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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. I agree. Health before wealth. Stress is probably the biggest cause for alot of sickness.
  2. Dont want to hijack your thread but I will add some inputs of my own. The most important thing for me to decrease my stress level is to go out. I mean work hard play hard. I do this once a week. Other than that, I like to meditate, watch stupid movies that dont require thinking, and work on this site. I happen to love operating this site so much that it actually eliminates mhy stress. I think the key here is to find a hobby or passion in something other than trading that you can relax on. Fishing? Golf? Tennis? Just a few suggestions. I tend to spend approx 12 hours a day focusing on trading and preperation. So when I return home, I like to do other things and completely forget about trading. This helps me freshen up my mind for the following morning.
  3. You will need to select a data provider that has access to all these exchanges. Then you will be charged exchange fees to receive real-time data. Interactive Brokers seems to have data feeds globally. You may want to check with esignal also as they have a variety of data as well. Exchange fees do add up, especially if you are trying to view multiple international markets.
  4. Thank you very much Janice. Great article and I agree with you 100%. Professional traders love the game more than anything in the world. The markets to me is a Goddess. Sometimes she treats me nice... other times she gives me a headache. But in the end, I love her so much that each day when I face the markets I tell myself... "Man, I love this job so much and feel so fortunate to have found trading." It is so important to feel good about yourself as you approach the market. Love the game and it will love you back.
  5. Hi guys, My sincere apologies on the delay for the development of the site. Its actually been two months now since the project has started and we have been working daily to get the new site launched. The problems we are currently encountering are bugs, bugs, bugs that need a whole lot of fixing. I have gradually started to implement some new features as I could not wait until the launch such as favorite threads, thread coloring based on hot, posted, and viewed... snapvine voicemail, custom avatars, profile friends and comments, etc... Some of the planned features could not be implemented at this time and we had to discontinue some of our development. Right now, we are working on a few more bugs and then we need to work on our front page design. Once this is done, we will be ready to launch. Its taking alot longer than expected but hopefully it will be worth the wait. I am the only one using the new design at the moment as I am testing out functionality each day... and I do like it alot better than the current skin. Its alot easier to navigate and user-friendly so hopefully the time put into will pay off. Thanks for the patience.
  6. I would love to but cant due to compliance reasons
  7. One of the things I do is to continously write down my thoughts and trading plan on Microsoft word as the day progresses. I will usuallly have a page of notes typed up by the time the morning session ends. (includes premarket notes) Then I will reread it and prepare for the afternoon. I do the same thing during the afternoon and after the market closes. This helps me get into sync with the markets. I particular enjoy writing my afternoon outlook during the doldrums and go back to see how accurate my analysis was.
  8. Hi Jerry, Im going to download it and upload it into my server so it stays permanent. Then I will edit your post to include the server url instead. Thanks Update: I posted the direct link to the file. However, as Cooter mentioned it would be best to save it in a format other than .exe. Perhaps .swf or .avi would work. EXE files are known to contain viruses so users may not want to download the file. I have scanned the file and has absolutely no problems but it would be great if you could re-upload it for security reasons. Thanks Jerry.
  9. Hey James, I hear you completely. What I like to do when I feel totally out of sync with the market is to spend 2-3 days taking notes and observing instead of trading. This helps me get back on track. For me the most important thing is to be in harmony with the market. This means understanding the language of the markets, seeing all important levels, and having a clear view of the short term profile of the market. If I can not develop a solid trading plan for the following day, I usually note in my journal "apply a conservative strategy by waiting for a developing profile".
  10. I used to be into guns insanely. Since real guns are illegal in Japan, I used to do guerillla warfare in the woods where there is a motorcross course in high school. I have a gas powered desert eagle, berreta, glock, M4A1, and a PSG1 which is a sniper rifle. Used to custom the hop (spring) so the bullet flies twice as far. We used to dress up in guerilla warfare outfits with eye masks, face masks, extra clips, batteries (for the M4A1), etc... A whole lot of fun Note: unlike the US, bb guns here dont come with the red cap.
  11. Great idea. Perhaps when a member points out that he/she is a vendor or educator they can be placed in a seperate usergroup for clarification purposes. Hence under their username a different label will appear. I will add this on my to-do-list.
  12. Im not a big fan of Transformers although I did grow up on it. But seeing the previews.... I am dying to see this movie. Anyone get a chance to watch this? I saw Die Hard 4 earlier which I actually enjoyed. Gotta love movies that dont require thinking. Its sort of like relaxation therapy.
  13. Well I personally have paid over $150 for Joe Ross' books. However, I am more than pleased to have him on board with us. This place is about knowledge, improvement, and education. Any content and information that fall into this category is valued from my perspective. Regarding vendors and educators, the tip on having to include this in the registration process is an excellent idea. Also please feel free to post any thoughts or recommendations regarding this topic. I will absorb these ideas and try to create an atmosphere accordingly.
  14. Correct me if I am wrong but did Quest Trade in Canada offer futures?
  15. Thank you very much for starting this thread Walter. I too agree to the full extent with respect for anyone who comes on board the forum. Even if a trader offers services and products, as long as the person is not openly solicitating his services on the posts they all deserve respect. Regarding partners on our site, I have not been charging advertising fees at all. I have invited the partners on board to add value to the site from an educational perspective. The responses regarding Joe Ross' posts was clearly unappropiate and I am responsible for deleting all replies. Nick, I had to delete yours too because it was a continuation of the previous post and it was just ackward leaving your post in. My apologies if this offended you. As a matter of fact, I left a deletion note with all the posts but apparently they did not appear. This is probably one of the bugs in our new system we are creating for the forum and affected the current site. My apologies on this again. I have tried my best to make this place comfortable for all traders and an atmosphere where traders can respect each other to the fullest extent. And I am very happy with the way things are and would like to keep it this way. I have seen too many forums lose its integrity due to disrespect and trash talk. In any case, if trash talking is the preference of any member I urge you to visit the other forums as they seem to tolerate these behavior. I also try my best to keep this place extremely clean from spam and junk and to maintain a Quality environment. I am very thankful for having an excellent group of moderators and registered traders who have helped me in many ways. One thought I have regarding the recent Joe Ross incident is that by allowing unappropiate comments, it creates an atmosphere where this becomes the norm. So in my opinion the best thing to do is to squash it before it spreads. I hope traders can respect my view on this and if there is any comment regarding this, please get a hold of me through pm or email and I will do my best to make things as comfortable as possible while maintaining the core philosophy of the forum. Thank you.
  16. My best advice is to stare at the tape for some time. Its pretty impossible to explain in words. Look for the flow, big lots, rallies on small lots, swift rejection, etc...
  17. ahh okay. It really depends on the contract you trade... I would place any lot great than 25 on the YM to be signficant enough to grab my attention. 100 lots or more on the ES and 20-30 on the ER2. With thick contracts like the bonds... anything over 1000.
  18. Soultrader

    Wheat WOW!

    I think several traders here trade AG futs. Paul seems to be pretty familiar with them.
  19. Yes, best to make sure with your platform vendor. White simply means that the transaction took place between the bid and ask. A transaction can take place between the bid and ask even if the minimum tick fluctuation is 1 point. This occurs when a buy market order matches a sell market order at the same time but were not showing on the level 2 market depth data. Hope that makes sense.
  20. Thanks cooter, I changed the formulas and updated the pivot calculator accordingly.
  21. The 233 tick is just a personal preference. Regarding key levels.... this is entirely up to you to judge. What determines a key price level is based upon what you consider a significant level of support and resistance. I use alot of pivots, previous day high/low, and market profile levels.
  22. They are working fine here. They are hosted on a seperate shared server aside from the forums. Might of been that the server was busy or so.
  23. Hi Walter, I think we have managed to fix the problem. Please let me know asap if this happens to you again. Thanks
  24. Yep. I made the database restore all cookies so users will have to login again. Regarding the site load, I will ask around to seek a solution.
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