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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Not really familiar with good liquors.. but im a sucker for Mohito's.
  2. Hi guys, I made a small edit on our core system file to fix the login problems. This should of done the trick. Please let me know if you are experiencing problems. Also, were you guys referring to the problem being the login or the site loading? Thanks
  3. Hey guys, Please try clearing your cookies. I can not figure out the problem because I am not experiencing any problems nor is the server. Are you seeing any error pages? Timeouts? If you can let me know precisely, I can perhaps take this up with the IT guy or hosting company to determine what the problem is. Thanks
  4. Tape reading in general is the same. Except with thin stocks, its relatively easily to manipulate so i wouldnt trust the tape. Ill go ahead and move this thread over to the stock forum.
  5. I think youre mistaking thin stocks with futures. All the tape reading videos show the emini index futures.
  6. Never seen anyone do it. I scalp off the tape.
  7. Please contact Matt Mckinney at m.mckinney@infinitybrokerage.com.
  8. Actually Khurram is no longer with Infinity. Ill have a new contact information for Infinity shortly.
  9. Excelllent post brownsfan. Very resourceful. I am also currently in the process of studying for my JSDA Examination which is the Series 3/Series 7 in Japan.
  10. Ok great. I couldnt figure out what the issue was with the remember me error. But I changed some of the settings and should of done the trick. Let me know if you ever get this problem again. Thanks
  11. I dont think so Walter. Was running fine on my end here all day. Are you still getting login remember me issues?
  12. Hi guys, I have fixed the attachment image problem. Should be okay now. Testing with walters monkey picture
  13. I think I may have fixed the problem. If you are having issues, please clear your cookies and restart your pc. Let me know if this fixes it. Thanks
  14. Ok thanks. Will look into Firefox too. Opera seems to be working fine at the moment.
  15. By the way, which browser are you using?
  16. Thanks brownsfan, I just sent my IT guy an email. Ill fix this once I find out what the problem is.
  17. Hi Walter, Not sure if you've seen this yet but might want to take a look if interested in Forex: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f55/chat-script-from-nov-7-2006-a-746.html
  18. Very interesting Walter. I havent got the time lately to trade the YM but will watch this when i get a chance to add some insight.
  19. Thanks walter. I see a link only also. I will have my IT guy look into this.
  20. Yes, the server was down again. I realized when I got back. I have resolved this issue and will make sure this does not happen again. My apologies.
  21. Hi walter, Okay. So im assuming the link problem is no longer there?
  22. This is a test attachment. Please let me know if you are seeing a link or small pic. PS: Im seeing the image as before.
  23. Actually, are you referring to the attachments?
  24. are you referring to the automatic image resizing feature I had?
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