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Everything posted by olie1018

  1. anyone have the BB Squeeze for Esignal? jim
  2. is the BB squeeze for tradestaion or esignal? jim
  3. i tried this code in esignal and all i got was a syntexerror on line 98? jim
  4. i keep getting a PreferenceError on line 40... can anyone help? function preMain() { setPriceStudy(false); setStudyTitle("NickMBigMove"); setCursorLabelName("Signal", 0); setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.red, 0); setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_HISTOGRAM,0); setHistogramBase(0); setDefaultBarThickness(1,0); var fp1 = new FunctionParameter("Length", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); fp1.setLowerLimit(1); fp1.setDefault(20); //Edit this value to set a new default var fp2 = new FunctionParameter("Offset", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); fp2.setDefault(0); //Edit this value to set a new default var fp3 = new FunctionParameter("Source", FunctionParameter.STRING); fp3.setName("Source"); fp3.addOption("Close"); fp3.addOption("High"); fp3.addOption("Low"); fp3.addOption("Open"); fp3.addOption("HL/2"); fp3.addOption("HLC/3"); fp3.addOption("OHLC/4"); fp3.setDefault("Close"); //Edit this value to set a new default var fp4 = new FunctionParameter("ATRMultiple", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); fp4.setName("Constant"); fp4.setLowerLimit(0.0001); fp4.setDefault(1.5); //Edit this value to set a new default var fp5 = new FunctionParameter("StdDev", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); fp5.setLowerLimit(0); fp5.setDefault(2); //Edit this value to set a new default } function main(Length,Offset,Source,ATRMultiple,StdDev) { if (vMA == null) vMA = new MAStudy(Length, Offset, Source, MAStudy.SIMPLE); if (vMA1 == null) vMA1 = new MAStudy(Length, Offset, "High", MAStudy.SIMPLE); if (vMA2 == null) vMA2 = new MAStudy(Length, Offset, "Low", MAStudy.SIMPLE); if (vBB == null) vBB = new BollingerStudy(Length, Source, StdDev); if(vMA.getValue(MAStudy.MA)==null) return; var xATR = (vMA1.getValue(MAStudy.MA)-vMA2.getValue(MAStudy.MA)); vUpper = vMA.getValue(MAStudy.MA)+(xATR*ATRMultiple); vLower = vMA.getValue(MAStudy.MA)-(xATR*ATRMultiple); var vBBUpper = vBB.getValue(BollingerStudy.UPPER); var vBBLower = vBB.getValue(BollingerStudy.LOWER); if(vBBUpper <= vUpper && vBBLower >= vLower){ var vPlot = 1; } return vPlot; }
  5. Does anyone have TTM DDF Value Chart Indicator for TOS or Esignal? jim
  6. Anyone have the Value Chart Indicator for TOS or Esignal? jim
  7. do you have the TTM Squeeze for TOS? jim
  8. Does anyone have the ttm squeeze indicator? Jim
  9. is this formula for trade station or esignal? jim
  10. do you have the TTM scalper indicator for esignal? jim
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