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Posts posted by samhollander

  1. I've gone down this road.I believe you can gain a lot more insight with someone to bounce questions off.I spent a lot to work with a mentor?. 3 moving averages,etc. When i went live I was on my own.That's where I could have used some help.I find it difficult to grasp a lot of Wyckoff,VSA without some guidance. But do your research before you jump in.As everyone knows there are a zillion courses out there[just look at all the testimmonials]I wonder where the 90% losers are?

  2. I'm sure 95% of newbys have invested in course,tutorials,etc. & have found them to be less than advertised.I wonder though where 90% of the losers are?Just look at all the testimonials for the thousands of programs out there.I took the bait 2 years ago & am still searching.But as an article i just read said.It's takes more than 2 weeks, 6 months, 1 year to become a brain surgeon.So I figure minimum 3 years [unless you find the right mentor, program]to grasp the traders edge.But as Tom Williams said,if you learn to really be able to read a chart your half way there.

  3. :)Watched Manby's videos & most of his right edge next bar predictions were wrong.But no excuses were given [i say good for him] Why criticise VSA, If you like what it does go for it.I'm trying to get away from MA, MACD,STOCH.On paper trading worked for me.Not so good in realtime.But I don't critcise,obviously they work for some.

  4. PRICE ACTION,I am on the quest to rid myself of indicators.Since i have been trying a method using Stochastics & inside candles, with S/R, Double tops, Bottoms & Fib.Have not been as profitable as when i was using 3 MA, Bol. Bands, RSI, Macd.The impulse is to revert back & add indicators {of which I have,2 MA}.Has it been successful? No.So I am reading Wychofs book[ThanksDBPhoenix} & also have read Tom Williams insightful book on the Tradeguider site.If i could afford there program,as a novice it seems the way to go, I would .But $2995.00 is a bit much.

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