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  1. maybe i don't how to use it properly, but i didn't get result about which you wrote i just tried, wrote IntrabarOrderGeneration=true in script and strategies solf only on next bar open not on next tick as you wrote, unfortunatly. P.S. I tried it in 233 tick chart
  2. thanks for your help. I use 233 tick bars, therefore 234 tick is too late, because new high can be after 135 ticks or 111 ticks or ... never know. As i see from your replies the best solutionis to use 1 tick bar charts, then sell on next tick make sense. Any better ideas will be welcome!
  3. "next bar" is crucial for my strategie. I need to fill order immediatly at market price when signal fires up, not on next bar. I started new thread beacause i thought it can be soft problems and maybe there are better programs which can fill orders immiediatly.
  4. BlowFish, do you use multicharts? Coud you check this simple strategie, i'm intresting what results you will get. [intrabarOrderGeneration=true] IF Low < Low[1] then sellshort this bar at market; if high > High[1]then buytocover this bar at market; Please also see attached file, which results i recieve and what i really want from this strategy, maybe it will be more clear.
  5. It doesn't worked or didn't know how to use properly.
  6. Hi, i have a problem, in easy language(Multichart) i write "buy this bar at market", but multicharts buys only on open on next bar, it's too late for me. Maybe someone can recomend me some soft which can resolve this problem? Because as i know multichart doesn't support such types of orders. Am i wrong? Thank for help!
  7. mklevas

    Market Order

    You wrote: "A computer will not know unless you provide it with the data." But if i will wrote that i want to sell at bar low 99, thet it's possible? I know that in EL are order types "next bar at open", "next bar at close", "this bar at close" and etc. But i cannot find order type which can trigger order imediataly if my target price is recahed. Let say first bar has 100 high and 98 low, i want to sell if second bar reaches low of first bar and sell it immediatly not on close of second bar. How can i achieve this?
  8. hi, I need you help. Is there in easylangue some kind of function "buy at market as soon as price touches the line or value of previuose close"? I need to fill this order imediatly not on NEXT bar, is it possible? Thank you!
  9. Can anyone tell me where i can found TTM squeze for TS? Thanks!
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