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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Hi, PP took all his charts off recently and can not get a hold of ever since. Its unfortunate but I am trying to figure out a recovery process right now.
  2. [VSA] Volume Spread Analysis Part II I would like to start a fresh VSA thread due to the increasing length of the original thread. Please use this as a continuation of the first thread located here. PP has also removed the charts from his original thread (EDIT: they have since been re-posted). However, those that have been following the VSA thread should have gained knowledge tremendously. Hopefully we can make this thread as successful as the first one. Here we go. The brilliant game of psychology:
  3. Hi, I am trying my best to see if we can get a restore for this thread. If so, we will create a duplicate of this thread but with data most likely until yesterday. I will need to wait until PP gets a hold of me to see why the attachments were deleted. Also, one thing that still having trouble figuring out is how he managed to do so. Thanks
  4. I just found out about this. I will look into what happened. A database backup will not do as attachments (charts) are stored in a file server and not in the database. It appears PP did edit the threads and removed the attachments. I am still investigating why and how this was done when edit posts function disables after 30mins.
  5. First, let me apologize to those who had audio issues. I will make sure Joel and I send out more details prior to the event. It was our first time using gotomeeting and even attended a class on how to use this software yesterday just one day before the event. I will try to get Joel to have another one for us in the near future. I was able to record the event but will need the promise of not to share this event and view it for personal educational use only. Joel has requested not to be recorded but I felt responsible for those who were unable to attend due to audio problems. If you are one of them, please pm me and I will send out a link for the recording once I have prepared it. The audio is a little fuzzy but still manageable. Thanks
  6. The problem is still under review. I absolutely hate coding so letting my team of coders deal with this problem now. They have informed me it will take a little longer to figure out what is causing this issue. Will keep this thread updated. Once again sorry for the inconvenience.
  7. Hi, I will try to get Joel to organize this again. I am recording the event right now for those that will be missing it. Most of it is in lecture format right now brushing on specialists, market manipulations, and trading emotions. I will need to test audio once done.... but no guarantees. The reason Joel has abandoned hotcomm is due to constant technical issues in the past. Many webinars are now in the gotomeeting format. I am currently connected via skype from Japan costing me a few dollars only. Regarding spam... best to consult Joel directly. I cant see why he would spam anyone.
  8. Its the format for gotowebinar. Its the best webinar format available. JJ, It cant be Joel on the spam issue.
  9. Guys you need to call in to (605) 772 3434 access code: 399 - 624 - 994
  10. Try again. Joel is still getting it together. For some reason the time in the invitation he sent is slightly off. I am already in the conference.
  11. Update: We have located the problem. Attachment button on new threads is not working at the moment while on reply it is working. I am having a few coders look into what is causing this problem. Thanks
  12. I have received notice regarding the attachment function not working. I have a coder looking into this problem right now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  13. Thanks mistered. For those of you not registered, please make sure to register with gotomeeting once you get the invitation from Joel.
  14. Okay, lets get this sorted out. Ronin, your journal is not much of a help if you can not post charts/reasons for entries and exits. No one is learning here. I have no objections with a personal journal. But please use our blog system for this. This way you are not going to get bombarded with a ton of questions from other members and keep to yourself. This thread has gotten out of line and will be closing it due to this reason. For any further trade posts/journal please create a new blog. Otherwise make it educational with chart work. This has only become a bragging rights thread. Thanks.
  15. You dont need to do anything else mcichocki. Have you received an invitation from Joel?
  16. No problem, Namstrader you are invited. You did not receive our newsletter? Even so, you should sign up asap.
  17. Hi Eva, Definitely worth checking out. There are many equity traders that use market profile in their trading. Grasping the concept of market profile will be very beneficial for you.
  18. I can explain a few things from what I know here in Japan. I dont know much about arbitrage in the ES and such but for the Nikkei it is rather simple. The Nikkei is traded both in the Osaka Stock Exchange (OSE) and Singapore Exchange (SIMEX). The tick increment for the OSE contract is 10 yen while the SIMEX contract is 5 yen. 1 tick (10 yen) = approx $100 for OSE contract 1 tick (5 yen) = approx $25 for the SIMEX contract So arbitrage occurs simply by buying the bid and selling the ask. For example, you will buy 2 contracts at SIMEX at the bid of 12755 and then offer 1 contract at the ask on the OSE at 12760. This arbitrage allows a 5 yen profit with minimal risk. Unfortunately the system and resources required to do this can only be done by institutions. In regards to program trading, I have no clue how the calculations are done but depending on the difference btween the cash and futures, institutional traders will send out basket orders. Early morning reversals here in Japan are usually program orders. This is a common strategy applied by many institutions here. We used to be amazed by the 10:00am reversals as it was most likely controlled by one big institutional trader. What this guy used to do was buy a basket of best performing stocks and sell a basket of worst performing stocks. This caused massive reversals in the futures market.
  19. Short video on volume and pivot points. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO
  20. Interesting price action on premarket ES. See chart below:
  21. Looks great Chad. Can we throw this IRT version up in the Trading Indicators forum?
  22. Heres another stab long. Similar setup from previous posts and similar concept with trade location near POC. Trading is taking place mainly within the IB with minimal range extension downside. It does appear it will remain that way for the rest of the day. Stop @ 1382.50 (1.75 pts from entry) Profile is showing slight selling today. Most likely a low volume pullback after the recent rally. Volume is extremely low for the day as well. UPDATE: Quick exit here. Not seeing any potential big swings.
  23. I think Blu-Ray mentioned above to use Trade volume instead.
  24. Demand instantly disappeared above the PP level. Below shows 1st and 2nd exit for a not so good trade. Was looking for more pts but no demand bar was enough for a confirmation to exit. No demand is highlighted by a blue transparent circle. MP is showing symmetry and a potential overlapping to higher value looks weak at the moment.
  25. Long setup chart here on ES. Concept same with previous post still looking for overlapping to higher value placement. Basically looking to fade this entire morning decline. Trade location based on market profile at previous day POC and then reading price and volume. I have created a multimedia expanation for this entry point as well. Please click here to view video. Thanks for watching.
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