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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Thanks darth We have a premium member subscription available if you are interested. I am currently using all funds back into the site so you will be supporting the development of our site.
  2. Yes, I understand completely. One of the things I am working on at the moment is with TraderDNA. For those who choose to go down this path, you can simply upload your trades through excel (not too sure with the format). Basically TraderDNA has ties with most brokerages that will analyze your trades automatically without manual input. Even for a trader like myself, real-time input is rather hard. But traders can simply upload their trades into the TraderDNA system. TraderDNA will then spit out a chart of your analysis. What I am trying to do is for members who use TraderDNA to upload their charts into one of the columns of the new bodyspace feature. This way it can make it extremely credible for those who use TraderDNA. With TraderDNA integration, it may be difficult to offer this as a free service. I am still discussing this further with them. The biggest reason why I decided to work with them is that their analytical system is far more powerful than what I could come up with. Also I personally think what they provide is extremely fascinating and of tremendous value for traders.
  3. You think so? Hmm... one of my favorite sectors to watch is Banking and the semi's. Heres a couple strategies for the YM. Let's say the YM is testing the HOD. But Banking Index has failed and the Semi's may be rallying but not near the HOD... I look to fade the YM. If the YM is reaching the HOD but Semi's make new highs followed by Banking... im looking for a breakout. (although I never play breakouts) Basically, I would not short.
  4. hmm.. best to check what the basket of stocks contained in the sector. Institutional Holdings Index: No Ticker Symbol - Yahoo! Finance Banking Index: Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. : Research or http://www.phlx.com/products/sectors/BKX_origspecs.pdf Watch for the banking sector closely though. It works as a leading indicator at times.
  5. Ah okay. Yes, Im sure I can implement that specifically for the column where initial entry and exit price needs to be inputted. Would traders prefer a popup box for price entry and exit input? I figured this might be easier for those who want to keep track in real-time while trading.
  6. Thats going to be impossible to do unless I am able to integrate the TraderDNA system into ours. There is no way at the moment for me to get trades directly from brokerage accounts. I'll have to think of a way to add further credibility on their trade posts. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks
  7. Oh yes. it will have a seperate feature where users can post charts of their trades. Members can also post notes on the charts while other members can put comments.
  8. I will see if I can get the Sharpe ratio implemented. Are there any other requests? So far I have in mind are: 1. Daily, weekly, monthly P&L in terms of ticks 2. Trading goals (amount of $ or pts) 3. Win/loss ratio 4. Average net profit 5. Average net loss 6. Sharpe ratio 7. Max. Drawdown 8. Avg Weekly, Monthly Return 9. Annual rate of return I will also need to implement a way to input round trip commision to use it in calculations. In the initial Beta release, we may include only a few features. But would like to know what traders absolutely need. Thanks
  9. Torero, If I can get this collabo to pull through with TraderDNA, trades will not have to be inputted manually. Im looking forward to this project.
  10. Hello all, I have some developing news. The project is currenty under way. I have a team of programmers writing this system from scratch. It will be a myspace like informational portal with chart features and stats. Now, I also had the opportunity to talk with David from TraderDNA. We are trying to collaborate by using their analytical system and using it as a portal for Traders Laboratory. This has become a full blown project but something I will be spending time on for the next few weeks trying to build. If Traders Laboratory and TraderDNA can work together to provide these features, it would be extremely fascinating. Now, in terms of features of TraderDNA... we are still in talks. Their services charge a monthly subscription fee starting from $50 a month. But I am more interested in making this feature free for all traders. Therefore we may decide to develop a light version. I will have to see. I will keep you all posted on how this goes. No 100% guarantees on the collabo with TraderDNA, but regardless we will be making something similar to bodyspace. Thanks!
  11. Actually, the bodyspace is a complete new sytem itself. I'll have to discuss this with my coder.
  12. Actually that myspace look... is something I can get done in a day. I thought about it but never thought it would be useful. I can have that up and running shortly. The data system will take some time but will somehow try to integrate it into the myspace them.
  13. Hey Nick, Do you have a direct url to one of the pages with the charts? I have decided to pay to make a new system for this work. I asked a few coders and the type of work is fairly advanced. I would like to see some samples. Thanks BTW... this may take a sometime building. I'll try to have a beta system available.
  14. Going to attempt to make a whole new system for it. I will keep you all posted. PS: Please post any features you would like to see. Stats, data, charting, etc.. Thanks
  15. Would you guys prefer a thread or a complete new system? Im actually talking to a different programmer to see if this is possible. Give me a day or two to figure out the scrope of the project. But definitely sounds like a great feature.
  16. You as in me???? Sorry I dont really use money flow.
  17. Can you explain what a Blotter is? Also what did you mean when you said you wanted the software to spit back the same format? Thanks
  18. Hi guys, Its great that you brought this up Brownsfan. I am currently redesigning the site (hired a professional). I am also looking to add a few custom features and a few things on my list included: 1. Thread rating system from a scale to A to F. So if each thread can have a rating next to it and can be sorted out by rating. 2. Trading Stats feature. The same exact concept brownsfan mentioned. I would like to actually discuss this with you guys on some of the features you prefer to see. This may include stats, bio, etc.. But I would need to some help on what type of stats. 3. Youtube like video section to make multimedia more interactive. I would like to see more traders make use of visual learning by sharing. What do you guys think?
  19. Anyone catch that? Ym trading at 13403 now...
  20. Interesting. I missed that one. Here is an interesting Support level coming up on the YM. Cluster of weekly piv, S1, and 2 day 61.8% fib retracement. Note: The swing low on the fib is using a 9:30am EST open and not a 24hr timeframe.
  21. There is a time limit for post edits. We do this mainly for spam protection purposes.
  22. Looks like that 13400 was a great area to be shorting prior to the afternoon. I called it a day after the first 90 minutes today. Hey Tin, keep it up. I know you will reach where you want to be. Hard work and perseverance. Im actually considering consulting a trading psychologist to improve my trading. Most of my losses are always because of my lack of mental discpline. There are a few things I have yet to understand about my own psychological makeup and looking to understand them better to improve my trading.
  23. Oh yes.. I had a 3 day serious slump. Partly because I wasnt really in the zone with the US markets. Glad you are doing better now.
  24. Actually, I traded half my position with a 20pt stop on the first trade and a 10 pt stop on the second trade. I felt extremely comfortable. I think I am more concentrated now on 1-3 trades a day with at least 20-30pt swings. How are things for you Tin? I havent had a chance to get up to date with you.
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