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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Quick MP chart for todays trading session on the ES.
  2. Good point brownsfan. Be prepared for the unexpected. During the credit crisis, I saw many senior traders sweating their balls off as they could not believe prices could drop so low. The best injstituional traders I met always hedged their positions during these times in case something unexpected and unfavorable happens.
  3. Over the course of approximately 12 months, we have grown significantly and have attracted a great crowd of traders. Some TL members have been with us since day 1 when the member base was less than 300-500. We are grateful for supporting TL all the way. Alof of great content has been published on TL and many thanks goes out to all the contributor and supporters of Traders Laboratory. We continue to strive to provide the nets best educational trading portal. We are looking to further grow Traders Laboratory. Hence the question: What further improvements would you like to see? A few requests have been made: 1. Live emini charts (possible in the future but requires funding) 2. Trading portal to log live trades and results (attempted to create this in the past but due to the scope of the project it was halted) 3. Video sharing system (currently brainstorming. Feedback appreciated) Please feel free to post any ideas you may have or features you would like to see in the future. We will do our best to implement any requests. Thanks
  4. I have talked to several fund managers and head of trading for investment banks. They have told me that in Japan at least many hedge funds are going flat at the close because they are getting killed holding overnight positions.
  5. Hi Mistered, Actually give me a few hours. Im going to start implementing this one script. I want to make the summary a neatly organized so members wont need to pour over pages. Perhaps we can start by posting the important links from the VSA thread and I will pile them all into a book format.
  6. Mister ed, Give me a few days. I have an idea I want to implement on summarizing threads. I want to implement this particular script which will allow threads to contain their own table of contents.
  7. Great idea mister ed. It will be a VSA thread summarizing the entire 100+ pages of the original thread. Also will be interested in adding further input to it. Would you like to start the thread? Or should I throw something up?
  8. Strange, I will look into this Sparrow. Thanks for the notice. No problem. Its a very handy little feature.
  9. List of dumb moments in my trading career. Today being one of them. 1. Ever get pumped up to trade, pour over your charts, create a trading plan, and get all in the focus just to find out that the markets are closed? Well today was one of them. lol 2. Triple clicking buy buttons just to find out that you now own 3 times your usual holding size. 3. Completely forgetting how many contracts you had on until the close. 4. Short selling on a downtick (not allowed in Japan) Ended up writing a full report to the Tokyo Stock Exchange. 5. My monitor went blank once and I panicked thinking it was a blackout and had my position liquidated. It turns out my pc went to sleep from inactivity. Anybody have any stupid trading moments?
  10. There are a few bugs that are still being fixed at the moment. Some boxes like reply, preview may not be visible. These are currently being fixed and should be done in no time. My coders are still working on the data recovery. My apologies on this once again.
  11. Dear TL members, We encountered a severe database corruption problem on January 21st, 2008. Our team of coders did whatever they can do resolve this problem. However, we were unable to fix this and had to run a database restore. This has caused all posts and data on January 20th - January 21st to become corrupted. We are taking a few measures to see if we can recover any of this. I truly apologize for this technical matter and will keep this thread posted on any updates regarding the recovery process. Regards, James
  12. Here's a dirty one: A blonde decides to do something she's never done before - rent a dirty movie. She drives to the local Video Warehouse and makes here way to the adult section in the back. After looking around at titles, she selects a something that sounds very stimulating. She drives home, lights some candles, slips into something comfortable, and puts the tape in the VCR. To her disappointment there's nothing but static on the screen. She calls the store to complain and says, "I just rented an adult movie from you and there's nothing on the tape, but static." The clerk apologized about the defective video and asked, "Which title did you rent?" The blonde replied, "It's called 'Head Cleaner.'"
  13. Hi Sparrow, Thanks for the reminder. I forgot to upgrade that favicon. Its fixed now
  14. hahahahahha.... OMG. This is so hilarious. Good one mister ed!
  15. Hi James, I dont think we can support files with that size. My suggestion is for you to upload the .avi with rapidshare.com or a different filesharing service. I will look into allowing ftp access to premium members by setting up another account with my server. Then I can restrict file uploads so you will be able to upload the entire folder. If you want, you can simply pack into a zip file and upload the zip file into rapidshare. Send me the link and i will unpack it, load it into my server, and send the file link back to you.
  16. Im having some esignal datafeed problems since mid Friday. Havent been able to retrieve any futures data. The Dow collapsing, did not expect that at all. Will add further analysis once I get this datafeed issue sortened out.
  17. Hi james, The current way is to upload only the .swf file using the attachments or a third party uploading site. Our attachments support a variety of other video formats as well but the problem lies when the file becomes too big. This causes the attachments to hang. What I do is to upload the entire folder camstudio produces and use the .html link as the video. This gives a nice video frame when viewing in a browser. The problem is, I can only do this as I have access to my ftp server account. Unfortunately I can not share this. One alternative is for me to ask my coder to build a system where members can upload files directly onto my server. However, this could cause alot of problems as well. First, what format is your video file? Second, how big is the file size?
  18. Upate for January 18, 2008 WOW Nikkei! After a dead morning session, afternoon session gapped up and took off. This optimism comes after the downtrend day in the US markets. I havent seen such a big rally on the Nikkie in quite some time. Will look for this positivity to be transferred into the US markets and will be looking for long setups for today. Previous analysis mentioned a possible rangebound day. However, I am looking for a potential rotation back into the 1/15 - 1/16 value area. Video can be view here.
  19. Expecting pretty interesting action today. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO
  20. Tutorial on the NYSE TICK geared for newer traders to determine strength vs weakness. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO
  21. Yes, my analysis for 1/17/08 was quite wrong. TICKS was extremely weak to the upside making it very risky for any long sided trades. (I dont stay up into the afternoon often due to the time difference) I had one trade at 12408 on the long side which turned out horrible as I watched price jump 40pts in my favor and then getting stopped out at break even. I guess I was too optimistic. Below shows my trade: Below shows a few mp explanations: So what to expect today? My analysis for January 17, 2008 was in expectation of a rangebound day. However, TICKS were trading mainly below the zero line throughout the entire morning session hinting extreme weakness and it turned out to be a trend day. Quite interesting. We can expect to see the markets take a breather after a trend day. Hence, will look to play within value. 12190 - 12420 are rough figures of the VAH, VAL extremes and will be focused on these levels as well as the previous day low. Asian markets as I write this is in a complete range with absolutely no movement. I mentioned before that I try to hold a macro view using market profile and using internals to confirm that view. Thus having an understanding of market internals is critical in my opinion. TICKS definitely did not confirm price action to remain inside of 1/16/08 range or value. Will post an update if I find something new.
  22. No not at the moment. That little feature for some reason needs updating as it can not be implemented since we upgraded our system. I am still waiting on it.
  23. I just heard that TS went down today again? Can anyone confirm this?
  24. One way to optimize your internet speed is by using a program like Tuneup Utilities 2008 which will automatically configure your pc settings to make internet connection the fastest. I have seen a few other programs out there which will increase your speed by over 30% but they are Japanese versions. Perhaps they similar softwares are available in the US as well. I must say 6 pcs is pretty impressive. Hopefully someone else can offer better advice regarding this issue.
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