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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Very interesting. Thank you Janice for the info!
  2. Thank you notouch. Some excellent points you bring. Very interesting how you mention that only a minority of trading activity is speculative. The reason I say this is because in my opinion, any type of trading is speculative in nature. Including commercial activity, hedging, arbitrage, etc.. Traders are all placing a bet to extract money. Maybe someone can add some better input for me. Another thought that came up... can we expect to see a more trending market if more traders become automated? All the chop and noise is created by a battle of emotions imo. Or perhaps a 1minute chart will start to appear like a 3min, a 5min like a 15min, etc..?
  3. Ive been spending the past 2 months going to various trading firms for interviews on a prop trading position. What I have learned is that pure discretionary traders are a rare breed. Most institutional trading is automated using statistical strategies, arbitrage, hedging, etc... (im still unfamiliar with all the different styles they have) It seems as if technical trading frightens management because they have no clue what traders are actually doing. Hence, they prefer to train traders who come from a more mathematical background. My question is this. Should discretionary traders be worried about the future of trading? Can discretionary retail traders compete with insitutions that pump millions designing automated systems, high tech platforms, top notch data feeds, etc... ? It seems like traders can now profit through advanced systems without actually knowing how to trade. (without knowing technicals, trader psychology, etc..) Do we even need traders? In the near future, are we likely to see more systems and less traders?
  4. Its expired now and will no longer be updated.Thanks
  5. I think our minds initial reaction to knowledge that conflicts with our belief system is to deny it. An elderly person once told me "that no matter how boring a conversation, there is a chance that out of 1,000 lines you might find one that can change your life for the better. So always listen." For me, many new insights have come from trigger words from converstations with different people. Certain phrases or concepts spark an instant interest in my mind. I then get creative with the idea. I think as much as we constantly like to expand our knowledge and view of the world, we are limited to what we know. Which is why I enjoy talking about business and trading frequently with my friends. Whether its positive feedback or concrete critiscm, I view it all as a positive experience.
  6. He's the guy who got me into pivots initially with his first book. I have not read his latest book or subscribed to any of his services so I wouldnt know exactly. But I give him alot of credit for introducing me to pivots.
  7. Hi Brownsfan, I would suggest you start those threads. The design is getting close to done now... we are having some issues with the database and trying to make it less server intensive. Regarding the bodyspace like portal, that is going to take alot more time than I expected. The reason being... I found one programmer for the job but he disappeared half way through the project. Now, I am looking for a different programmer but alot of them are unable to create this system. Once I get the design done, I will get to work on the portal.
  8. I agree, there is so much to learn through sharing and receiving feedback. You constantly want to improve yourself when you are put in a situation of helping and sharing.
  9. In case you havent checked it out, TradeGuider held a webinar for us. It can be found here: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/index.php?page=webinars You will need hotcomm installed to view this.
  10. Hi walter, An open test drive happens when the markets test one end at the opening just to reverse and continue strong in the opposite direction. What it is doing is testing for sellers or buyers usually at a key level of support or resistance.
  11. Hi guys, Doctor Janice is currently away at the moment. My apologies... I published this article on her behalf. She should be back shortly and will be more active here on the forums.
  12. I have to agree that Bramble's post was not necessary. Every contribution/post should be treated with respect. If traders have something to say.... contribute and not just trash another members post/article. I have invited Dr. Janice on board with us here to add value to this site. Where else can traders freely interact with trading psychologists with valid credentials? My request is that if you do not have anything positive to post, keep it to yourself. Any ET type behavior here... I do not tolerate. Thats what ET is for.. not here.
  13. Its a list indices available on Tradestation data feed. I think majority is the US markets.
  14. Yes, exactly what walter said. Check to see if the software comes with a time of sales. Sometimes brokers will ask you what it is and why you need it. Swtich brokers. Alot of trading platforms should have it. The DOM you showed on the pic for Tradestation is called the Matrix. Other platforms will refer to it as the price ladder.
  15. Hello all, I recently installed a wiki and forum bridge to start a new information portal for traders. This was one of the requests that came up some time ago. I did some research and looked into it and did manage to find a wiki system that can be integrated into our current forum system. The problem is I have never used wiki. I do not know how you are supposed to add content, edit, delete, etc... Can anyone delete content? Doesnt wikipedia ever find content deleted due to some prick who goes on to wreck sites? I have a new system setup here: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/wiki/index.php I wanted to receive some help on getting started. Are users allowed to copy contect directly from Wikipedia? I am trying to organize the HELP and FAQ section of the wiki system and wanted to see if I can grab content from wikipedia directly. Thanks!
  16. I completely agree. 2 years should be the minimum educational period for trading. If you can look back after 2 years and laugh at all your stupid mistakes, youre on the right track. If youre still using same methods from day one... then you may have to think of a new career. Btw, welcome aboard thundertrader. It says you are from Jamaica. Very nice!
  17. Hi guys, Sorry about that. I deleted it initially because I received it as an reported post in my email. I put it back live again since I do not find it offensive in any way.
  18. Hey thats a great idea. I will add it on my to do list.
  19. Just speaking out loud here but she could start a website and look to grow it. Short term fix might be purchasing rare items to sell on ebay. Quick triple up if done right. (ive delt with alot of rare sneakers in the past. Former ebay powerseller too lol) For college students, simply purchase used textbooks from students and resell them on amazon. I used to make a few thousand at the beginning of each semester just selling books.
  20. Hi, I have fixed this error. But I have disabled the revenue sharing feature until I can figure out the bug. Thanks
  21. The TraderDNA portal should be integrated hopefully by this week. Regarding the bodyspace system, it is being delayed at the moment. I had a coder working on the system but it has been extremely hard to communicate with him and I have cancelled the project with him to hire another coder. The site design should be done early next week or so. The "Ask A Trading Doctor" forum should also be active by this week. I will keep you all posted on the progress. We have a new logo as well. I have attached it so take a look and send me your feedbacks. Thanks!
  22. How about psychology? I would definitely major in it. But regarding econ or finance, both would probably be ideal.
  23. 4 days left... keep the quotes coming guys!
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