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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Yea, sorry about that. The tech guys at the hosting company are working on it as I speak.
  2. Ok, it must of been the tech guys at my hosting company fixing my server up. Things should be good now.. just my freaking email is not working yet.
  3. Hi Don, I was on earlier myself but did not notice any issues. It may have been a DNS propagation. Excerpt from wikipedia: "Many people incorrectly refer to a mysterious 48 hour or 72 hour propagation time when you make a DNS change. When one changes the NS records for one's domain or the IP addresses for hostnames of authoritative DNS servers using one's domain (if any), there can be a lengthy period of time before all DNS servers use the new information. This is because those records are handled by the zone parent DNS servers (for example, the .com DNS servers if your domain is example.com), which typically cache those records for 48 hours. However, those DNS changes will be immediately available for any DNS servers that do not have them cached. And, any DNS changes on your domain other than the NS records and authoritative DNS server names can be nearly instantaneous, if you choose for them to be (by lowering the TTL once or twice ahead of time, and waiting until the old TTL expires before making the change)." My internet provider took an extra 24 hours until I was able to view the site. This may be the case. Also, my mail server has been down since Friday afternoon still and the down time may have been cause by the tech guys fixing the server. Im not 100% sure what the problem is but things should be good by now or at least by tomorrow morning. Thanks Don and I apologize for the inconvenience. Hopefully you are able to view the site faster now though.
  4. Sites been running fine from what I see. It may have been your cookies or internet provider reading off our old server still. We did a server upgrade which took about 12-24 hours depending on location.
  5. The problem is finding a system that fits with the forum. What do you think if each user had a uploading portal?
  6. Yes it looks like it. Im looking into it asap. Thanks
  7. Hi Just, Im looking into it asap. It was working earlier but seems like the server went down. Will let you know shortly. James
  8. I'll keep you all posted once I start testing it out. Its going to be a pivot and mp level cluster indicator. Includes fibs as well.
  9. Sorry guys, my coder is doing some work on the site at the moment. I turned the thing off for now. Its a bug that shouldnt belong there at all. Thanks for the notice.
  10. Im currently looking into this. It could be that the seperate server where I host the videos is down. I will keep you posted as soon as I find out.
  11. Hi brownsfan, Did clearing cookies and cache files help? It seems to be working good on my end. According to my IT guy, once we updated the server we had to wait 12-24 hours for the DNS to be in effect. This apparently differs depending on your internet provider. I was one of the last ones that was able to see the site online again. Apparently my provider updates the DNS fairly slowly. Im wondering if its a similar issue you are facing. Try hitting f5 when visiting forums/ again to see if its working.
  12. With camstudio, you can save the files as .swf which makes the sizes signficantly smaller. You can then use the attachment to upload it directly or use the megaupload box to store in in a 3rd party server. Obviously storing on our server means it will never disappear. I do encourage traders to take advantage of techsmith products as they are extremely useful for trading. And also, post them here! Recording visually and receiving feedback I think is one of the fastest learning methods. Visual learning by far beats reading. Maybe I will create a seperate file storing feature where members can upload any type of file. This way, traders can post away their videos in their posts.
  13. Maybe look into Infinity if you are interested in the eminis. Also since you are a beginner you can have Infinity place an automatic stop daily limit on your account. In other words, it will liquidate and freeze your account once a predefined stop is hit. This could be $300, $500, $1000, etc... any amount you tell them. With the current capital you plan to trade with, I would say it will be hard to practice sound money management. You are severely handicapped to begin with. I suggest you paper trade your way to consistency with sound money management rules, solid strategies, and market understanding before risking a single penny. You will be surprised to see how quickly the futures markets can diminish your account.
  14. Sorry about that guys. Just finished the server update. Should be running a lot faster now. Thanks!
  15. Hi guys, My deepest apologies about the site upgrade. I was finally able to log into my own site right now! We just upgraded servers to something multiple times more poweful than the previous one. I wanted to eliminate the website loading issues that some people experienced all together. Running a dual core dedicated now with 2gb ram so things should run smoothly. Sorry for the wait! James
  16. I will let you know if anything comes up. Im currently working on a similar indicator with a fellow programmer.
  17. Yea, Ant has decided to discontinue the indicator.
  18. The indicator is no longer being published. Thanks
  19. Soultrader


    Welcome James, Very impressed at how young you are. Trading departments are gonna love you. Good luck on your journey and will catch you around the forums. Soultrader
  20. Enjoy the holiday Janice! See you soon.
  21. Wow. Excellent post guys. Very interesting to compare both sides and its advantages vs disadvantages. With instutional trading, I have learned that it costs approx $1million to hire a trader. This includes, platform/system fees, data fees, etc... Therefore $3-$5million seems to be a minimum quota for insititutional traders. A prop trader mentioned that discretionary traders have the potential to make over triple of what an automated system can make. Hence the reason why major banks are still interested in hiring discretionary traders due to one big reason. Discretionary traders understand speculation and trader pyschology. As long as there is speculation, discretionary traders will be here to stay. This is where discretionary traders have the edge. But with the increase of automated systems, there is a need for discretionary traders to keep adjusting to the markets. I feel like discretionary traders are able to paint the markets freely using their hands and a brush while automated systems can only do so with adobe photoshop.
  22. Their server is down. Check back in a few hours.
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