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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Short video on some techniques I use to filter out fibonacci retracement setups. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO Charts created by Tradestation
  2. Trade setup #1: Short Entry: 13405 Exit: 13385 Reason for entry: Overnight resistance at 12408. Price rallies at the open to test the overnight resistance. Pops up on high volume and is rejected around 13420 at the monthly pivot. Short Entry below monthly pivot. Exit: Exit due to heavy short covering on tape. Trade setup #2 Short Entry: 13399 Exit: 13385 Entry reason: 50% fib retracement from swing high to low. At the same time, ES made a 50% retrace as well as the Institutional Holdings Index. Exit reason: Bailed early due to strong bid at 13383ish. All trades were all-in all-out trades.
  3. Hi Mark, I have posted a 1500v chart, a 233 tick chart, and a 5min YM chart.
  4. Thank you Brownsfan. Some very good advice. I currently trade the YM and Bonds only. I do agree with specialization but have been interested in picking up a new contract besides the YM, hence the ZB. I took 6 ticks on the bonds this morning. Im definitely going to be trading the YM always but will slowly start learning the bonds. Thanks
  5. It was Fed Day hence the sudden drop. Only happens on key economic numbers. I actually do not use a single indicator for the bonds besides VAL and VAH.
  6. Im working on obtaining a discount for members on the board. So give me a few days if you plan to use their services. Thanks
  7. Thank guys. I need to study this a little more. Torero, I watched the grains a bit but cant figure it out yet. How are they?
  8. The daily chart looked mixed to me. So I went down to the 65 minute. The chart below shows a 2 day downtrend in the bonds. Hence the reason for a short. Yes, I definitely need to be more aware of the fundamentals with the bonds and how they react to numbers. In hindsight the volume spikes of the past sessions shows good support compared to todays volume at the lows.
  9. Here's a trade I did today in the 30 year bonds with a horrible execution. 2 losing trades. The first arrow shows my short entry. Price rallies at the open and is rejected 1 tick away from VAL. The reason for my short was because bonds opened below value. Entry: The price rejection at 111 18/32 was pretty quick and I watched prices auction a for the one 5 minute bar. My tape reading skills in the bonds is still unexperienced compared to the YM and I hesitated and went short with a market order which got me filled at 111 13/32. The moment I was filled, I knew I had made a horrible entry. Normally, I would use a 3 tick stop. But because of my horrible entry I decided to use a 6 tick stop right above the HOD. About half hour later I was stopped out by 1 tick. Approx. 200 contracts trade on a 3000 thick contract ask. I was one of the 200 lots. I then reshorted at the blue arrow labeled #1. I felt better about the entry but had my eyes glued on tape. About a half hour later, I felt prices holding firmly at 111 15/32. I decided to cover for a scratch trade. Shortly after, bonds declined for approx 4 ticks past my entry. A couple of things come to mind. My hesitation on the first trade. My loss on my first trade affected my second trade. I would like to receive some feedbacks. Any criticism is welcome. Thanks
  10. hehe... one question though. Yesterday we had unusually high volume compared to the past trading sessions due to Fed day. When I saw it in real-time I looked back 5 trading days and felt the volume was enough. Obviously I was wrong in my analysis. (did take a few points on the long side though)
  11. Ok. Thank you notouch. With pitchforks are you looking at the middle line as possible retracement/support area? Or is this a tool to measure if prices are overextended?
  12. oops.. I guess I was wrong. Price did go on to rally towards the daily pivot (almost gap fill). Then it took a nose dive! Gap fills will often act as strong support and resistance.
  13. Very interesting. I never used them before. How do you draw them? Is it like fibs.. taking the swing low and swing high?
  14. Here is another morning reversal setup. Lower volume as price declines. 5min doji appears near the previous day low and value low, support 1 cluster zone. We also have a new TICK high and BAM! Price has rallied approx 30pts from the lows on this chart. I will try to post another chart at the close. Price should rally into the close in my opinion.
  15. hmm. interesting point cooter. I dont rely too much on volume with bonds at the moment but will shed any insights I may find.
  16. Yep youre right. The entry would be a little after the TICK hook formation, which makes alot more trades profitable.
  17. I use the 8:20am EST open. But at the same time, since the bonds can be traded premarket I have no problem opening a position before the opening.
  18. Why I prefer a 5 minute TICK chart instead of a 1minute TICK. Explains some simple but yet very powerful TICK hook and fade strategies. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO Charts created by Tradestation
  19. Technique that I use to identify significant support and resistance levels to trade off. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO Charts created by Tradestation
  20. Been trading the 30 year bonds lately with one simple strategy using market profile. From my brief experience with the 30yr bonds, this is not a contract you want to be countertrend trading. Timeframes I use: Daily, 65minute, 5min. First identify the trend on the daily and 65minute. The bond markets will usually gap down or above value area. This is the most important part of this strategy. ALWAYS go with the flow. If prices open below value, look for a short setup. If prices open above value, look for a long setup. You may or may not get a test of VAL and VAH. However, because it is a slow moving contract entry is relatively easy. Therefore a tight stop can be used. I personally use a 3 tick stop, with my first target at +3 ticks, 2nd target at +5 ticks, and trail the rest. Chart from yesterday: (I was short at the open)
  21. My current secret trading strategy on the YM. The morning reversal setup. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO Charts created by Tradestation
  22. Anyone seen this before: Ms. Dewey
  23. A few more I would like to add on the list emailed to me recently. "You must ignore what everyone else is doing and trade only when you feel the odds are in your favor. In short, trade only when you and you alone are comfortable that the expected return of your trades will be positive. That might mean you'll have to sit out a few parties, but it will also mean that you'll have more profits over the course of your trading career." - Gary B. Smith "On Persistence... My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging." - Hank Aaron, baseball star "I don't define my self-worth by my net worth. Winning traders feel good about themselves no matter how much they win or lose. They feel good about themselves because they know deep down that they have value as people. They look inwardly for self-acceptance, and follow their personal values; they don't care what anyone else thinks. If you want to trade the markets with a calm, astute, mental edge, you must develop a genuine sense of self-esteem. By making sure that you live by your own values, and fully accept your limitations, you'll develop a true sense of worth that won't be easily shaken by momentary setbacks or failures." - Mental Edge Newsletter
  24. The unread posts function will not say alive for a few hours. Once you log in, it will show the unread posts but will disappear if you remain idle for some time.
  25. Not much excerises but alot of case studies. If you are interested in the excerises, I would recommend "NLP: The New Technology of Achievement".
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