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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Speed should be dependent on your internet provider. I have fiber optics here so never had any internet issues and is lightening fast. From my understanding routers are used when using multiple pcs from one line? I have a router as well but that is for my wireless laptop while my pc is plugged in direct to the modem.
  2. Hi 404, There is definitely an interesting correlation between the Nikkei and YM. Strong at times but because the Nikkei here is not a 24 hour market, gaps occur and I am unable to take advantage of the correlation. Therefore, I use the Nikkei reaction to trade the YM. The reason I trade YM is simply because I am familiar with it. Also with MP, I look for 1-2 trades a day. Over 3 will beovertrading in my style of trade.
  3. Hi Torero, What is your timeframe when trading USD/JPY. Its something I have been watching for the past 8 months now but have yet to jump into it. A very technical market in my opinion but still afraid of currencies due to my lack of knowledge in that market.
  4. here you go yjl, apparently the url was wrong: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/Trading%20Videos/Newbies_First_Trade.swf
  5. Check this section yjl: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f65/ I appreciate the support!
  6. I believe Steidlmayer mentioned this somewhere in his book but makes sense to me. We have range extension on both ends indicating that the big money (other timeframe traders) are expressing contradicting opinions. In other words the force of buying and selling is balanced. This shows that the markets (which moves only by big money) is still in the decision making process. So what will alter one side to step off so the buying/selling can push price out of value? Most likely good reaction by global markets or anything fundamental such as good earnings by a reputable company, interest rates, economic numbers, etc... Hence from a technical standpoint, unless these events occur I assume a rangebound day. Not always a neutral day but if I assume for it to be a neutral day, I can implement strategies such as responsive selling above value (or IB) or responsive buying below value (or IB). The tug of war is basically neutral. Something needs to break this force to make it one-sided.
  7. Ok great... I thought maybe there was a problem when viewing in a particular browser. Good to know things are running smooth.
  8. mister ed, What browser are you using? The pic shows the templates being distorted.
  9. I had to revise since the original script is not available yet. Hopefully this will make up for it for the time being.
  10. Hi timokrates, Try the Infinity AT demo first to see if you like it. I work closely with them so can negotiate good rates for you with Infinity. If you are a scalper, frequency should be high so I should be able to get you decent rates. Let me know.
  11. I use the Samsung USB CO1U Studio Condenser mic. Works like a charm.
  12. Hi timokrates, If you are a scalper the TS execution will not be suitable for you in my opinion. I personally recommend the Infinity AT (pm me if interested). I have had numerous cases of execution problems in the past with TS with matrix freezing, slippage, etc.. which is why I left TS. However, the charting software is top notch. Even the Reuters client trading ppl admitted it when I mentioned how much Reuters suck compared to TS. lol
  13. I have used VP in the past but have found MP to be more useful in my trading. Every comment I make on VAL, VAH, POC, etc.. is all based on market profile and not volume profile.
  14. It shouldnt be a problem if you are running a powerful pc. I used to have issues with my old pc.... but I upgraded recently to a Dual Core with 4 gigs of ram and having no issues at all. It may also be the fact that I no longer use TS but Esignal which seems to be less CPU intensive. TS used to kill my CPU. If you guys need help finding a recording program, feel free to drop me a pm.
  15. I wanted to thank those who have brought multimedia learning experiences into Traders Laboratory. Especially jperl, walterw, and Sebastian for providing the wonderful trading videos. I wanted to receive some feedback on this feature from the fellow members at TL. First, I value visual learning tremendously. Alot of things are easier to grasp visually at times. Same with audio... I personally am hooked to audio books compared to books. I am looking to make multimedia learning experiences more interactive in which more members can start posting trading videos for various reason: 1. To share knowledge and receive feedback 2. To ask questions using vidoes for personal development 3. Simply because you love to! I would like to receive any ideas or features members may want to implement regarding trading videos. I had a brief discussion about making a youtube format but this does not seem like a good idea. On the other hand, I was thinking of a credit based system in which video publishers could charge credit per video download. For example, a 30min tutorial may cost $1 per download, etc... However, I am not too keen on this idea at the moment. The thing I want to introduce is incenstives to get this area of learning more interactive. OR any format that could help bring more videos for traders to share and learn. Personally, posting all the videos and threads have helped me grow as a trader. I truly believe that teaching or sharing is a personal development as much as helping others. Now, the more experienced traders may disagree. (lucky you!) So, I am up for any suggestions. I understand some traders do not have the tech and tools to setup video recordings. Perhaps I can help on this matter as well. Please leave any ideas or comments and will look forward to creating a more interactive format for video sharing. Thanks.
  16. Please see todays YM/Nikkei market correlation and market profile analysis. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO
  17. Here is part 2 for the series. CLICK HERE TO VIEW PART 2
  18. Brief analysis for January 17, 2008. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO
  19. Yes, very good way of seeing it. The strategy here was definitely for price to return to value. It seems like price did extend the IB to the upside further before being rejected at VAH and dropping inside of the IB. (quite surprising to see that) Chart below shows final profile for 1/16/08. Profile shows a Neutral Day in which buyers and sellers exits below and above the initial balance. Hence, you will see range extension on both ends with little net change at the end of the day. A neutral day tends to be followed by a neutral day. Also note the TPO count at 68 vs 24 favoring sellers. Asian markets are still pretty choppy at the moment and unclear. Although a range can be expected, I will post some more charts when things become more clearer.
  20. Heres another short setup. Perhaps this belongs in the VSA thread as it is based on a test of the high on lower volume. But at the same time the main concept is for price to remain in the current value area. Notice that the developing value area is overlapping to lower compared to the previous day. This time my exits will be targetted above the developing POC around 12510-12520. Update Final exit at 12520 as planned. 3am here now and about to get some sleep. Chart shows my final exit. Good trading all and good night. :sleep:
  21. Very interesting monad. I am not familiar at all with the Taylor Trading Technique but always interests me to know areas of confluence using different methodologies. Regarding the exit strategy, it is one that I use for both the YM and Nikkei. I actually never looked at the Dax and I do not trade the ES so will not be able to confirm it. But I wouldnt be surprised if this technique can be applied to any index futures contract. Regarding the video, I moved it over in the premium forums. I will make another one for tomorrow and will post it in this thread.
  22. Update: Below chart shows exits based on market profile. I am taking profits before the 1/15 low as it may take some force to extend price below this pivot. Also using half the IB range as a target point using a normal day in mind. (normal day= IB range extension approx half of the IB range) Further explanation on this short trade can be found on my premarket analysis video here.
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