculation. Like a house of cards.
  5. Good point. I'm not sure exactly what was being implied, but if it is about big draw downs, then I am very much against draw downs. In fact, my strategy is almost zero tolerance for draw downs. I say almost no draw down because it is almost impossible to have no draw down unless you get a touch fill at exactly the right price. But other than that initial, one time draw down, that's where I "draw the line". If an entry fails, then I assume a continuation in the previous direction. If that doesn't happen, then the market may be sideways for a little while.
  6. Yes, good analogy. I'd like to be "tough" in the sense that I at least define my "absolutes" in discretionary trading. Like, Never take a loss greater than "x". If profit gets to "X", always take it. Trading both a system, and discretionary seems like a good balance. I like that idea.
  7. Ok, interesting. I did get results from the Google Custom Search. Thanks.
  8. It's shocking when we first realize how influenced we are by "mindless" and automatic behavior that influences our actions with no conscious awareness. It truly is something that needs to be worked on in a deliberate way. Our mindless behavior will not simply go away automatically over time.
  9. This is interesting. Your two systems can conflict, and still make money. My first thought is that it's more difficult to program all the subtleties and complexities into the trading system.
  10. I just created a new thread titled, "Fear vs Ego - which is worse". I just wanted to point that out. Plus making this post will increase my trader IQ. And if you look at the "Latest Posts" list, I'm right at the top. :rofl: I do this to boost my ego.
  11. I'll sell anything anyone is willing to buy if I can make a profit. Actually, I won't sell anything that has more value to me if I just keep it to myself. And I don't want to sell anything that does not have value to the buyer. I'm not a real trader. I'm just a wannabe trader. I'm really a nobody trying to be somebody. I'm a pathetic joke of a person trying to boost my ego here by making posts to Trader's Laboratory. Oh, this is the perfect opportunity to point out that my Trader IQ recently went over 90%. Now I have a new goal. I'd really like to have a perfect Trader IQ.
  12. Search is not working correctly. If I do a search for the word "ego" in posts or titles, the search results return nothing. But there are posts with the word "ego".
  13. I did an advanced search for threads with the word "ego" in the title. I got no results. I did an advanced search for threads with the word "fear" in the title, and the search returned 12 threads with the word "fear" in the title. If I search entire posts, there are 404 search results found for the word "fear". With the word "ego", there are no results. Actually, I think there is something wrong with the advanced search because I know of at least one post with the word "ego" in it. There seems to be a lot of focus on fear, but I'm wondering if there isn't a deeper issue. An issue that maybe people don't want to talk about. So if nobody wants to talk about it, I do. :rofl: My initial thought is that a vain ego is worse than fear. You must be humble to eat those bitter losses and admit that you were wrong. And of course, I am right about this, because I am always right. :rofl: (Just a little joke there). I think that one of the most important lessons I've learned is to take immediate action if I made a bad entry and the market starts going against my position. (Stating that really boosts my ego. I'm really feeling quite superior now.) I find it almost fascinating how difficult it is to admit that I'm wrong. I seems to be "hard wired" into my brain. It's as if the admission of being wrong is something that I will automatically deny and avoid with great resolve. Who wrote this stupid program anyway?!!! I need to be re-programed. LOL.
  14. "On the surface" the NYSE internals, $TICK, $advancers, $Decliners, UpVolume, DownVolume often do NOT sync perfectly with the ES. So there is a seeming disconnect between those internals and the ES. But, all the internals tell exactly why the ES does what it does if you learn how to "read the tea leaves". There is a complexity to reading the signals, and you have to know how all 3 sets of internals interact with each other. For example, sometimes the $TICK and the ES go out of sync with the $Advancers/$Decliners. But they will sync back up very soon, and the $Advancers/$Decliners usually win the battle.
  15. Is there any currency that has not failed? What is the longest successful currency in the history of money? I don't know, just wondering. Ultimately the issue is about what gives a currency it's value. And it's all about trust. If paper money were "backed" by gold, but then the backer of the currency wouldn't give you any gold, then the trust would be broken. Money is simply a medium of exchange, it has no real value in and of itself. Again, it's all about trust. Gold can't guarantee that the backer of the currency has good character. It all comes down to the character of the people. That is what every issue you could ever think of comes down to. Gold backed currency might give the impression that the character of the backer is more trustworthy, but gold reserves can not guarantee people's character will be good. The government is made up of people, it all comes back to the character of the people. Ultimately it's a moral, and ethical, and character issue.
  16. This is a quote from EasyLanguage Help: I tried using this reserved word in an indicator to change the color of a price bar, and got the error msg: I guess I would need to recreate the main part of my code inside a PaintBar study in order to paint the bar. So I'd have the code for the same study running twice. Once for the lower study, and once to paint the bar. Hopefully EasyLanguage will consolidate everything into one and just have indicators.
  17. Yes, fake money. I'm not a real trader. Hopefully that will happen. I've got a well defined strategy and I'm working on being consistent. I'm constantly learning. I probably could have gone live well before now, but it's just part of my personality. I'm refining my strategy to an almost scientific degree. But I think it takes very high proficiency to be a successful trader. I'm trying to get to a level of ability that's like a professional athlete. Hopefully I'll be posting performance reports from my live account in the future. To boost my ego. :rofl: (If I make money that is) I've got the very well defined strategy, that I know works, the last issue I need to tweak is making sure I'll get fills in live trading. Unfortunately TradeStation gives "touch fills" in SIM. Why do they do that!!?? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I'd like to record my screen while I'm practice trading, but that creates a really big file.
  18. Must be willing to take risk. No risk, no reward. Market is an auction. Speculation drives price as much as news, and profit taking. Price moves very fast from price level to price level. Enter long when price is going down, sell when price is going up. Look for confirmation that your entry is good right after you enter it. If no good confirmation that it's a good entry, exit and look for another opportunity. Be patient, even predatory, looking for your best attack.
  19. SPECULATION: You will often see the price drop on GOOD news. I didn't understand that for a long time. The market is about speculation. Investors are speculating ahead of time what the future will bring. That is what investing is. No risk, no reward. So investors and traders buy ahead of the news speculating on what the news will be. Then when the news comes out they sell, even if the news is good. So you have all these people selling to take profit, and the price goes down on good news. On the surface, it doesn't make any sense, but in terms of speculation and short term profit taking, it makes perfect sense.
  20. AUCTION: The market is an auction. People are asking for a certain price and bidding at a certain price.
  21. TREND LINES: The emphasis of trends lines is on "smoothing" the price action, and eliminating "noise". But the market is not smooth, its volatile. Don't fight it, take advantage of it. You can't fit a volatile market to a trend line, it just doesn't work. If the market is trending, then you don't need a trend line to show you that, it's obvious.
  22. ENTRY: You can buy when the price is going up, but then if the price goes down, then you entered at the worst possible place. You bought high. When price decides to move, if moves VERY quickly from price level to price level. You don't have time to react when those really fast price moves happen, you must be prepared for them ahead of time. The reason the market surges very fast and hard when it decides to move to another level, is to make it difficult for you. If it was easy, then everyone would do it, and it would be easy money.
  23. - LIQUIDITY: Traders add liquidity to the market. If Traders did not bring any value to the market, then the people who own the exchanges would not be able to pay you anything. The long term investor enters and exits infrequently. But no one would invest in the market if they couldn't exit. I would never buy an investment that I couldn't get rid of. That's where the traders come in. The trader is willing to take the short term risk. The trader is willing to take that short term risk because there is a reward. The more traders there are in the market, the more opportunity there is for things to get bought and sold. No traders, no liquidity. If there is no liquidity, then no one will enter the market, and the market would just stagnate. The market needs people willing to take the risk. The market won't reward you for taking no risk.
  24. My opinions about what a new trader needs to know about trading ... - The first thing you need to know, is that your failure is at least 90% guaranteed. The investment industry in general, probably doesn't want you to know that. - You could take a lifetime reading stuff about trading. There is a lot of trading related material "out there". But there isn't enough time for anyone to go through it all. Try to get a good basic overall knowledge before you get deep into a particular market or trading strategy. - RISK: We don't like fear. But the only way the market can reward people is by taking risk. No risk, no reward. If you try to eliminate risk from your trading, you will not make any money. You must take risk to make money.
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