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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Hi walter, Is this designed as a scalping tool. I see you are using a 23 tick chart. Does the parameters need to be tweaked on a longer time frame? Thanks
  2. You cant take one piece of information in the markets and conclude. In this case, the Insititutional Holdings Index showed a consolidation prior to the correction on Feb 27. You combine that with the lower volume rallies and higher volume selloffs on the index futures. This information would of showed clear warning signals for longer term and short term traders and would of helped any trader from establishing a long position if he was aware of this. I personally tried to short the markets and was looking into options a few days before the correction. Although I did not get in, I have a few friends in Tokyo who got hammered on that correction. If the information provided does not make any sense to a trader, why bother using it? If it helps, I am sure the information will be of tremendous help to the trader. Traders make money by being aware and selling it to those who are less aware.
  3. Heres a daily and a 5min of the Insitutional Holding Index.
  4. Thank you very much Blu-Ray. I will try this one out.
  5. Freddie, I have not yet read his second book. I dont think I will be purchasing it either. From what I heard, it is geared towards the novice with repitive material from his first book.
  6. Thank you for the information guys. I really appreciate it. Been observing the 30year bonds and it sure is slow. It does seem to respect MP levels though.
  7. Hello all, I would like to receive some help coding a paintbar tool for TS for this strategy here: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f34/tick-hooks-tick-candles-1662.html#post9884 Im interested in an automatic line that can plot the opening 90 minute high/low for the TICK. I would also like somekind of visual way to see when the TICK reach this opening 90min high/low and make a TICK hook. I have both a candlestick and line on close plotted on the same chart. Any help would be appreciated
  8. Been playing around with the TICK lately using different timeframes, candles, line on close... I have been testing out strategies using TICK hooks and TICK range fades on a candlestick chart. Below is a chart combining the two. The important thing about any TICK strategies is to first identify the strength of the market. Are we trending higher? Making lower bottoms? Lower highs? etc... This strategy combines a TICK hook whenever TICK's reach a range extreme. It uses a 5 min line on close TICK chart plotted over a 5 min TICK bar chart. I will also post some ideas in the video section regarding this strategy.
  9. Its Techniques of Tape Reading by Vadym Graifer. The problem is, you can never learn to read tape through books. It has to be a visual learning process. I plan on making a condensed video on tape reading in the near future so you might want to check that out as well.
  10. Im doing a series of webinars with Leroy Rushing from TradingEveryday: Webinars What specific information are you looking to learn? Theres also a couple trading rooms that deal specifically with market profile, dow mini's, ES, etc...
  11. Im looking to learn the bond markets using simple strategies with market profile. James Dalton in his recent webinar held at LBRGROUP, mentioned how mp has its advantages with the 10 year notes and 30 year bonds because it is traded mainly by institutions. I would like to receive some few pointers with the bond markets. Are there internals tools like TICK, TRIN, Prem for this market? I was told it was quite news sensitive. How liquid is the overnight and premarket session? Are there other financial instruments that a trader should follow with the bonds? Thanks
  12. Do you mind showing a chart and explaning what you see. Hard to comment without any charts.
  13. I found his use of candles and pivots extremely useful. Other than that, I dont use any of his indicator of system. I wasnt aware he had any.
  14. Interesting point notouch. In terms of TICK fades, candlestick TICK charts may work better. The line on close chart I personally need because of the visual aspect of it. But if you are able to identify a hook on the candlestick chart this should work as well. I do enjoy the combination of a TICK hook and a TICK fade on the candlestick chart. Seems like a double confirmation technique to me. Perhaps you can try a combination of bearish engulfing and a TICK hook on a line on close. Obviously the amount of signals you will get will decrease. I think the most important thing with TICK strategies is that it should be used in combination with price and not as a stand alone entry/exit method.
  15. Just a remake of the original understanding the TICK video using the newer a Camtasia version. Sample uses a 3 minute line on close and candlestick TICK chart. Taking TICK fades when both the line on close and candlestick line up is a higher probability setup than just using the line on close TICK chart. CLICK HERE TO VIDEO Charts created by Tradestation
  16. Useful technique Leroy Rushing from Trading EveryDay showed me to smooth out the TRIN and TRINQ. Filters out the noise and helps visually to see the TREND better. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO Charts created by Tradestation
  17. Very nice, I will definitely check this out.
  18. Excelllent post though. But yea... paragraphs would help. Walterw, with M's and W's do you have defined rules when the tests of the high/low fails by let's say over 10 ticks? Do you have specific rules for what defines a M or W?
  19. I cant grab a copy of the post since it was deleted. We all have the option to report a post with this button: I will receive the notice as well as the moderator on the board and we will determine whether to delete it or not. Sorry if it wasnt spam intended but our intentions was to keep the board spam free. Thanks
  20. The post in question was reported as spam hence the deletion. Were you affiliated with the link you provided? We dont allow any solitication posts on our site. Thanks
  21. Great to have you on board with us POP.
  22. Im pretty sure its a free webinar.
  23. Very interesting weiwei. I have been wanting to learn more trading methods using the Premium. Can you shed us some light on how you use Premium in your trading?
  24. If you scroll down on indexarb.com you will see a section labeled "Our Trading Guidelines". Those are the numbers I use.
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