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  1. Try NOD 32, I think it is much better than Nortons and all the other ones. http://www.nod32.com Patrycja
  2. Hi Walter, Yes I am using 55Tick charts on that one. Yes it was a complete ranging market, so I lost around 25 Euros on those trades. Patrycja.
  3. Hi Walter, Thanks for your replies and assistance. I have posted my trades for today not much, it worked out to be a coil day, after looking at the volume profile there was a nice perfect bell curve which explained why the last two trades failed on me. I have incorporated your long term pivots together with your flips, ABC and WM Trades. Let me know what I am missing in these trades if you can. Patrcyja
  4. Hi Walter, Thanks for your reply, I totally understand that you cannot talk something that it is a paid material. I am more interested in the futures market than forex, they remind me of bucket shops of the 1900's if you read Jesses book you will know what I am talking about. I have finished a new chart for all, to download and print. I have included all three setups for your counter trends there is also a cci entry chart. Now tell me in one of your videos on the futures trading you had horizontal lines drawn from the old pivot points which you said that they are going to be used for the next day trading. Can you post some of your setups using your futures templates with the horizontal lines together with your ABC, Lazy and Flips. I would like to see how you combine all of these together in your trading style. I thank you in advance. Patrycja Trading Setups Lazy Equals False Breaks.zip
  5. Hi Walter, Thanks for your reply. I wanted to know about the intraday ranges, how would you use that information in your intraday trading. Do you take the average range of a daily over a certain time and use that information to see how much it would move in a single day? This is probably a silly question. Patrycja
  6. Hi Walter, Thanks for these posts. Yes like I said I cannot belive how fast a 22 tick chart is on a YM, just not for me at this stage. I now understand why you are using market orders to get in and out of the market. I also had a look at your forex threads and downloaded the Metaquote software, did 12 pips yesterday, so I guess your methodology works. Patrycja
  7. Hi Walter, Thanks for your last post. Yes I must say I had a look at the 55 Tick YM and that is too fast for me. I might have to try these setups on a 5min chart. I have a question with regards to ATR, can you give me some advice on how to use this in an intraday trading situation. I am sure you mentioned this in one of your other threads, just not sure where. Patrycja
  8. Hi All, Here is a high resolution printable picture of the Lazy and False Break setups. Walter if you are reading this can you tell me do you have a classic M setup or do you use only these two to do your cyclic trading? Patrycja
  9. Hi MC, Here are the settings that I am currently using. Patrycja
  10. Hi All, Here is a high resolution diagram of these two great setups. ABC and Flips. Patrycja
  11. Hi Walter, Here is a trade I did today, only took 2 ticks as it was very close to the value line and it started going the other way. I have also started trading the YM on a 55 Tick chart so I will post trades as I go. Patrycja
  12. Thanks Walter, I appreciate your time in making this thread alive again. Patrycja
  13. Thanks Walter, Yes I get your point, excellent stuff. I must say the Flips and ABCs are a great way to trade, I am going to check your other threads, so I can implement your other setups that you have posted. I think with a knowledge of 4-5 setups and good money management it works out to a great profitable trading strategy. By the way has anyone of you tried trading the Eurex Instruments these are available via OpenECry like the Bund, Schatz and Bobl. I think these setups are great on those support and resistance lines. Patrycja
  14. HI Walter, Thanks for your reply, I was curious to see what type of orders you were using. What about higher time frames do you use those in this strategy to confirm the direction of the trend? Patrycja
  15. Hi Walter, Thanks for sharing your ABC and Flip setups. I have a question with regards to entries when the Turbo crosses the zero do you put in a market order or a limit order and wait to get trigerred? Here are some of todays setups. Patrycja
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