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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Holy cow.... I totally feel his emotion though. As much as I dont necessary like this guy, he's been in this game a long time.
  2. Oh cool. I ddint realize we could embed google videos. Thanks cooter.
  3. Got an interesting documentary about LTCM for you CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD DOCUMENTARY
  4. Hi dbntina, You should be able to edit your first post and then edit the attachment manager. Pm me if you are still having problems.
  5. Just so you guys know... Nikkei gapped lower only to rally today. Seeing some strength in the Asian markets today. The markets here didnt take the US market decline on Friday negatively. Correlation gets a little distorted over the weekends but traders might be feeling a little optimisitc because of the Asian markets. Will be interesting to see what happens.
  6. Hello Janice, Thank you very much for this refreshing yet entertaining thread. While reading it allI can think of was... "that is sooo true!". Looking back at my own experience, the relationship I was most emotionally attached to was during the period in my life when things were the hardest and life was full of uncertainty. Very interesting.
  7. Article and short video clip by James Dalton, author of Mind Over Markets and Markets in Profile. Video Link: http://www.futurepathtrading.com//flash/Anatomy/Anatomy.htm Emotional_Evolution.pdf
  8. Here is an indicator created by Walterw. The original discussion is located here: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f56/hull-macd-2165.html. As I no longer have Tradestation, I am unable to support this or provide any snapshots. Perhaps those who are interested can test it out and post your feedback here. MACD HULL SIGNAL + H.ELD
  9. Excellent post brownsfan. Dojis are one of my favorite candlestick patterns from a visual and psychological perspective. I also think it is important to understand where the doji occurred. Dojis forming at key S&R levels are far more superior than dojis appearing randomly in a middle of a trend for example. Definiteley, the higher the timeframe the more significant.
  10. That arrow feature is something that none of my coders created... its a free feature that was written up on the open source area for our forum system. Copyright is also protected and would not know how to change this. I can try asking a few other coders but please dont count on this. Also, with the mark all threads button, I dont recall every having this feature. Im not even sure if its possible. Have you seen it on other boards?
  11. Soultrader

    Hull MACD

    Possible to add this in the indicator forum as a new release?
  12. Hi dbntina, Thank you for your contribution. If you happen to need any updating on the code, threads here can be edited at anytime so please feel free to do so. Also, would it be possible to add a screenshot of the indicator in action? It would help traders give a visual clue on what the indicator is all about. Thanks.
  13. sorry, i stopped using it due to frustration. Simply gave up on Sierra charts.
  14. Here we go! http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f52/august-funniest-video-contest-2169.html
  15. Oh yea I agree Blowrish. Its been an amazing series of threads. Ill have the next contest setup for best threads with potential multiple winners
  16. After going through the small account dillemma.... my sincere advice for all traders is that starting with a small account is the biggest disadvantage ever. Small accounts can not practice sound money management, further yet it has such a strong emotional effect on your trading that you are not able to fully bring out your potential as a trader. I think traders have a better chance working to save up capital to trade while watching and paper trading instead of the time committed to being successful with a small account. Its just that the way you trade and handle wins/losses changes dramatically once the financial pressure is off your back. The amount of trading experience and education you receive when trading emotionally (due to financial pressure) is actually the long route to overcoming the trading curve. I would say have at least $50k risk capital to trade no more than 2 contracts for any new trader. This is on top of your savings for living expenses. Perhaps trade 1 lot only during the morning session with a maximum drawdown of lets say 30 dow mini pts a day. Meanwhile go work part time in the afternoon to make up your losses. In other words, you will work for free BUT you are creating better odds to becoming a successful trader. Sounds like hell? Well.. welcome to the journey of making it as a trader. I might of sounded a little dramatic there... but I personally think a person not willing to go through that sort of experience is not fit for trading. A sacrifice for say 1-3 years for a lifetime career? Not a bad sacrifice in my opinion.
  17. The biggest difference between a private and insitutional trader is that you simply can not call it a day after hitting your daily goal. Its serious work and you constantly have to be engaged in the markets regardless of market condition. You could be the worst trader in a choppy market. But in insititutional trading, you are required to stay at your desk and look for opportunities. This has forced me to expand my trading to make it adaptable to any market condition regardless of whether I like it or not. Bottom line is... get the work done every minute the market stays open. The morning 90 minutes I use to go over charts, read the entire newspaper, and watch SGX open up. Lunch session is used to take notes of my trades and write up a report on my own analysis and bias towards the afternoon session. Perhaps even create a strategy that I can use for the afternoon based on morning action. The work after the close is used to reflect back on the day, do my regular TA and MP analysis for tomorrow, see what areas I can further improve, see opportunities I missed and how I can focus on capturing them, reading the afternoon papers, watching Forex, watching post market SGX action, typing up my daily trading insights and journal, etc... Its become a habit so not as intense as it used to be but all the hours put in keeps me sharp and up close and personal with the market. I have need urge to want to be in complete sync with the market. This means understanding what the market is telling me each day, finding clues, etc... Discretionary trading must be supplemented with strategies. Intuition can take you far only if you have distinct strategies for each market conditition. So are you going to approach the markets the same tomorrow as you did today? I personally do not. I understand Hubert just wakes up and trade. But he is primarily a scalper reading order flow. (which imo is amazing if consistent) I prefer to trade 1-4 times a day and try to capture nice intraday swings. My 2 cents Note: Its not 5 hours straight work. Im taking cig breaks in between, watching bloomberg, chatting with other traders, eating, etc....
  18. hahaha I like it. Stickers will take some time to create. How about we go with the most funniest internet video clip you can find. That should be fun. Ill post it up in the announcement section
  19. woah nick1984. You would be a giant here in Tokyo. Im 5'11, used to be a complete athlete and sports freak but ever since I started trading..... no comment. I should get back to the gym... I dont think Ive broken a sweat in like 2 years. Oh yea... maybe try the Billy's Bootcamp excersise. lol
  20. Yea I bought a $50 silver metal heat cooler. It works like magic. Regarding RAM, VISTA is so freaking annoying with just 1 RAM. I can fit 4gb max in here so might try to push the limit.
  21. Hey where can I get myself a Gecko shirt? I hear rumors they are coming out with Wall Street part 2? Anyone heard of it? Also looking back at the movie now with all these compliance regulations stuck in my head, it does seem impossible for Charlie Sheen to even be trading for his own account. Isnt that against SEC regulations to begin with?
  22. Interesting comment there Reaver. I must say one of the hardest things I encountered in trading was unlearning what I had learned. All the textbook stuff I learned was having a negative impact on my trading. I had to come to a point and say... Forget all this crap! I AM going to study the market and come up with my own ideas. The auction theory definitely helped me alot with futures. But I do not follow MP by the book. As a matter of fact, the only MP I use is just the concept itself. Once I understand the concept, I just focus on price action with volume and nothing else.
  23. Very nice walter. Been watching the Yen myself. Very interesting market. I hope to learn Forex one day. Been a pleasure reading your Forex posts
  24. As you may have noticed, I have alot of auto link amazon books on the forum. Basically I do it for educational purposes but at the same time I due collect a tiny percentage as commision from amazon. Every month they give me about $25-$75 free amazon money which I like to spend on my own personal trading books. I figured I'll start a contest once in a while so the winner can use those gift coupons that I receive instead. This month I received a total of $25.52 in free amazon money. Im willing to contribute this amount on your next amazon purchase. I want to make this into a contest form. If anything I can add the next months funds and combine it to a pool of $50 plus. Up to you guys. What i have in mind is a simple voting on threads ppl enjoyed the most or found the most valuable. We can start listing the thread titles and the member who contributed the most in those threads. Hence, the member with the most vosts will become the winner. I figured I could try to do this every month and the amount of Amazon money will fluctuate monthly. If you guys are up for it, please post your opinion here. Any other ideas of a contest will be appreciate as well. (no stock picking, performance based stuff please...)
  25. Hi Reaver, My all time favorite word is perseverance. I was able to go full-time by failing multiple times. It did take me a little over 2 years and 10 hour days studying charts, reading books, trading, staring at tape, etc... I currently spend about 12 hours a day engaged with the markets. Usually do my morning research about 90 minutes before the market opens and another 5 hours after the market closes. I busted out 2 accounts, found myself in debt, worked 26 days a month to pay off my debt and gain some capital, etc.. simply because I refused to quit. I was willing to do anything I can to become successful at it. The entire period of the learning phase I treated trading as if my life depended on it. (it actually did) So my advice for you is determination, patience, passion, and the motivation. You cant be stubborn also. Eliminate what doesnt work and craft what works. Eventually you will find your own technique, style, and methodology. Become a master at it. To a point that your style should be branded. You also need to be well capitalized as well.
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