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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Ill take a look into this. Thanks T.
  2. Hi Ant, Thank you for your recommendation. I did a quick search on amazon and found a different interesting books also written by Daniel Pink called, A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future. Are you familiar with this? Im debating which one to read at the moment. Thanks
  3. Abe.. you just did the unthinkable and let CNBC decide your entry on a trade. If you plan to be a trader, you need to rethink your strategy. First Rule of Trading 1. Never let anyone decide when or what to buy.
  4. Dont trade the YM anymore but from the glance at the chart... very poor entry level. What made you long there? Im seeing no support.
  5. Crap...I didnt realize I had left this one open. I take it back hanz, I was clearly misinterpretating the definition of technical analysis when I wrote this. What I meant was indicators and certain chart patterns. I think I posted something about this in a different thread somewhere.
  6. I havent seen a thread that discusses our right brain vs left brain functions and how it relates to trading. I figured I would start it here so Dr. Janice can add her inputs as well. When I first started trading, my trading was based strictly off my left brain. Now this seriously conflicted with the way I traded because I have always been a discretionary trader or a pure speculator. Right brain usage is a REQUIREMENT in discretionary trading. Here is the breakdown between right vs left: Left Brain Logical Sequential Rational Analytical Objective Looks at parts Right Brain Random Intuitive Holistic Synthesizing Subjective Looks at wholes While struggling as a developing trader, I realized I severely lacked functionality in my right brain because I had never quite used it. (this can clearly be seen in my drawings) However, I started to pick up books and audio tapes that dealt with expanding the right brain and applied it into practice. In my case, writing down my thoughts and insights daily helped me tremendously to grow my right brain. Even since I created this site, by contributing I was able to further expand my creativeness. As a result, alot of my trading now is through my right brain. What are some of the practices and techniques traders use to expand the left or right brain? When does your right or left brain kick in when you trade? James
  7. One of my favorite instrumental tracks... Anyone like this style? When it comes to hiphop... I tend to like pretty hardcore rap. I find it very inappropiate to post them here. :no:
  8. Ive been a hiphop head most of my life... just recently turned to jazz, beats, and instrumentals. Just one classic from the 90's....
  9. Hey Nick, You can just log out and log back in. That should clear all the unread posts.
  10. I have come to a conclusion... discretionary trading wins hands down. But how many traders will ever go on to master the art of discretionary trading? Just a few.... I say this because discretionary traders can constantly see warning signals and changes in the market with their own mind and vision. Therefore every setup is a different situation. Systems will never know what hit them until its too late.
  11. Youre right on point james. Trading alone is difficult at times to continously discpline yourself. Try to get into the habit of that work schedule and lifestyle. I think I heard this from Hubert before but a habit takes repitition of no less than 21 consectuve days in order for it to become a habit. Really focus on creating that lifestyle rotating around trading. Remember trading is not entertainment or a hobby. It is a life-time dedication and if you can retire successfully from it by the time you are late 30's consider it an amazing achievement. Im usually in bed by 11pm and up by 5am everyday. I am pushing myself now because trading is my passion. Yet, I do not plan to trade when im over 40. (ideally) I have alot of other things I want to do in my lifetime.
  12. Ive actually decided to change the forum title of market outlook to market analysis. If intermarket analysis threads become more popular, I will dedicate a new forum for it.
  13. Excellent. Quick question.... regarding mark threads read, what exactly were you looking for?
  14. I agree with Nvesta. When I go to the office, I keep my head high because I absolutely love what I do and not many people can say that. If Im tired (which I usually am from lack of sleep), I suck it up with 3 quick cups of coffee. By the end of day I usually have 6-8 cans of coffee in me. Sleeping in usually indicates a sign of depression and fear. You dread waking up because you fear the task you are dealt with. I myself have gone through this in the past. (not with trading) My advice is that if you are having difficulties achieving success in trading... observe, learn, and paper trade for a while. Build some confidence in your trading, gain some insights and go after your dream when you are ready. I rushed myself early in my trading career because I was so hungry to achieve success. That actually stalled my progress for 1.5 years and found myself in debt. Hunger and motivation is good... but in this game, you cant rush too fast because your capital flies as fast as you rush. In the early stages, focus on crafting your skill. Through time, experience, and expertise in one market/strategy/methodology, money will flow naturally. Once youve built the foundation, then you can start trading aggressively.
  15. Ok, I will keep this thread open for a few more days. Please keep me posted.
  16. Hi Blowfish, It is working fine here. Im not sure what you are looking for but the arrows do take u to the last unread post. Perhaps you have already read it previously?
  17. That would be an idea also... but I want to get traders to become more aware of the impact on global markets. Its definitely something more experienced traders will be informed about. New traders tend to get too caught up in whats happening in their market only and tend to dig for opportunities forcefully leading to poor setups and overtrading. It might be a good idea to get traders to expand their view of the markets and not limit themselves to trading just one particular area. The only reason I say this is because not until recently... I did not expand into various markets. But now that I am keeping an eye on various markets, my view of trading has changed tremendously. I'll wait and see if we can get more interest. Fixed income, interest rate futures, etc... is definitely not my area of expertise so would love to read about them.
  18. Hi Blowfish, The arrow button is now fixed. Please check and let me know if this is what you were looking for. Thanks
  19. Hey Tin, I just picked up Finding True Magic: Transpersonal Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy/NLP. Im going to read this over next week when I have time and will post a book review on it when Im done. Starting to get into NLP?
  20. What do you guys think about opening up a new forum dedicated for Intermarket Analysis? Basically dicuss various correlations in global markets whether it be stocks, commodities, futures, etc... Like how the semiconductors act in the US tends to affect the semi sector in Taiwan.. or how the Asian markets tend to rely on the US, etc... Index futures vs bonds, currency vs gold, etc... You think it will be active?
  21. Yep... thats the bottom line. You want something badly, you will find a way.
  22. Hi, How did you manage to login and create this thread? You must of logged in using a password you created? If you forgot your password, follow this link: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/login.php?do=lostpw
  23. Ahhh okay. I think that can be resolved. Let me get my coder to fix that up. He should have it done in a few hours I hope.
  24. Blowfish, I will look into this. Just to clarify, you are refering to the arrow at the threads per forum? Or are u referring to the latest threads box at the bottom of the site?
  25. Sorry to quote myself... but looks like the markets rallied?
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