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Everything posted by Blu-Ray

  1. James Just a FYI, on the first post it says the webinar is on the 7th Feb, but your invitation by email says the 8th Feb. Cheers Blu-Ray
  2. Thanks James for the invitation, Yes I would like to attend please. Cheers Blu-Ray
  3. garp Use Trade volume rather than tick count. Cheers Blu-Ray
  4. Dovetree The code looks fine, I'm glad you got it up and running. Cheers Blu-Ray
  5. BoneChair Walter's away for a while, so I'll answer it on his behalf, it was probably posted on the " Playing with the VMAR`s open research" thread, but I'm not 100%. But to save you the time, here's the template for you to download. Cheers Blu-Ray 5 min waco scalpers.tpl
  6. Dovetree Yes sorry, I realised this later on, here you go: inputs: UpColor(green), DnColor(red), UpDivergence(Blue), DnDivergence(Magenta); vars: LL(0),HH(0); if date <> date[1] then begin LL = low; HH = High; end; if Low < LL then LL = Low; if High > HH then HH = high; if upticks > downticks then value1 = (upticks-downticks) else value1 = -(downticks-upticks); plot1(value1,"ticks"); if plot1 > 0 then setplotcolor(1,upcolor) else setplotcolor(1,dncolor); if low = LL and value1> 0 then begin setplotcolor(1,UpDivergence); Alert( "New Low_Divergence"); end; if high = HH and value1< 0 then begin setplotcolor(1,DnDivergence); Alert ("New High_Divergence"); end; Cheers Blu-Ray
  7. No Probs Bryan, 1. Just format the indicator and click on " enable alerts". 2. No, I coded alerts into the "Show Me" as well, so you would just need to add that ELD to your chart, just remember that the alert will fire off after the bar has finished. Cheers Blu-Ray
  8. Hi Ancharka It looks okay to me, what I would do is remove the = and also check that intrabar order generation is not enabled. Apart from that, I'm unsure. Cheers Blu-Ray Edit: This shouldn't make any difference, but give it a try as sometimes TS is a bit funny with exits: If MP = 1 and BAVolDiff[2] > 0 and BAVolDiff[1] < 0 and BAVolDiff < 0 then begin Sell ("SX1") from entry (LEdelta") next bar market; end;
  9. Dovetree I got bored, so I've coded it anyway. Hope this helps Blu-Ray VOLUME_DIVERGENCE.ELD
  10. Dovetree What about just using pure volume, rather than bid/ask data. If that's any good for you, just let me know and I can sort it out tomorrow if you want. Cheers Blu-Ray
  11. Right here goes for the Delta Divergence: It's based on the High of Day and Low of Day, I've also coded it with the alerts to fire off when a divergence appears. Note: when testing it today, Alerts were really annoying within the first 15-30 minutes of the day, as they kept firing off when the market is finding it's range. ( Maybe that was my fault because I was testing it on 5 different symbols ) Also coded it up into a "Show Me", so it will plot a dot with the relevant color when a divergence appears. However, I've coded this one up to fire off as soon as the next bar starts. As what would happen, it would plot a dot when divergence started to appear within a bar, but by the time the bar finished and there was no divergence the dot would still be there. Hope this helps Blu-Ray Note: to anyone unfamilar with this indicator, it will only work on LIVE data ( not historical ). Oh......I nearly forgot, don't forget to send in your $499 to TL , so we can split the money :rofl: ( a comment made by Hubert in the webinar ) DELTA_DIVERGENCE.ELD DELTA_DIVERGENCE_SM.ELD
  12. Dovetree Try this instead of bartype: "if (DataCompression < 2) then" Hope this helps Blu-Ray
  13. No probs Bryan, It looks like I've got it coded up, but I need to test it on live data. So I'll check it on Monday and post the ELD then. Cheers Blu-Ray
  14. It looks pretty much an exact copy, if you let me know what the parameters are for the divergence, I'll code it up so it will put an alert on. I should also be able to code it up so it will place a dot above/below price bar if you want. $499..................they're having a laugh. The funny thing is, I like watching Hubert's videos, but when he's suddenly started saying " This is an indicator I've been secretly using......." just before a seminar with the relevant people, for example: the DDF indicator just before the seminar with John Clayborg and now he's right into market delta just before............you guessed it. Cheers Blu-Ray
  15. Taz Yes it should be possible, I'm on with it now and I'll let you know how I get on Cheers Blu-Ray
  16. Yes Disco, I noticed this and I'm still working on it. I'll let you know soon. Cheers Blu-Ray
  17. Thanks js1257, I'm coding them up for TradeStation. Cheers Blu-Ray
  18. No Probs Mart, I'm still working on it at the moment, I've produced something similar, but it's not exact as it's difficult to get his exact formula down to a T. I'm been doing a bit of research on it and if you notice on the indicator page of the website and look at the top two pics. The top one is named PBF_Squeeze, has an input of 13 and 21 in it and the values on the right axis are 0.005 to 0.015. But on the 2nd pic, where he compares it to the "Other squeeze", firstly it's named different has only an input of 13 and the values on the right axis are around 40. So basically, I'm still playing around with it at the moment, if anyone has any thoughts on what the formala entails, please say so and it might give me another dimension to work on. Cheers Blu-Ray
  19. Thanks James, Much appreciated. Cheers Blu-Ray
  20. James I just wanted to add my two cents worth here with regards to quotes on posts. As in when you're replying to a post and using their quote, it used to show up in a white box and I thought this was easier to distinguish between the new post and the quote of the relevant post. Now it's the same colored background and having the " " wrapped around the quote. This is just my humble observation, wondered if anyone else thought the same. Cheers Blu-Ray
  21. hehehe, Thanks Brownsfan....... I love a challenge. Right, here goes so far, I've coded up the HeatMeter, The 2 Fast MA's and just about got the Paintbars sorted. Here's a pic of my efforts. I'm on with the squeeze now and I'll post all codes when done. Cheers Blu-Ray
  22. Walter Take care, Hope everything works out okay. Cheers Blu-Ray
  23. The code will only work on real time data ( No historical data will show ). So at the start of the day you could load up a 10 min chart and then just leave it. It will show the data as time progress's, but as soon as you switch that chart to another timeframe, all data will be lost. Hope this helps Blu-Ray
  24. Here you go Bruce, two for the price of one. ( Well none really ) Enter 1 for Bollinger Bands and 2 for Keltner Channels. Hope this helps Blu-Ray VMA_KC_BB.ELD
  25. James Great work on getting the new features added, just one request if it's possible. The old system used to have the " unread posts" under the username, and it would send you to all of the unread posts since your last visit. Is it possible to re-instate this feature? Thanks Blu-Ray ps When writing this post, the "Preview Post" feature isn't working.
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