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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. I finally heard back from the IRS and they have told me that I do not need a SSN or ITIN to apply for the EIN number. A couple or rules changed regarding the EIN# after 9-11.
  2. Cheapest solution is Sierra Charts with market profile. eSignal is reasonable also since you will receive 1 month free to begin with. (check the banner)
  3. You might also want to get into the mindset that there is always an opportunity to get back in the trade. Not to a point of chasing but reloading at the pullbacks. It also depends on your exit techniques as well.
  4. Like brownsfan mentioned, it is psychologically easier when you have the luxury to scale out. Scaling out will also let you hold a last portion of your trade if you are absolutely convinced it will go higher after a pullback. Make sure you also have warning signals that you like to spot out during a trade that will convince you to exit or book some profits as well. A few things that offer warning signals in my trades are: New TICK high/low ES, Sectors making lower highs/ higher lows TRIN range breaks Long wick candles Big lots on tape (ask) after a decline = indicates short covering
  5. For those who are interesting in obtaining pit noise, here is a discount link courtesy of Ben from Traders Audio. Discount Link for Traders Audio for TL Members This will give you a $50 discount on his services. Ben's service is highly reommended for active index futures traders.
  6. Hi weiwei, Sorry.. I should of made it more clear. I have never read The Way of the Turtle. I was about to purchase it on Amazon but saw some negative review on it. Im a little out of date with trading books. Havent been able to read as much as before lately. If anyone has a good recommendation please let me know. Thanks
  7. Unfortunately the demo account will only go back to up to a week. If possible, I would like to see a daily and weekly chart for both the N225 and N225M. Thanks
  8. Do you know the big Nikkei Futures symbol as well? I cant get any other data besides the US futures but the Level 1 is showing quotes. It wont let me search as well. Thanks
  9. Thanks notouch. Ido need the recent data for the nikkei Do you happen to have access to the open, high, low, close prices?
  10. Does anyone have access to mini Nikkei futures data? Unfortunately Tradestation does not provide this data. I am looking to obtain a snapshot of a weekly, daily, 30min, 5min, and 30min market profile chart (approx 10 days back) of the mini Nikkei. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. Just a tweak from Hubert Senters over at TradeTheMarkets.com. I find TICK hooks on a 5minute combining with candlesticks more effective in my trading.
  12. I wasnt too pleased with the reviews on Way of the Turtle. I recently picked up Brett Steenbargers new book, Enhancing Trader Performance and I absolutely recommend it to all traders.
  13. Im trying to setup a US business completely different from trading. With the US and Japan, I can claim a tax treaty benefit which will prevent me from getting taxed double.
  14. I dont have a US citizen. I recently filed for a LLC in Delaware and trying to fill out some tax forms. I spent some time on the phone with the IRS but they were extremely useless. Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks
  15. Very good points there Mark. Mind if I ask what your thoughts are on impulsive behavior and trading? Thanks
  16. Im looking for some help on filling out my W7 forms to obtain a ITIN#. Does anyone here own a LLC in the US with a foreign citizenship? Thanks
  17. I dont want to point any fingers here at all. Both of you guys (brownsfan and Kiwi) have made great contributions to the forum and would hate to see any disputes. Let's crush this heat and try to get along?
  18. Hi guys, Let's do our best here to respect each others opinion and keep the debates constructive. No need for personal attacks and such. Please lets try to keep it friendly and educational. Thanks
  19. Yes that is a great idea. The only problem is living in Tokyo with your neighbors literally a few steps a way from me... I cant blast pit noise during the night. I have all my speakers on low volume here... it will drive the neighbors insane. I'll see if I can get ppl in the room to do this for us.. also Ben from TradersAudio.com will be activating a discount link for us. That should be up hopefully on Monday.
  20. Thanks brownsfan. I am making serious structural changes to the forum at the moment. Using a extremely different approach in running forums, after serious thought, I am going to add a one-time fee to all new comers of the board. Current members will not be affected. This is the only real way to eliminate spam and keep the quality of the board as high as possible. The fee is extremely cheap but am implementing this for spam protection, quality, and value. I am also working out deals with trading services so members of the board can access services for a discount price: trading data, pit noise, webinars, mentoring, etc...
  21. You might want to grab John Person's, A Complete Guide To Technical Trading Tactics. This is the book that got me into pivot points. Pivot points are simple mathematical calculations initially used by floor traders to identify support and resistance. It fairly well known to the public now but the important thing is knowing how to play the pivots. Knowing where the levels are is not enough.
  22. lol yes youre right. But the ag's is something I am looking into as well.
  23. Half Chinese half Japanese here. Born and raised in Tokyo, spent some time in Boston and now back in Tokyo.
  24. Couple of levels I like to watch at EOD to prepare for the following day is the 50% fib. Other than that, I use them real time for retracements especially the 50% and 61.8%. The chart below shows a 50% retracement combined with a VAL pivot. I especially like it when the fibs line up with a pivot. Then you got yourself a nice pullback entry. Note: I made a mistake and labeled that chart VAH. It should be VAL.
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