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Posts posted by gg80108

  1. Yes this is a rubrics cube, which dominated more time and frustration which I care to admit, getting the platform/charting/order entry with the indicators, the broker is the least consideration, since they all have competitive fees now...If u venture outside of the standard indicators that every charting package has.. Think I would go for TradesStation,, cause u get what u pay for... I'm a Ninjatrader now due to the various gurus I followed over the years, but seem like most pro traders depend on TradeStation..

  2. The situation one runs into using data "bar data" aka: OHLC , End Of Day, Was the High price made before the Low price or versa? Can make a real difference in some systems especially minute bars that the range can be vast in one minute, when the entry and stop could be hit on the same bar..

    Its one thing recognizing the various charting formations after the fact(bar data), (i'm 100%) but recognizing the patterns as they are occurring, priceless... :)

  3. The next challenge u will face is one of going back and looking at historical trades, any thing beside real data coming in is historical.. Depending on the time frame of ur charts and how close to the tic ur entries and exits are, u might spend ur whole career trying to figure out, why the backtrading looks so good but I lost my account real time.. The most pure historical data is tic data,, but finding enough of it in the platform u like and can afford, will be the next challenge which is really the first challenge.. Charts may change subtly everytime u reload the chart.. Also some of the providers skip tics or the volume data is inaccurate if ur trading system depends on these... The further u get away from minute bars the more ur charts may change on reloads..


    Wish I would have known this 15yrs ago.... :2c:

  4. Charles admits in the room that he is more successful trading the bonds, and the 10yr note, since is easier to place stops and the 10y bond has 50% less volatility, says there is more a relationship to cash, he thinks.. He says he finds it almost impossible to find good stop levels on the ES. Yes it does bother me that all of a sudden every bar has an indicator of something on it, so when they point the indicator out in the room, I just think right!! As I was educated on MP (don't know if I learned anything) the mechanics was that the market tended to mostly not trend and revert back to the mean.. The market profile of previous days seems to make sense to me.. Why there are these low volume areas is a mystery to me, other then no trade there, but why??? dont have a clue. The fat area in the middle makes since, since the MP is like a moving average with a continuous time frame. Support and resistance for the next day is developed from the end of day MP max peaks and max valleys , the the second max, 3rd max. If the market gaps up or down overnight????? I'm a mechanical person, just by personality, so I'm trying a adapt the MP as a verifying feature for a mechanical system. I get in trouble at the ends (new highs, new lows) thinking that the market can't go higher or lower and the MP theory normally says its gonna rotate back,, then it curtains for my trade when it breaks out.

  5. Check it out at the top of each hour, that's when he does the audio I think. A different way of looking at the Market Profile.


    Seems like you have some experience with the 3-2-1 method/software and chat room?? I have the software, mainly because I have a life time license to TM so costs me $0 but they charge me $150/mo for the 3-2-1 charts + another $120 for esignal feed, since their data feed isn't accurate for volume, its like IB data. I'm back in the room to verify that my charts were working "right".. With the new volitility one or many of the software signals seem to show up on every bar and not just turning points , like when I got the the software a month ago.. Course they are teaching that you should not trade the software indicators but trade an idea based on volume and news??? and if the indicators coincide, all the better. The only success I have had was with the 10 yr note,, but still trying to see if the software indicators are worth the money.. so far not worth it for me. I've actually reversed the deceleration of buy/selling signals and seem to work better. Maybe the key is just deceleration somewhere.

  6. My point is that you have a better chance of surviving Russian roulette 5/6 = 83%. Survival rate is much smaller in trading, sorry thats just what the numbers say over 90% die,, you disagree??.. No room or group of people can beat the odds.. Now don't get me wrong, its a great hobby "everyone spends their extra money on something", so you can have a little fun, but if baby needs new shoes, one way is as good as another, or just aim it at your foot, but eventually the odds catch up with you.

    Think the risk disclosure by the CFTC should be more strongly worked.


  7. So where was the best place to post this??? The other posts say come here and now you say go to there,, buy no sell no !!


    Probably doesn't matter much if you take back underwear you didn't like for 30 days,, since you had a full 30 days to try it out. When there is only around 20 trading days a month, right away thats 1/3 of the time gone, take another 5 days for shipping back and forth,, now you are down to a 15 day trial and not 30 days of usable time. So thats only $200 a day bet you making,, hey doesn't sound so bad like that! Club 3000.


    I didn't use the "S" word.. but there are some other hoops they make you jump through.

  8. I dont think there is a winning system out there.. There are some gifted traders who use tools to help them win.. I myself have never made back the money I have spent on systems, software, data feeds, charting packages. This is gambling you have the same chance against the house in this arena. If you question the seemly successful traders in any room they all have been in the trading business for a while,, the rest of us come and go. You got to ask yourself, can I beat the best players in the world?? well, can you punk!!

  9. Same here. High/low volume areas as support or resistance make a lot more sense to me than 1 standard deviation or some other arbitrary range or prices level.


    Thank you for the examples which I found very helpful to understand how you can trade these high/low volume areas.


    Let me us know when you notice something else after signing up for their software again.



    Charles at TM 3-2-1 system does develop his s/r reference levels from actual volume levels.. Course POC, is called the mean because it is an average but may not be the highest vol area called the mode,, and the standard deviations are figured off the mean,,,,go figure

  10. The difference in volume at price levels are easy to see on the Market Profile charts, bell shaped curve representation greatest volume at price in middle of bell.. The trick is when the time comes ,, did this area/price level cause a reaction.. Buying on dips is usually seen on the profile as the trade at the far end of the low volume (aka: unfair low) and playing the rotation back to the middle of bell, high volume (the accepted price).. Now this rotation occurs till it doesn't thats when you give back all your profits. The standard deviation comes into place since MP is based on a statistical bell shaped curve and one std deviation has some meaning where 80% of the trading takes place..


    Course the market can rotate against you longer then you can stay solvent.

  11. Josh the main marketeer of the system, admits he doesn't trade at all but is studying to be a lawyer,, why trade an 8-5 job for one that ends up paying minimum wage with the hours required?? Charles who is the brains behind the organization, has some good observations. Their software presentation is misleading, since only 1 of the indicators "sticks" to a bar when closed but the rest can and do move to the next bar (s). A real annoyance, since you don't know if all those indicators really lined up on that bar in real time. So any historical and non real-time evaluation just isn't real.

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