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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Great Stuff Walter. Thank you very much. I will give this a try.
  2. Thanks Kiwi, I am slowly but gradually figuring this out.
  3. See.. I would assume technicals become less helpful when the market is expressing climatic emotions. And the past few days have been nothing but emotions/momentum. Or should I take this into account as well?
  4. ahh okay, the ctrl makes my life alot easier now. How do you remove the "white space"? Are you referring to the space from one trading session to the next? Also is there a way of deleting the decimal points from the price scale? I am a typical TS user so finding Sierra either extremely simply and hard or just plain hard.
  5. What is your take on todays action? What Im still seeing is lower value placement but is today the first warning signal? We have a overlapping to higher value placement... the first since the major decline. (see attachment) My analysis tells me that short covering is not close to being done. I believe traders are still short and commercials are holding on to their shorts. I personally am bearish and sensing a whole new market cycle to the downside. A couple questions.... today's YM rally, does it bother any traders? The daily's show lower volume compared to the previous days. But more than average volume comparing to the previous months. Are we likely to balance out here? Overlapping value can be a clue to balance and we could experience the usual YM volatility.
  6. Quick recap of March 6 trading session. Quick question: What do you all think about the recent volume? We are experiencing high volume lately. Is this going to be the norm? Check out todays volume in the video... it is low compared to the last 5 trading session but high compared to the average of the last few months. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO Charts by Tradestation and Sierra Charts
  7. Since the the tumble of the indexes we are experiencing higher volatility and higher volume. The question is: Should traders consider the current volume as the norm? For example, today's rally on the YM occurs on a lower volume bar compared to the last 5 trading sessions. HOWEVER, this volume bar is well above average comparing the volume bars for the past few months. How would you view this?
  8. Thank you Kiwi.. I have been playing around with it. I noticed that the best way to plot MP would be to enter a fixed date from start to end with fixed ranges. (a little annoyed by this) Also I am unable to find any tool that will let me scroll up or down. (even on the window) I am basically using the auto scaling feature on the charts by dragging up and down. I found some videos on Sierra and was quite happy but then the moment I played them I was heavily disappointed. Ill see if I can get used to this... if not I will consider a different vendor. Thanks.
  9. GCB, take a look at this chart. It also has a volume profile. Is this what you were looking for?
  10. Does anyone have any experience with Sierra Charts for MP? Im giving it a try and am unable to plot profile charts for previous sessions without affecting the scaling of the charts. I am able to chart a one day profile or a composite profile for x number of days. But when trying to view profiles of past sesions it is giving me issues. Anyyways, if you have any tips please let me know. For those of you are not familiar with the Sierra Charts MP package they are offering a 14 day free trial. Attached is a snapshot of a YM profile from March 6, 2007.
  11. Good point notouch. I must say discussing tape through text is probably the hardest way to understand. We are definitely looking for which side is more aggressive. You can see when momo pick up on tape.. or when after a nice run the tape slows down. All of these are good visual clues to warn and confirm your trade.
  12. Very short video on one pattern I like when anticipating breakouts. May have mentioned it over and over again previously about price hugging pivots. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO Charts created by Tradestation
  13. Im going to be looking into playing these breaks better with a smaller stop. One idea I have in mind is to take into account of the actual breakout point. Where did it occur? Today's high? Previous day high? VAH? That being said, we can enter on a pullback. If the pullback fails we now have a price rejection and can hold ourselves back from entering the trade.
  14. Nice find Tingull. I may have to employ this into my strategy. Very nice... Keep this thread alive guys! I think we are up to something here.
  15. I use Tradestation for all my charting needs maharaj07. The volume delta is an indicator written by one of the members on the forum and is available under our indicators section.
  16. Nice example Tingull. How would you of detected the late afternoon sell-off? Wouldnt there be more confidence to the upside?
  17. Yea I would love that. Something I can put at the bottom right corner of the videos. I played around with word trying to make a watermark text but they turned out extremely ugly.
  18. hmm watermark sounds like a good idea. Anyone good with adobe photoshop?
  19. Well I guess they panicked and flipped out when I wrote them a very strict email. 30min after I sent them an email, they cleared out their entire forum. Now its blank with nothing on it.
  20. Yep With volatile this good and momentum steady... all we need to do is climb on board and ride it out. Of course this is a dangerous habit to get used to. First 2 months on YM was hell if you ask me... its paradise now compared to what we have had the past few months.
  21. Not necessarily keymoo. If you watch the tape closely you can see the footprints of these bigger traders. First, a 10lot trader is not going to do any harm. He will simply appear as a small guy if he is scaling out at 5 and 5. What I am interested in is those bigger traders who scale out at 10+ lots each. Not only that... you will be surprised to see the 50+ lot traders who exit all at once. There are plenty of them out there to see their footprints. Also you find traders have weird lot sizes at times. Sometimes you see a 88 lot trader... now when you see 44 lot at the market what does this tell you? The 88 lot trader is scaling out. Now I do not know exact figures but I do think more traders use market orders than limit. Even if this is not the case you can see clear footprints of those that use market orders. Even if big traders started using limit order, you can see that price is being sold as there is no price advancement with high volume. The tape tells it all. Whether market or limit, doesnt make a difference if you are able to read the tape. You can also tell if the orders you see on tape are simply stops or sellers. If 10+ lots sell orders started to appear on tape what does this tell you? Well... first of all did 10+ lot buy orders appear near the top of the rally? If yes, this would indicate stops. If no, this would indicate shorts. Also, I am not interested in insitutional orders on these intraday swings. (not referring to 500pt decline days) They do not care about these swings and they may have traders working their orders their entire day. If they want to accumulate, volume shows all their footprints. If they distribute, volume will show this as well. Try to think of it in a more micro basis. Short covering by big money can be detected with market profile and volume. Short covering by day traders and floor traders can be detected by tape.
  22. I have recently found our content on our boards stolen and posted in this board here: GeckoStockTrader - the fastest, simplest most risk-free way of making a profit from the worlds stock markets! - General Forums - Stocks and Markets Talk - I have contacted the website and have demanded to remove them immediately. If you spot any websites that are posting our content without credit, please notify us. This is clearly a violation of copyright as well as the members of the board who are credited for every post they make. Thank you.
  23. Hello nsitt, The most interesting part about the following days after the major decline is the continuous lower value placement. In my opinion we are still headed south. Okay.. volume delta is a tool that plots the number of contracts at the bid vs the number of contracts at the ask. Let's say you were long... now you want to exit for a profit. Would you use a market order or a limit order? In most cases you would use a market order and hit the bid. This gets you out guaranteed. Now if you were short and had to exit would you use a market or limit? Market would be the better decision here and you would hit the ask. Therefore, more contracts at the bid means selling. More contracts at the ask means buying. (shorts need to buy to cover) The volume delta takes these two set of numbers and plots whatever the greater on top. So a volume bar with more selling would plot red on top of the green and vice versa. I have attached a snapshot.
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