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Everything posted by tippet

  1. To the individual who goes by the alias swisstrader... the net gives one the ability to denigrate ones reputation with the ability to hide behind behind its elusive screen...so I'm going to give you the ability to show said proof that you state you have- (If you think Im making this up, I could send some moderater our agreement with huddy as well as the live trading statement and some email reference with him.) You can pm me and I will give you the tools to post said trading results on a public forum for the world to see. I will inform this group of your ability to do so.... You see, I have complete confidence in the fact that you will simply disappear back under that rock that you so deservedly belong. I have absolutely no financial involvement with the Channel Trading room and dont benefit in any way from said room...but, I have traded along side Kevin for years in a separate room on the ensign chat room site associated with dacharts. A very small group of us all very experienced somewhat older traders that continue to trade together to this day coexisted exchanging charts and calls ... prior to trades occuring and I can say without hesitation Kevin is one of the best price action traders I've ever had the pleasure of trading with. Transcripts and charts going back over a decade can be found on the dacharts site for those that want to check. I occasionally keep the channel trading audio up just to brk up the monotony and boredom of trading and the positive constructive dialogue Kevin provides is well worth the price of admission to anyone. I can honestly say that if I had had the opportunity to learn from someone like Kevin when I began I would have saved myself thousand of dollars and cut the learning curve down dramatically... as many of you know the web is littered with scores of flybynight self professed trading coaches and mentors who are only to willing to take your money. Huddy takes the time to give his members the tools to trade with and more importantly teaches them the value of trading while understanding your risk. For those that can stay disciplined the road to becoming consistently profitable will be within your reach...but make no mistake the onus is on the individual trader to be disciplined and put in screen time...as malcolm gladwell so accurately states it will take 10k hours to become proficient at your job! My guess is swisstrader sat in on Kevins room looking for the holy grail, taking his trades and not adhering to the advised stops... got beat up a bit and blames everyone but himself for his results...the first step to becoming consistently profitable is accepting responsibility for your actions and becoming disciplined. So monsieur swisstrader - the stage is yours - put up or shut up! and to all of you who are searching for that "edge" that may nudge you down the road toward becoming consistently profitable I would say check Kevins room out you won't be disappointed. cheers Tippet
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