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Market Wizard
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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. GCB, are you sure about this? Maybe the edit image button isnt loading? Theres no customization that we need that should be conflicting with the edit image. Would you be able to specify which forums this occurs in so i can take a look if we did something unique to a specific forum. Thanks
  2. Thank you very much for your contribution traderlu
  3. Yea this will be a nice forum. I'll definitely bug MrPaul as well about interacting here. Im not a candlestick pattern based trader so will be a avid student here
  4. Same here Paul. We all learn from our mistakes. I feel like a complete idiot when I first started trading. And i was so prepared to make a killing back then. Ha!
  5. I think its important to understand fully what market making really is and how market makers function. Otherwise you will be misinterperating what Level 2 is telling you. In regards to tape for markets with no market makers, I find it to be the "truth". Theres a few "truth's" in trading I consider: volume, tape, market profile (the concept), and trader psychology. I would love to hear about your findings on tape Torero. As you know I am a hardcore tape reader even in the most boring and slowest instruments. Any new insights is fully appreciated.
  6. Yea we use campfire. So im assuming not many traders occupy the chat room now? I personally can no longer make it due to the time difference. I might just revert it back to the old chat system if no one is using campfire.
  7. hey nams, Im aware of your site and like it very much. Why not include a link in your signature? you are more than welcome to do so.
  8. Hey guys, I personally havent used TraderDNA yet so would not know exactly. But what it is supposed to do is break your trading down into pieces. TS reports is good imo but TraderDNA offers more than that. It analyzes which time periods you are good in, etc.. and autolinks your brokerage trades to the portal. Im planning on integrating the portal shortly so perhaps I can get them to offer a test run for those who are interested.
  9. For the experienced traders this is heaven. I agree absolutely. Especially with this wild swings.... wow! But for those who trade with small accounts and lacking the years in experience, these emotional markets can be difficult. You need lightening speed execution and the ability to act. Its been pretty wild here in Tokyo too... but since there is no overnight trading hours the gaps are RIDICULOUS!
  10. Volatility has been insane in with the US index futures and each trader needs to adjust their money management accordingly. 10 lot YM traders can make the same amount with 5 lot. It does seem like ER2 traders have shifted into the YM and I personally congradulate any intraday trader making money in this current condition. There is alot of noise and I would feel alot more comfortable staying away from any intraday trading. There are plenty of other markets that are easier to trade at the moment. Longer timeframe participants have been liquidating over the the last 2 weeks followed by slight short covering. Nervousness, fear, panic... all these emotions have been expressed over the past 2 weeks by the bulls. While shorts have been gaining further confidence since early this week. For traders who are struggling with the index futures, perhaps look for a less volatile market to trade in. This market condition is not ideal for new traders and traders with small accounts. (it will easily wipe out your account!) Anyways, been reading some of the trade logs and has been great. Keep it up guys and congrats to brownsfan who takes 30 plus ES pts a day. Freaking amazing. Seems like US traders are having a lot of fun now :woah: Out here in Japan is like.... :sleep:
  11. Yea seriously... I just woke up (5:50am here) and turned on my S&P charts. WOW! Almost a 30 pt decline eh? Tokyo should be interesting today.:wohoo:
  12. Simple. Trader psychology and supply vs demand
  13. Not sure how it works out in the US. But having a solid track record in combination with a good sound knowledge of the markets and trading will help. If they interview you and you can not impress them with your knowledge you wont have a chance. In Market Wizards, I read somewhere that a trader had remembered all the stock symbols on the NYSE and landed a job. I agree it is a very competitive position. BUT... I think an intraday trader with a few years of experience has a significant edge over other applicants. This is because intraday traders are able to process and understand market information on an extremely short term basis. In other words, they are able to grasp a clear map and language of the markets. Anyone else applying for a junior trader position will most likely not hold such knowledge. He/she may have a solid educational background but what does he/she know about trading? In this field, educational background means almost nothing. Whether you graduated Harvard or straight out of high school, the bottom line is going to be can you generate money for the firm? If you are consistent with trading and profitable you will have a shot. If not, what advantage will you have over other applicants? Also, with securities firm there is the back office, middle office, and front office. Trading and brokering is in the front office. Once you are stuck in mid or back office, you are not likely going to move into front office. So my advise is to apply to a trading position from the start. Good luck
  14. Is this contract traded in a different exchange besides Nymex? If so, it might be a good idea to observe the overnight S/R for those exchanges as well.
  15. hey brownsfan, Connection is working okay? So far I havent received any messages regarding any problems from members. Hopefully everything is good for you.
  16. I agree completely. I did not have a single person supporting me as a developing trader. Even my folks could not agree on what I did nor try to understand at all. People are so judgemental which is why even firms wont employ ppl majority of the time without credentials, education, etc.. I have always been a stubborn person and that stubborness did help me on my journey as a trader as I refused to quit regardless of what people said. With absolutely no support, the only person I could rely on was myself. You have to believe in yourself strongly in this game. And most of all, you have to want to succeed so bad that you are willing to do whatever you can to achieve success. This includes your own personal belief system and even your own personality. I had to adjust my mentality to that of a trader in order to trade successfully. Those who make it make trading seem so easy... but you never see what they had to go through to get to that point. People who assume everything in life can be achieved easily... are those who have never tried going after what they really want but fall victim to the "I am satisfied with whatever lands on my lap." I used to feel comfortable with what I had... but going to the US and meeting unbelievable wealthy ppl woke me up and I realized, there was alot more to achieve in life. You never know how poor you really are until you see the rich.
  17. Good to have you back feb! Hope you are feeling better and looking forward to all your great posts.
  18. Hey Bill! Welcome back! In regards to changes, most of the new features I have already applied. The only thing missing is a fib calculator, a trader map locator, a bookstore, and the TraderDNA portal. I also changed the layout for blogs entirely for the new design and added a few graphics here and there.
  19. Sorry guys, I totally forgot to update the video server. They should start working shortly. Thanks
  20. Are you kidding? I freakin loved that book Also liked Anthony Robbins and Napolean Hill collections.
  21. A pleasant quote delivered in my email by a fellow trader earlier. "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune." - Jim Rohn
  22. You might need a subscription to the New York stock exchange but from what I recall it was only $1 a month with Tradestation. I highly doubt it will be costy with IB as well.
  23. Hello guys, It seems like a few hours worth of data was lost when we upgraded servers. Unfortunately I can not retrieve them as the data is stored on our old server and by running a restore i will end up losing todays posts. My apologies on this... things never seem to go smoothly on server updates. But hopefully all members who were encountering problems with the site can now participate fully.
  24. Thanks Chris. Sorry about that.. need to fix this problem. It seems like I am flooded with site problems lately. Btw... i had a moderator button made right now
  25. Yes most likely it will. I am switching as we speak. Please give me up to 3 days until we complete the move.
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