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Welcome to the new Traders Laboratory! Please bear with us as we finish the migration over the next few days. If you find any issues, want to leave feedback, get in touch with us, or offer suggestions please post to the Support forum here.


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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Hi, I have temporary disabled autosave. Please let me know if you are still seeing the problem. I will find a fix to this asap. Thanks
  2. Hi Chris, Yes, I just noticed that myself. I thought I had pressed enter by accident or something. It might be the save draft feature that I installed. I will look into this asap. James
  3. Dont know if thats available anywhere.
  4. Hi, This feature is not available. I will incorporate into the system once it is available but dont count on it anytime soon. The best way to save threads you want to see is mark them as favorites. Thanks
  5. hi James, Yes of course. I will make a subforum under traders log that can input individual trades.
  6. Update: We have started our new server switch. (wow that was fast!) We are upgrading to a managed dedicated server this way I dont have to kill myself trying to figure out what went wrong. The process will take roughly 3-4 days I think. After moving my server twice and screwing it up twice.. I have a better idea of what to do now. Hopefully there will be minimum downtime through this process. Thanks
  7. The trick is to play the cards against an amateur and play the man against a pro. New players play loose and will call anything. Which is why patience is needed and all that is required is one hand to send him home. They never know what hit them while you were setting him up the entire time.
  8. Hi Walter, I have sent your info as well. My apologies and thank you all for your patience. I have officially decided to ditch my server company. For those who are interested, dont ever go with http://v2.hivelocity.net/. They are the worst server company I have ever encountered. The only reason why I wanted to stick with it is because I have a pretty solid server at the moment and the whole process of moving can be a pain in the butt. I will begin the process of finding a new host. I hope to have a new server up and running by the end of the week. Thanks.
  9. Thanks brownsfan, looking into it now. I am considering switching servers at the end of the month. My current hosting company are unable to solve this problem which is unacceptable. Ill let you know in a few hours.
  10. Good suggestion. I will look into this. Meanwhile the only way would be one thread per user per day. Grouping it would be difficult as it will require customization, but I may try to figure out a way to group them by diff days or member.
  11. For those of you who are still experiencing server not found errors, I would like to further investigate this issue. On our side, we have reinstalled a different firewall for our server and had about 4 IT guys take a good look at the server. We have found nothing wrong with the server at this moment. In order for us to investigate we need the following information. 1. Location 2. Tracerts 3. IP Address (I have this information on me but please send me your IP if you are connecting from several locations) Please pm me with this information so I can have a seperate network team investigate the issue. Our guess at the moment is some kind of network problem as this problem seems to be limited to several locations only. A Tracert can be obtained through sites like here: http://tracert.com/
  12. Hi Brownsfan, From the earlier posts, it seemed like you wanted to track trades at the end of the day? I can add further input boxes under the new forum. What sort of ideas do you have? Would you want me to add the following input boxes as well? # OF SETUPS: # OF SETUPS TAKEN: % OF SETUPS TAKEN: WHAT GROSS PTS SHOULD HAVE BEEN: ACTUAL GROSS PTS:
  13. For those that are interested in logging trades, this forum is designed for that purpose. The basic layout forces users log End of Day trades. For any other inputs and insights please use the standard message box. My advice for all traders is to post a chart up as well to in order for other traders to observe your trades and provide concrete feedback. If you have any questions, please feel free to post it in our support forums. Thanks.
  14. I have dedicated a new forum just for this. It can be located under Technical Trading and is labeled "Traders Log". All new threads in this forum are dedicated for trade logs and have a default template style. Please take advantage of this section. Thank you.
  15. Just checking to see if anyone is experiencing any problems still? If so, please let me know the area where you are connecting from. So far I am aware of the NY area having connections problem.
  16. Great idea brownsfan. Give me a few hours while I look into this to see if I can get some kind of unique format for posts. I may open up a new forum for this.
  17. Hello, I personally too have never had any difficulties viewing the site from multiple pc's across the Tokyo area. The IT guy had mentioned that it could be the some IP locations need updating. Here is the exact answer today: "Thanks for your email. As for the site access, no it has no relation to the skin as the skin is not set to public view yet and if it had a relation to the database, it will show a database error but visitors will be still able to access the site, even the error page. What I think is that it's a proxy problem from some users' ISPs as you have changed the server and it takes sometimes for ISPs who are using proxys to reflect the site all the time in a right way." Hopefully things will run smoother after the end of this week? I have some ppl over at the hosting company investigating into the situation so will let you know shortly. My apologies for the inconvenience. One note.... have you all tried flushing your DNS? Regarding the database errors, that was a temporary restart on our mysql database. The guys over at my hosting company needed to restart the database for investigation reasons.
  18. Books wont help... i never read a single poker book. I play the man, not the cards. Which is why I used to do alot better on the poker tables compared to online. Its like trading... its a game of psychology.
  19. Hello guys, I will contact IT right away and get this problem fixed. I will consider moving to a new server if I have to as well.
  20. Hello, Just heard back from my IT guys checking the server configurations... there seems to be nothing wrong with our server. Can you try flushing your dns on CMD? Go to Start > Run> CMD and type "ipconfig /flushdns".
  21. hmmm.... the arrow button takes you to the latest unread post. I'll see what I can do but because that section was created by someone else, it might be hard to implement such feature.
  22. You are definitely on a good start in terms of being young. One thing though I learned though.... as I aged over the years I became alot more fearful and conservative. I used to be fearless because I didnt know any better and didnt have anything to lose. Now, I have alot more responsibility and reputation that I am keen on preserving. At times I do wish I could gain that momentum back. However, patience was learned through experience and time. Which is definitely a positive in the trading game. I am currently 25.. just turned 25 last month. I started my first business at 18, which flunked miserably. Attempted the same business at 20 and did extremely well. Dealt with rare sneakers and apparel. I started playing poker professionally from around 18-19 and built my first trading stake through my poker and business income. Got too absorbed with poker and my biz... as I had zero money when I first went to the US for school. Left college, started day trading, now trading for a firm. In the end, I think if you want something badly you will figure out a way. It is all in the mindset... enough energy into thoughts turn into action. If you really want success in trading, you will start to become alot more aware of the things you do that prevents success. Like Livermore said... "Once you realize what not to do to lose money, you start to win." I think for traders that struggle, admitting to your faults and taking full responsibility is a big challenge. Once you are able to clear that hurdle, you really get into the mindset of treating trading as a business. Trading used to be, well... trading for the first 2 years. Now... its 100% work. 12 hours day in day out is what I put into this game. Sometimes ppl just need a little trigger. In Japanese we call it "Ki' ka ke". Its that chance, opportunity, kick, spark that allows ppl to bloom. Whether it be an environment surrounded by better traders, a trading mentor, etc... dont hold out something you know that will help you. Prolonging your step to success I think is the biggest waste of time. I tend to learn everything in life the hard way.... definitely not proud of it and would avoid it if I could. But I do take pride in my experience. Good luck to you.
  23. Welcome Jim. Plenty of resources for you to absorb here. Good luck!
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