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Everything posted by Blu-Ray

  1. Thanks Ben for pointing that out, yes it is a mistake :doh: the code should read " (H[3]-L[3])<(H[4]-L[4]) ". I've attached the modified ELD ( Hopefully James or a Mod could move it to the front page ) Thanks again Blu-Ray VSA_NODEM_NOSUPP.ELD
  2. Hi januson Yes I think you're right about MC, as I've had another member mention the same problem. Unfortunately I don't have MC to test out the fault, however it seems to be working fine in TS. Cheers Blu-Ray
  3. Hi januson It should plot the dot above the high or low, depending on which one fired. The reason for the LT & HT were so that you could put the dot x amount of ticks above the high. If I were to just put it above the high, then depending how big you want the dot, it can cover up the high, so when you're doing analysis you then have to click on the bar to find out the true high, rather than a visual look at it. If you want it on the high/low then just set the number of ticks input to 0. Hope this helps Blu-Ray
  4. I've already posted a couple of reviews, does that mean my name's thrown in as well. Cheers Blu-Ray
  5. Jeff I think it's definately worth looking at, if this is the route you're going down, as it is the actual volume that has traded. It will also let you know if it's got potential or not, as you can go back months/years rather than just whats on the screen at the time with the delta divergence. Cheers Blu-Ray
  6. Jeff Since the Delta Divergence requires live data, therefore with it being difficult to backtest, have you tried the volume divergence indicator I coded up? Just a thought as it may help you with testing out your system. Cheers Blu-Ray
  7. Yes there are 43 different variations, but just from my observation there's normally only 2 that will fire off ( No Demand/supply 3 & 14 ). Also you are right, these are NOT buy/sell signals, just an aid to help out with the correct analysis. ( thrunner posted some links for explanations here) I believe it is something very similar to what TG offers, however when PP made the original code he might have added/removed some variations. Hope this helps Blu-Ray
  8. Thanks dandxg, I believe it should work with MultiCharts as well, hopefully a MultiCharts user here could confirm this. Cheers Blu-Ray
  9. Here you go Leonid, I've attached two text files, just from my observation, the majority of the signals fired are the NoDem/Supp 3 and 14. Cheers Blu-Ray VSA No Demand No Supply.txt VSA Squats.txt
  10. Hi Leonid I don't think it will work, as I'm pretty sure TS2000i only allows 4 plots per indicator and these have over 150 plots, also you can only import ELA files. not ELD's. You could alternatively split it into loads of indicators if you wanted, let me know and I'll attach a text file of the code. Hope this helps Blu-Ray
  11. No James, I'm pretty new to skype just off the last webinar. Last time I just dialled the number and was put through, how's it going to be different this time? Cheers Blu-Ray
  12. Greycells The numbers indicating 1 -43 are the different variations of how to come up with a no demand/ no supply. I'm unsure on the squat question as it was PivotProfiler's code, all I have done is to translate it into TS. Hope this helps Blu-Ray
  13. Hope everything works out okay James and take care. Cheers Blu-Ray
  14. David It is possible to do, however when using tick charts you need to use ADE, which stands for "All Data Everywhere", and it is available from the TS forum. ADE is also quite CPU intensive, so you have to take that into consideration. If you were using min to min data, then that would be straightforward. Hope this helps Blu-Ray
  15. A special thanks to PivotProfiler for providing the code for VT, unfortunately I volunteered to translate it into Tradestation. Three weeks later and I'm finally finished. Apologies for the delay but Tradestation doesn't allow future referencing which the code did, so I had to individually make it backwards compatible. For example VT code : c>ref(c,+3) had to become c[3]>c in EasyLanguage.................and doing this for over 150 plots :bang head: Most of the plots require at least 1 bar for confirmation, so I've coded the indicator to show, for example, "No Demand3(1)" in the data window to let you know that it required 1 bar for confirmation before the indicator plotted ( handy for looking over previous charts as well ). I've also coded in Alerts into each one, so all you have to do is format the indicator and enable the Alerts if desired. I've split the code into two ELD's, one for No Demand/Supply and the other for squats. I've also included an input so you can adjust the number of ticks above/below the high/low you want the indicator to plot. Here's a pic of some examples: Hope this helps Blu-Ray VSA_SQUATS.ELD vsa-no-demand-no-supply.eld
  16. Here you go, I've also included an input where you can adjust the bars to change to white if they break the +8 / -8. Hope this helps Blu-Ray ValueChart.ELD
  17. Hi Greycells Yes no problems, I'm away from my trading computer at the moment, but I'll post it tomorrow. Cheers Blu-Ray
  18. It looks like you've cracked it, here's the chart Cheers Blu-Ray
  19. Hi Chad Here's a pic of the TS screen with the value chart attached. With regards to the VarNumBars, the setting is 5. What you're reading is the part within the function that constrains the inputs, if someone were to put in 1050 as the NumBars then TS will only allow it to be 1000 max. Hope this helps Blu-Ray
  20. Sure here goes, the first part is for the function VChart: Inputs:NumBars(Numeric),Price(NumericSeries); Variables:VarNumBars(0),Var0(0),LRange(0),YDiv(0),RanVar4(0),VOpen(0),VHigh(0),VLow(0),VClose(0), VarA(0),VarB(0),VarC(0),VarD(0),VarE(0),VarP(0),VarR1(0),VarR2(0),VarR3(0),VarR4(0),VarR5(0); {Insure NumBars is between 2 and 1000} If NumBars < 2 then VarNumBars = 2; If Numbars > 1000 then VarNumBars = 1000; If Numbars >= 2 and NumBars <=1000 then VarNumBars = NumBars; VarP=Round(VarNumBars/5,0); If VarNumBars >7 then begin VarA=Highest(H,VarP)-Lowest(L,VarP); If VarA = 0 and VarP=1 then VarR1=absvalue(C-C[VarP]) Else VarR1 = VarA; VarB=Highest(H,VarP)[VarP+1]-Lowest(L,VarP)[VarP]; If VarB = 0 and VarP=1 then VarR2=absvalue(C[VarP]-C[VarP*2]) Else VarR2 = VarB; VarC=Highest(H,VarP)[VarP*2]-Lowest(L,VarP)[VarP*2]; If VarC = 0 and VarP=1 then VarR3=absvalue(C[VarP*2]-C[VarP*3]) Else VarR3 = VarC; VarD=Highest(H,VarP)[VarP*3]-Lowest(L,VarP)[VarP*3]; If VarD = 0 and VarP=1 then VarR4=absvalue(C[VarP*3]-C[VarP*4]) Else VarR4 = VarD; VarE=Highest(H,VarP)[VarP*4]-Lowest(L,VarP)[VarP*4]; If VarE = 0 and VarP=1 then VarR5=absvalue(C[VarP*4]-C[VarP*5]) Else VarR5 = VarE; LRange=((VarR1+VarR2+VarR3+VarR4+VarR5)/5)*.2; End; If VarNumBars <=7 then Begin If AbsValue(C-C[1]) > (H-L) then Var0=AbsValue(C-C[1]) else var0=(H-L); If H=L then Var0=absvalue(C-C[1]); LRange=Average(Var0,5)*.2; End; If LRange > 0 then begin If Price = Open then VChart=((Open-Average((H+L)/2,VarNumBars)))/(LRange); If Price = High then VChart=((High-Average((H+L)/2,VarNumBars)))/(LRange); If Price = Low then VChart=((Low-Average((H+L)/2,VarNumBars)))/(LRange); If Price = Close then VChart=((Close-Average((H+L)/2,VarNumBars)))/(LRange); End; and the second part is the indicator Inputs:NumBars(5); Variables:Vopen(0),VHigh(0),VLow(0),VClose(0),Var1(0),Var2(0); Var: VcloseLam(0),ValueSOB(" "),ValueMOB(" "),ValueMOS(" "), ValueSOS(" "), ValueFair(" "), lastdate(0); {Calcualte Value Chart} VOpen = VChart(NumBars,Open); VHigh = VChart(NumBars,High); VLow = VChart(NumBars,Low); VClose = VChart(NumBars,Close); If currentbar > Numbars then Begin Plot1(VOpen,"VOpen"); Plot2(VHigh,"VHigh"); Plot3(VLow,"VLow"); Plot4(VClose,"VClose"); Plot5(8,"8"); Plot6(4,"4"); Plot7(-4,"-4"); Plot8(-8,"-8"); Plot9(0,"0"); End; Cheers Blu-Ray
  21. I've had a quick look and couldn't find a link to explain the exact calculations, however I can provide the code if you wanted. What I did find was an interview by the creator of the value chart, David Stendahl, talking to Tradestation. Here's the link: Chart Research - TradeStation Interview Hope this helps Blu-Ray
  22. Here's a screenshot of the indicator Hope this helps Blu-Ray
  23. Hi Winfred Good to see you back, here's the Value Chart Indicator you're after. Cheers Blu-Ray VALUECHART.ELD
  24. Hi dede No, it will only fire off a signal at the low or high of the day. But as zdo just mentioned if people agreed we can easily change it to the lowest low of x bars or something. Cheers Blu-Ray
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